
Problems with hair loss, baldness or dandruff almost always we try to solve with the help of cosmetics. Despite the fact that hair is called skin appendages, it is a full-fledged organ, like all others. Along with the skin, the hairline reflects the general state of health. Therefore, the poor condition of the hair is not a shampoo problem, but a signal of internal failures. We can try expensive and cheap hair care products until we get bored, and then endlessly marvel at their helplessness. Only a trichologist will help in this case.

Who is that

In medicine, a separate specialization is devoted to almost every organ and function. So, hair and skin covered with them are studied by trichology. This is a science that considers the internal and external structure of the hair, its functioning, diseases. The skin covered with hair is directly related to them: it contains follicles, secretes fat, nourishes the bulb, so it is also studied by this science. A specialist in this field is called a trichologist.

This is a relatively young branch of medicine, in our country it began to develop only at the beginning of the XNUMXst century. However, advances and research are rapidly making this specialization popular. Those hair problems that people have been treating with cosmetics for years, a doctor can solve in a few weeks. The need for such a science is due to the fact that most of the problems with hair are caused by internal diseases, malfunctions in immunity, hormonal levels, etc.

A trichologist is a specialist with a narrow focus, he treats exclusively the hairline. However, such a doctor must have a medical education and know about all the functions of the body. Its competence includes disease prevention, treatment, development of new methods. Patients of any gender and age turn to him. At the same time, he solves both cosmetic problems (dandruff, hair loss, etc.) and more complex problems (complete baldness, lichen).

What diseases to treat him

In addition to the usual hair loss, a lot of other troubles can occur. Not knowing what diseases, symptoms and, moreover, how to cure it, people often resort to self-medication. Treatment at home can only occasionally justify itself, but even in such a simple matter as hair care, you can make an irreparable mistake. The mass market only exacerbates this situation by offering “healing” masks, shampoos and oil ampoules. As a result, the patient, in addition to simple loss, earns himself additional dandruff, itching, brittleness, etc.

The doctor can accurately add up the picture of the disease, establish the cause and prescribe the correct treatment. This will significantly reduce the time to restore the former hair and the money of its owner. The doctor identifies and treats such problems:

  1. Dandruff is the death and exfoliation of the scalp. Such a phenomenon may be an indicator of a real problem: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, endocrine disorders.
  2. Seborrhea – outwardly very similar to dandruff, but accompanied by a general deterioration in the condition of the hair: a strong section, exhaustion, dryness and itching of the skin, or, conversely, increased fat content.
  3. Alopecia is partial or complete baldness. Normally, every day a person can lose up to 150 hairs, which are restored. However, if the loss occurs more intensely, you should definitely consult a doctor. The reason for this is a number of factors: heredity, depression, metabolic disorders, impaired blood circulation.
  4. Early gray hair – appears even in young people from 25 years old, can be a genetic disease. Gray hair appears due to loss of pigment, in some cases it is possible to return the natural color. However, this problem often goes unresolved.
  5. Mentagra – manifests itself in the appearance of small purulent inflammations on the skin. The density of such a rash is different, from thick to single rashes. It leads to weakening of the hair, section, fragility, loss.
  6. Parasites and infectious diseases. These include lichen, fungi, lice. It is difficult and even dangerous to treat such ailments on your own.
  7. Psoriasis of the scalp.
  8. Weak hair growth, dull appearance.

In addition to these common diseases, the trichologist also treats a lot of diseases of the scalp. He is also in charge of consulting cancer patients, as chemotherapy sessions often lead to baldness. It is worth noting that most of the problems that besiege our hair are accompanied by dandruff. Therefore, in the event of its occurrence, it is worth contacting a specialist to find out the nature of this ailment.

You can also consult a doctor simply to prevent or improve the appearance of your hairstyle. A trichologist based on the procedure is done based on an external examination. Given that the cause often lies in the body itself, this is not enough. Therefore, even an experienced cosmetologist is inferior to a trichologist in this matter. The analyzes will advise suitable procedures, the necessary and correct care products.

How to know when it’s time for an appointment

Every day, dozens of factors affect our hair, among them: weather, bad habits, nutrition, taking pills. Even in a completely healthy-looking person, the hairstyle can leave the best. This can be caused by genetic predisposition, lack of nutrients, stress. Unfortunately, among our population, going to the doctor is a task that is constantly postponed, and many still do not know about such a doctor at all. Therefore, such a specialist is faced with improper self-treatment more often than others.

It is worth making an appointment with a trichologist in such cases:

  • if, with constant care, the hair is still brittle, weak, severely split;
  • when hair loss is detected in parts, locally or throughout the head;
  • with the appearance of gray hair at an early age;
  • for no apparent reason, the skin itches and flakes;
  • if separate dry, flaky or inflamed areas appear on the skin;
  • when parasites are detected;
  • to prevent diseases and improve growth and appearance.

Also, doctors of other specialties often advise their patients to visit a trichologist after a course of treatment with hormonal drugs, as this often knocks down the balance of hormones. After childbirth, women also often experience hair loss, this can be caused by exhaustion of the body, lack of vitamins and minerals, and stress. In all these cases, the specialist will prescribe drugs or other treatments that are needed for a particular patient.

Where to find such a doctor

Due to the fact that such a profession is relatively new for us, it can be difficult to find a trichologist. Most public clinics cannot boast of having such a specialist. In large cities there are a lot of private clinics where such a hair doctor can definitely be found. It is worth looking for in the centers of aesthetic medicine, private diagnostic clinics, specialized medical institutions. It is better to look for patient reviews before recording, to find out about work experience.

Unfortunately, this is not possible in small towns. The only way out will be a trip to a regular dermatologist in a clinic, since he also has a similar specialization. A dermatologist may be needed if the problem is really serious. However, for a qualitative solution to the problem, a doctor of a narrow specialization, a trichologist, will be required. So far, for small settlements, the choice is small – to visit a doctor in the regional center.

How is admission and treatment

You should not be afraid of a visit to a trichologist, firstly, almost all of his procedures are painless, and secondly, everything is for health and beauty. At the first appointment, the doctor examines the patient, asks questions, studies the medical history (if any). Inspection of the affected part of the head occurs in several ways, with special equipment and computers necessarily involved. Most often they resort to trichoscopy – a method in which, with the help of instruments, the hairline is examined in great detail.

In cases of simple problems with the hair, the doctor only needs an examination and a conversation with the patient. Based on the data obtained, a specialist can already build theoretical and practical methods of treatment. In addition, the doctor will help you choose the care products that are needed in a particular case. Most often, the treatment requires several visits to the trichologist so that he can assess in which direction the situation is changing.

But in most cases, additional tests will be required. Since many internal factors affect the condition of the hair, such measures will be very useful. Having a complete picture, the doctor will determine exactly what caused the problems. And this, in turn, will help get rid of the disease with minimal effort, time and money. These additional tests include:

  • blood test;
  • scrapings from the top layer of skin on the head;
  • urinalysis to determine the hormonal background;
  • immunogram;
  • consultation of doctors of other specialties.

The opinion of related specialists is also very important here, since the problem is often complex. Often, people with suspected lichen, which may turn out to be psoriasis, turn to a trichologist, which requires a full range of therapeutic measures. Therefore, an examination by a neuropathologist, gastroenterologist, ENT, dermatologist may be necessary.

Depending on the identified causes, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment. It includes medicines, taking multivitamins, diet, cosmetic procedures. For a quick restoration of a beautiful hairstyle, a specialist can advise some salon procedures: restructuring, lamination, rehabilitation, plasmolifting. Such services are very popular today, especially among the female half, but it is better to do them after the approval of the trichologist. All these services are often provided by the doctor himself, in rare cases, you have to visit a separate salon.

The price of a specialist’s service will depend on the cause itself and the complex of therapeutic measures provided by the doctor himself. So, the first examination and drawing up a picture of the disease in a private clinic is $ 10-15, each subsequent appointment is either cheaper or free. The cost of an individual service depends on the policy of the clinic itself. For example, one of the most expensive services – plasmolifting – will cost an average of $ 100-150. But this method solves almost all problems with the growth and appearance of hair.

Trichologist’s advice

To avoid such problems, doctors advise choosing the right care products: shampoo, mask, rinse, etc. Both hair type and skin type matter. During shampooing, it is useful to change the temperature (contrast shower), but without extremes, hair does not like very hot and very cold water. It is better to rinse them with slightly warm water so that the bulbs close. How often to wash your hair is up to you. The fact that frequent washing is harmful to hair is a myth, the main thing is to choose the right shampoo.

Also, the tips of the trichologist include periodic visits to the therapist and gynecologist. Constant monitoring of your own health will provide both a thick mane and a strong body as a whole. It is necessary to comb every day with a massage brush, this will add shine and improve blood circulation for the rapid growth of hair. In case of hair problems, it is better not to waste time and money on products from a cosmetic store. A timely trip to the doctor and professional treatment is the only competent way out of this situation.

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