Tricks to recycle if you do not have space at home
The ‘verticality’ and the sink cabinet are the two keys to recycling without excuses

Recycling is something that is easy to make excuses for. That if the recycling bins are very far, that if we do not have space at home … but in the end we talk about that: excuses. With a little effort and ingenuity we can adapt our house to recycling easily. This is stated by the professional organizers Marisa Morell and Alicia Iglesias.
“The key to recycling at home is verticality,” says Marisa Morell, from MM Orden y Estilo. The organizer, who argues that normally when we think of garbage cans, we have a horizontal vision of them, comments that there are many options to be able to have several cubes in a small space. «The first thing is to forget about the big buckets. If we are one
medium-sized family unit, with 10-liter buckets we can organize ourselves perfectly, ”he says. The key, then, is to choose bins that can be stacked one on top of the other, in order to separate our garbage while occupying a small space.
On the other hand, for Alicia Iglesias, from Order and Cleaning at Home, the key to recycling in a reduced space is in the cabinet under the sink. “All sinks have a cabinet below 60 centimeters,” he explains. His recommendation is to buy a piece of furniture that adapts to the drain, to make better use of the space. «There you can already put two small cubes, one for packaging and one for organic waste», He assures. To recycle paper, leave two very simple recommendations: put a paper bag in the kitchen, to be able to fill it with the paper that we are going to recycle, or put a small wastebasket under a desk, and use it only for paper. “Also, if you have cardboard boxes or packages, what you can do is fold them and directly leave them at the entrance of the house, to throw them away when you go out,” he says. To recycle batteries, the professional’s advice is as follows: keep them in a bag in the small pocket of the shopping cart. Thus, they can be thrown away every time we go home.
Both professionals recommend, if you have a small outdoor space next to the kitchen (a typical area destined, for example, to the laundry), putting small containers in which to recycle. Even so, if we talk about a balcony or terrace that has its exit through the living room or a room, they find it counterproductive to use it to store waste. “Imagine, you crack some eggs and then you have to walk the shells, which stain all over the house, even if it is small,” jokes Marisa Morell.
Tips to reduce waste in the kitchen
The original way to recycle, of course, is do not generate waste From the first moment. Thus, it is important to make an effort to eliminate packaging as much as possible. Alicia Iglesias leaves a list of recommendations to produce little waste and make the most of the things we already have:
– It is important buy with head. Even if you want something, if you don’t need it, it’s better not to buy it.
– You always have to opt for tote bags, but we must have a limit. “If you are going to buy and you have forgotten the bag, do not buy another, surely you have many at home, it is better to carry the purchase in your hands and ‘hold on'”.
– A trick can be leave the bags on the doorknob, so as not to forget them. Also, it’s good to always have a few in your car, and a small one in your bag.
– The bags that the bags come in, recommends the professional, are perfect for buying fruit and not using plastic bags.
– If you live in an area where the tap water is not good, instead of buying mineral water, it is better to opt for a filtration jug, or even a faucet filter.
– If you have space, you can have a compost bin, to make our organic waste ‘food’ for plants.