Triglycerides: all you need to know about these lipids

Triglycerides: all you need to know about these lipids

Description of triglycerides

Triglycerides are essential lipids for the body. Allowing the storage of fatty acids, they constitute an important reserve of energy. Triglycerides can come from food but can also be synthesized in the body. When they are present in too large a quantity in the blood, an excess of triglycerides exposes the body to complications. Hypertriglyceridemia is a cardiovascular risk factor.

Roles of triglycerides in the body

Form of fatty acid storage

Triglycerides allow the storage of fatty acids in adipose tissue, and more exactly fat cells. Also called tri-acylglycerols, tri-acylglycerides or TAGs, triglycerides are tri-esters of fatty acids. They are formed from the union of a glycerol and three fatty acids.

Triglycerides can come from food but can also be synthesized within the body, mainly in the liver. Insoluble in water, triglycerides are transported by specific lipoproteins:

  • chylomicrons, which ensure the transport of triglycerides from the food of the small intestine to the fatty tissues;
  • very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), which allow the transport of synthesized triglycerides in the liver.

Main source of energy for the body

Stored in adipocytes, triglycerides can be hydrolyzed to release fatty acids. Once free, these can be used for production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that provides the energy necessary for many reactions in the body. Allowing the production of ATP, triglycerides are the body’s main source of energy.

Triglyceride requirements

Like cholesterol, triglycerides are essential lipids for the body to function properly. According to the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES), the total intake of lipids should not exceed 35 to 40% of the daily energy intake. This recommended portion is often exceeded today, which exposes the body to a risk of hyperlipidemia, ie excess lipids.

You should know that triglycerides represent on average 90% of the fats provided by the diet. They are found in many everyday foods, whether of animal or plant origin. In addition, triglycerides can also be synthesized within the body by the liver from sugars and alcohol.

Measurement of triglyceride levels

The level of triglycerides in the blood is measured during a lipid profile. This blood test includes various tests including the determination of the level of triglycerides (tryglyceridemia) and the analysis of the level of total cholesterol (cholesterolemia). A lipid balance makes it possible to prevent and identify various abnormalities such as:

  • hypolipedimia or hyperlipidemia, abnormalities in the level of lipids;
  • hypocholesterolemia or hypercholesterolemia, abnormalities in the level of cholesterol;
  • hypotriglyceridemia or hypertriglyceridemia, abnormalities in the level of triglycerides.

During a lipid test, the triglyceride level is considered normal in adults when it is less than 1,50 g / L, i.e. 1,7 mmol / L. However, this reference value depends on many parameters including sex and age.

Triglyceride levels too low: the risk of triglyceride deficiency

Triglyceride deficiency, or hypotriglyceridemia, is a very rare anomaly. Characterized by an abnormally low triglyceride level, it can have different causes including:

  • insufficient food intake of lipids;
  • abetalipoproteinemia, an inherited genetic disease.

Too high triglyceride levels: the risk of hypertriglyceridemia

Excess triglycerides, or hypertriglyceridemia, expose the body to complications. A high triglyceride level is a cardiovascular risk factor. There are different possible causes of hypertriglyceridemia such as:

  • a diet too rich in lipids and / or sugars;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • untreated diabetes;
  • certain liver diseases;
  • overweight;
  • taking certain medications.

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