Tribulus terrestris L., because this is the full name of Tribulus Terrestris, is a plant found throughout Australia, Asia, Africa, but also in Europe. In Poland, unfortunately, this flower does not occur, and if it does, it is then called a dragged species – naturally it should not be here. Tribulus occurs in medicine in many forms, most drugs take their name from the first, Latin member.
Tribulus in herbal medicine in the world
- In Chinese and Indian medicine – it is used as a strengthening agent
- In Indian medicine – as an aphrodisiac that improves libido, as well as a diuretic and relaxing drug
- In Western and European medicine – tribulus is used as an ingredient in drugs to improve male potency and strengthen erections
Tribulus – for potency and erection
Drugs sold for potency and erection are called dietary supplements. It is under this name that they are sold in pharmacies.
- The 70s – a study was carried out at that time, which clearly stated that tribulus improves potency and strengthens erections in practically infertile men. After using Tribulus preparations, the production of testosterone and luteinizing hormone increased in them.
- 2000 – Re-discussing the benefits of using tribulus, scientists concluded that previous studies performed in the 70s could only be applied to men with infertility problems. To date, no studies have been carried out that would measure the effectiveness of taking Tribulus in healthy, full of vitality men.
- Subsequent studies performed not only using Tribulus alone, but also other combined herbs and extracts, did not show the high effectiveness of similar supplements. Nevertheless, positive results were obtained by conducting research on an animal model. So it was concluded that tribulus is indeed a good aphrodisiac, but its full effect may be uncertain, depending on the individual, their organism, and so on.