Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)


Sine of an acute angle α (without α) is the ratio of the opposite leg (a) to the hypotenuse (c) in a right triangle.

without α = a / c

Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)

For example:

a = 3

c = 5

without α = a / c = 3 / 5 = 0.6

Sine Plot

The sine function is written as y = without (x). The graph is called sinusoid and in general it looks like this:

Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)

A sinusoid is a periodic function with a period T = 2π.

Sine Properties

Below in tabular form are the main properties of the sine with the formulas:

» data-order=»Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)«>Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)

» data-order=»Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)«>Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)

» data-order=»Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)«>Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)

» data-order=»Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)«>Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)Trigonometric function: Sine of an angle (sin)

SymmetrySymmetryPythagorean trigonometric identitySine of a double angleSine of the sum of anglesSine of angle differencesum of sines
Sine difference
Sine work
Product of sine and cosine
Law of sineSinus derivativeSine integralEuler formulaОбратная к синусу функция

– это обратная функция к синусу x, при -1≤x≤1.

Если синус угла у равняется х (sin y = x), значит арксинус x равен у:

arcsin x = sin-1 x = y

Таблица синусов

-90 °-p/2-1
-60 °-p/3-45 °-p/4-30 °-p/6-1/2
30°Π / 61/2
45°Π / 460°Π / 390°Π / 21

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