Food additives triphosphates are substances with pronounced stabilizing properties. As part of food products, they are designed to preserve their taste, smell and color in their original form during the shelf life. The starting material from which triphosphates are obtained is tripolyphosphoric acid, a derivative of phosphorus. Of course, there is no question of any natural origin of the additive; moreover, one of the varieties of phosphorus is generally poisonous. However, the food stabilizer with the E451 code, obtained in laboratories as a result of several stages of chemical procedures, did not show pronounced toxic properties as a result of long-term studies, so it is often added to food products. However, there is no definitive answer as to whether this supplement is completely safe.
The origin of triphosphates, their chemical properties
Основные разновидности фосфора, встречающиеся в природе: белый, чёрный и фиолетовый. Модификациями этих видов являются жёлтый и красный. В процессе сжигания фосфора образуется фосфорный ангидрит – вещество, из которого, путём гидратации, получают триполифосфорную кислоту. Синтезирование солей, которыми и являются трифосфаты, происходит из смеси ортофосфорных кислот и некоторых других компонентов – их подвергают дегидратации посредством нагревания. Полученное вещество далее проходит процесс кристаллизации. Пищевая добавка имеет вид белого порошка или гранулята. Она не растворяется в этаноле, но хорошо растворима в обычной воде.
Благодаря своим свойствам, трифосфаты имеют широкий спектр применения в пищевой промышленности. Их используют как структураторы, то есть компоненты, призванные улучшить структуру продукта; как регуляторы кислотности – они могут устанавливать и поддерживать в продукте определённый уровень кислотно-щелочной среды; как стабилизаторы – трифосфаты способствуют сохранению внешнего вида, формы, цвета и запаха пищи; как эмульгаторы – элементы с поверхностной активностью, помогающие создавать смеси обычно несмешиваемых продуктов.
Subspecies of food additive E451
Since elements such as sodium and potassium can participate in the process of synthesis of a substance, several types of triphosphates are distinguished in the industry, respectively.
For their extraction, slightly different initial mixtures are used, therefore, as a result of the reaction, it can turn out:
- трифосфат натрия (Е451i);
- potassium triphosphate (E451ii).
The chemical formulas of substances differ from each other, as well as their level of safety for the human body: potassium triphosphate is considered a more harmful additive.
The role of the substance in industry
On the largest scale, the E451 stabilizer is used in the production of meat and fish products: sausages, sausages, canned food, preserves. The triphosphates used in this case have an alkaline reaction, and, when added to meat and fish, they lead to an increase in the acidity of the feedstock. Because of this, the muscle fibers of meat accumulate a large amount of water, and the mass and volume of the product at the outlet increases. If you subject the meat or fish processed in this way to heating, their volume and mass will decrease again. The permissible content of triphosphates in meat and fish is up to 5 g per 1 kg. In various dairy products, the food additive is used because of its ability to emulsify fats.
In addition to these products, the substance is used for the preparation of:
- processed cheese (no more than 9 g per 1 kg of product mass);
- flour bread, frozen blanks of pre-fried potatoes (up to 100 mg per 1 kg);
- specialized drinks for athletes, artificially mineralized drinks (less than 500 mg per 1 kg);
- fruit products, canned food, glazed fruits (up to 800 mg per 1 kg);
- cheeses, concentrated milk, ice cream, fruit ice, surimi minced fish, milkshakes, cider, pasta (no more than 2 g per 1 kg of product weight);
- desserts, dry soups and broths, syrups (up to 3 g per 1 kg);
- cream, margarine, whipped batter, breakfast cereals, shrimp paste, potato products (up to 5 mg per 1 kg).
Also, triphosphates are found in the compositions of baking powder, various bakery products, powdered sugar, desserts, many convenience foods, minced fish, canned seafood. They are often combined with other phosphates and citrates.
In addition to food, the component can be found in detergents, it is used in the production of cement, in the cosmetic, perfumery and textile industries, as well as to protect surfaces from corrosion.
Safety and impact on human health
Experiments on laboratory animals and long-term studies have confirmed the fact that the food supplement E451 cannot be considered completely safe for health. If we talk about positive findings, there are only a few of them: the substance does not affect reproductive function and does not cause infertility. Science does not yet have information about possible mutagenic reactions, as well as any dependence on the number of offspring or their ability to survive.
Regarding the effect on the body, it is known that the E451 stabilizer is not excreted in the process of life, that is, it has the property of accumulating in organs and cells. It can negatively affect the mucous tissues, and therefore its constant use will cause the appearance of inflammatory processes in them. This is especially true of the digestive system, so people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are especially advised to avoid products with this substance in their composition.
Orthophosphates, into which the additive breaks down in the human stomach, can change the alkaline-acid balance in the body towards increasing acidity, and can also disrupt metabolic processes.
The accumulation of a substance obtained from food causes a violation of the absorption of calcium. As a result, calcium and phosphorus begin to be deposited in the kidneys by sand and stones, osteoporosis develops.
The additive also negatively affects the nervous system, in large quantities causing its sharp overexcitation.
Allergy sufferers and asthmatics should be doubly careful about this component in food, as it has the properties of an allergen, can provoke asthma attacks, reddening of the skin and a rash.
For food workers who encounter triphosphates at work, special precautions are provided, since interaction with substances can cause harm to the body. It is forbidden to work with triphosphates without a respirator, and the premises in which any processes with substances are carried out must have a powerful and constantly working ventilation system. If the additive gets on the mucous membranes or skin, the place should be washed very thoroughly with water and immediately seek medical help to neutralize the consequences.
Despite the known danger, triphosphates are allowed for use in Ukraine, Russia and some countries of the European Union.
The stabilizer and emulsifier under the code E451 is a well-known component of meat and fish products: preserves, canned food and minced meat. With its help, manufacturers manage to save on the quality and quantity of raw materials, since the use of triphosphates allows you to increase the weight of the product that will go on sale due to water. Because of this, the consumer buys water at the price of meat or fish, and this is not the only disadvantage of using triphosphates. According to studies, the substance negatively affects various processes in the body, causes a violation of the absorption of calcium, and contributes to its deposition in organs. The cumulative property of the supplement over time can cause inflammatory processes in the body, provoke the growth of tumors. For children, pregnant women and the elderly, it is better to refuse to eat food with these elements in the composition. A healthy adult is also not recommended to abuse foods processed with the E451 food additive.