Want to pump up your muscular arms? This triset workout program will blow your biceps and triceps!
Author: Roger Lockridge
What are your plans for today’s workout? If biceps and triceps are on the agenda, you’ve come to the right place. This workout is not for the faint of heart, so your hands better get ready to handle the assault.
Your desire to become the proud owner of truly muscular arms will soon become a reality – use trisets. For those new to the iron world, let us explain that in trisets you do three exercises in a row without rest. When done correctly, trisets are a great way to increase intensity, save time, and pump as much blood into your muscles as possible. Stay on course and you leave the gym confident that hard work will ultimately lead to lasting results.
Each tri-set in this program includes a barbell exercise, a dumbbell exercise, and a cable trainer exercise. Each piece of equipment loads your muscles in a specific way. Use the barbell for maximum weight, the dumbbells to force the arms to work individually, and the pulls to isolate the target muscle and force it into a fixed movement.
Try to do all three triset exercises in one place. This will reduce the time it takes to move from one movement to the next. After completing the biceps triset, rest for 90 seconds and then move on to the triceps triset. You have to perform each of these two trisets 2-3 times.
The entire workout will take no more than 25 minutes, but by the end of the last rep you will feel like it lasted much longer. So, drink your beloved, warm up and mentally prepare yourself for the insane pumping that you are about to experience.
Triple assault. Biceps program
3 approach to 8 repetitions
3 approach to 10 repetitions
3 approach to 10 repetitions
Lifting the bar for biceps
You can use the EZ fretboard if you like. The main thing is to squeeze every last drop from the muscles and turn on every muscle fiber throughout the entire approach. It is important to smoothly lower the projectile in each repetition, and not just let it fall. With the barbell lowered, go straight to the next rep and generate maximum power. After completing 8 reps, drop the barbell and lift the dumbbells.
You can use the EZ bar. The main thing is to squeeze every last drop from the muscles and turn on every muscle fiber throughout the entire approach.
Alternate lifting of dumbbells
Doing this exercise with one hand forces you to focus on each biceps muscle. One-sided training promotes harmonious development and does not allow one hand to become stronger than the other. Again, take your time with the eccentric (drop) phase of the movement.
On the way up, fully supine the hand with your pinky finger facing your shoulder. Don’t swing the dumbbells. Get your biceps to do all the work on their own.
Bending a hammer on a block (in a cable trainer)
Exercising in a cable simulator maintains a stable tension in the working muscles, and no fiber is left unattended. When starting the lift, do not let your elbows go to the sides or forward. Keep your shoulders close to your torso. At the top point, spread the ends of the rope and pause for a second before lowering the load. When the weight is down and the biceps are stretched, stop for a second before starting the next rep.
Since you have already exhausted your biceps in the first two exercises, you will most likely have to work with an unusually low weight. However, there has never been a biceps curl competition, so focus on the quality of your reps rather than the weight you are lifting.
Triple assault. Triceps program
3 approach to 8 repetitions
3 approach to 10 repetitions
3 approach to 10 repetitions
French bench press
If there is no free bench, you can always do this exercise on the floor; other than limiting the range of motion, there is practically no difference. Keep your shoulders upright for each rep.
If you raise and lower your arms, your shoulders do most of the work, not your triceps. And if you want to complicate your life a little, lower the barbell behind your head.
French bench press
Dumbbell back bent-over
You can work with both hands at the same time to save time, but spending a few extra minutes carefully working out the hands separately will help you in the long run. Fix your torso, do not swing. Pause for a second at the top and bottom of each rep.
French press on the block standing
This exercise will help you stretch and contract all three triceps heads. Spread the ropes with the triceps overhead and fully contracted. On the way down, don’t try to stretch your muscles at any cost. Your hands should go through this movement without pain.
Implementation of the triple assault
By alternating between biceps and triceps triceps, each muscle group gets a break while the other works. This training format also allows you to work each muscle at a higher intensity, which should lead to increased strength and volume in your arms.
Beginners should stop at two rounds; this means that you must complete each three-set twice. If you have been training for more than a year and are confident in your abilities, try to overcome 3 laps.
I advise you to train with this pattern once a week. However, if your arms are your weak point and you need to increase the load to induce new growth, use the triset complex twice a week. In this case, divide your workouts by at least three rest days.