Trembling dog

Trembling dog

Tremor in dogs: definition

The tremors of the dog are characterized by mini-muscular contractions inducing small oscillations of the limbs and the head. The dog is not aware of it. And they do not prevent voluntary movements. They should therefore not be confused with partial convulsive seizures (a part of the body undergoes very localized contractions or affecting an entire limb) or total (the animal loses consciousness) which do not allow voluntary movements. The tremors can often be stopped by distracting the dog.

Why is my dog ​​shaking?

The pathological causes of tremors are quite varied. Diseases causing metabolic disturbances are most frequently involved in the appearance of pathological tremors.

  • Hypoglycemia : it is a drop in the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. If the dog does not eat enough and has no reserve hypoglycemia may appear. This is what happens with toy breed puppies or small breeds such as Yorkshires, often after long periods of play without eating. The tremor begins with the head swaying slightly, the puppy is brutally cut down. If left unchecked he can lose consciousness and fall into a coma and die. Hypoglycemia can also occur in dogs treated for diabetes with insulin injections, sif too much insulin is injected or if he does not eat after the injection. There can be the same consequences as for the puppy’s hypoglycemia.
  • The portosystemic shunt : is a vascular disease of the liver. The liver’s blood vessels have an abnormality (congenital or acquired), the bad vessels are linked together, and the liver cannot properly perform its job of filtering and processing nutrients and toxins from digestion. The toxins are then released directly into the normal blood circulation and affect all the organs of the body and in particular the brain. The brain thus intoxicated will manifest neurological symptoms including head tremors, that can happen after the meal.
  • The nervous degeneration of the senior dog (see article entitled “old dog”)
  • All nervous disorders may have as a symptom a dog that trembles continuously or alternately. Likewise, the pain can make the aching limb tremble. For example a herniated disc can make the hind legs tremble.
  • Electrolyte disturbances such as hypocalcaemia (low calcium in the blood), low magnesium in the blood or hypokalaemia (low potassium in the blood. These electrolyte disturbances can occur during severe gastroenteritis or renal failure for example.
  • Idiopathic tremor of the head : it is a disease appearing in dogs of certain breeds such as Pinscher, Bulldog, Labrador or Boxer. A dog who trembles because of this idiopathic condition (the cause of which is not known) does not suffer from other symptoms. In most cases the tremors are short lived and can be stopped by distracting the dog.

Fortunately not all dogs that shake have a disease. The dog can tremble for several other, inconsequential reasons. He may tremble out of excitement, for example, or out of fear. If a punishment is too severe the dog trembles with fear and frustration. When you hold a ball before throwing it, your tense dog waits, shaking with impatience to be able to run after it. The trembling dog thus expresses an intense emotion. Obviously, like us, dogs can tremble when they are cold. On the other hand, it is quite rare to see the dog tremble when he has a fever (see the article on the dog’s temperature).

Dog shaking: what to do?

If your dog’s tremors occur during excitement, no worries except to continue playing with your dog.

If your dog trembles when hearing fireworks or firecrackers, talk to your vet. There are mild or anti-anxiety treatments that can help him, in addition to behavioral therapy, to get used to noises, people and situations that frighten him.

If he is shaking during a punishment, try changing it. Maybe she’s too harsh. Your dog understands very quickly when you are angry, as soon as he shows signs of submission (bent back, head down…) stop your punishment. Besides, rather than punishing him why not send him to his basket to tell him to stay calm? Ask your vet or behaviorist how to keep your dog from doing too much silly thing. It’s always best to avoid conflicts and keep a good relationship with your dog.

If the trembling dog exhibits other symptoms such as neurological, digestive or seems painful, contact your veterinarian to investigate the cause of the tremors. He may take a blood test to look for a metabolic cause and do a complete neurological examination.

If it is a puppy or an animal treated with insulin for its diabetes, pass honey or sugar syrup on its gums and take it urgently to your veterinarian.

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