Tremor: causes, symptoms and treatment

What is a tremor?

Tremor: causes, symptoms and treatment

Tremor, or trembling, refers to the rhythmic involuntary fluctuations of individual muscle groups in various parts of the body. The most common tremors of the hands, head, eyelids, jaw, in more rare cases, there is a tremor of the trunk. Tremor is not classified as an independent disease, it is considered one of the symptoms and signals some kind of malfunction in the body.

The most common is essential tremor, which is most often observed in several members of the same family. In patients suffering from this ailment, the hands tremble involuntarily at rest. If the patient begins to actively move, he may not have a tremor.

Causes of tremor

A non-malignant tremor appears in a patient in a stressful situation or after stress. Postural tremor manifests itself in suspicious people who often experience anxiety, suffer from a violation of the autonomic nervous system. The cause of the symptoms in this case may be heredity, abnormal activity of the thyroid gland, the intake of alcoholic beverages or medications.

Intentional tremor can occur with various injuries or diseases of the brain, in particular the area of ​​the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements.

The cause of malignant tremor is respiratory, as well as kidney and liver failure, however, this type of tremor can be a manifestation of cancer and stroke.

Parkinson’s disease is another cause of tremors. This unpleasant symptom in this case appears in the elderly, but it does not affect their life expectancy.

Tremor symptoms

The main symptoms of tremor include rhythmic vibrations of various parts of the body, visible to the naked eye. This includes the trembling of the outstretched hands, and the twitching of the eyelid, which occurs from time to time. It happens that a person is shaking so hard that he cannot bring a glass of water to his mouth.

Diagnosis of the disease usually does not cause difficulties for doctors. After collecting an anamnesis, the doctor in most cases can easily make a diagnosis. In some cases, patients may be recommended diagnostic procedures.

The diagnostic methods include video filming of the “Rapid” type. This is high-frequency shooting and slow-motion projection of individual frames. Subsequently, a check is carried out using a thermograph – an apparatus that detects trembling in three planes. The number and nature of rhythmic oscillations can be determined using a hardware-software complex, namely an electromyograph.

It is very important to determine the cause of the tremor and begin the treatment of the underlying disease, in this case, helping the patient will be much more effective.

Tremor treatment

Tremor: causes, symptoms and treatment

If the tremor manifests itself in a mild form and the course of the disease itself is not malignant, it is enough to use relaxing techniques, learn how to relieve tension, and avoid stress. Breathing exercises and a course of taking sedative herbs and relaxing baths help such patients well. Such procedures are quite enough to eliminate the trembling that has arisen due to nervous overstrain.

For the treatment of severe tremor that interferes with working and living fully, the use of medicines is simply necessary. Several groups of drugs are shown. The doctor, after diagnosis, may prescribe: anticonvulsants, antiparkinsonian drugs, beta-blockers (in small doses, reducing the amplitude of trembling).

They contribute to the improvement of the patient’s condition, help to eliminate the clinical manifestations of pathology. In some cases, surgery is indicated. During the operation, the area of ​​the cerebellum is stimulated with an electrical signal.

It is quite difficult to finally rid a patient of tremor, at the same time, modern drugs help patients significantly improve their quality of life.

With severe tremor of the head and voice, injections of botulinum toxin A are performed.

A healthy lifestyle, exclusion or reduction in the consumption of coffee drinks and alcohol helps to prevent the occurrence of recurrence of the disease. Patients prone to similar symptoms are also advised to stop smoking, learn to avoid stressful situations.

It is very important to engage in a feasible sport, swimming and a tireless morning jog are considered optimal.


  1. በጣም ጥጡ ቀጥሉበት

  2. በጣም እጅግ ጥሩ ነው ግን የጭንቅላት መንቀጥቀጥን በደንብ ብታብራሩልን ብግልፅ ሁኔታ እባካችሁ ፃፉልኝ

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