Troublesome blackheads, pustules and pimples. Check what to avoid with acne
Troublesome blackheads, pustules and pimples. Check what to avoid with acneTroublesome blackheads, pustules and pimples. Check what to avoid with acne

Acne is mainly associated with the hormonal storm that accompanies puberty. However, nowadays more and more adults report to a dermatologist with this problem. Troublesome pimples and the scars they leave behind are a difficult thing – although treatment is not the easiest thing to do, there are a few things that are better to avoid, because they aggravate the symptoms of acne.

It often has a hereditary background, and in adolescents it is associated with an excessive increase in the secretion of sex hormones, which stimulates the sebaceous glands to secrete sebum. Usually, the problem disappears after the age of 20, as hormone levels stabilize. Acne develops in three basic stages. It can take different forms, it all depends on the stage of the disease. The first and lightest stage is blackheads. These black or white spots appear on the face, arms, back and décolletage – in general, in all places where there are the most sebaceous glands.

The second stage of acne is pustules and papules, i.e. raised red lesions. They indicate inflammation developing in the sebaceous glands. The worst and most advanced phase of this disease is the formation of bluish-red nodules filled with pus. Here, the infection already covers the deep layers of the skin, and the tumors leave scars that are difficult to get rid of.

What causes acne lesions? What to avoid:

  • Stres – skin becomes oily under stress. In most adults, it is excessive nervousness that can cause overproduction of sebum. The work of the sebaceous glands is intensified as a result of stressful situations, because the skin is one of the organs that strongly react to mental stimuli. This also happens as a result of disorders in the secretion of hormones. Also, some drugs – hormonal and antidepressants – cause acne.
  • Highly processed products – choose mainly easily digestible, detoxifying and healthy products. Anything that contains artificial colors and preservatives can affect the deterioration of the skin. Most of the “chemistry” is found in salty and sweet snacks, carbonated drinks and food with a long shelf life. Sweets also have a bad effect – mainly chocolate, as well as fast food, butter, fatty cheese, fried foods and animal fats.
  • Salt – replace it with herbs. In addition, avoid hot spices – pepper and paprika.
  • Drugs – cigarettes and alcohol are not allies of a nice complexion. It is worth quitting smoking, and as for alcohol, it is better to focus on wine.
  • Sun – tanning is generally harmful to the skin, as it can lead to cancer. It dries the skin, so it begins to defend itself and secrete more sebum. That is why it is worth (regardless of the weather) to apply a light cream with a minimum SPF 30 on your face.

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