The photo and description of the wood pliers will help gardeners choose the desired variety. This exotic plant is a perennial, reminiscent of a liana. As a rule, it grows in the tropics and subtropics. This name was not received in vain: this is due to the fact that the plant feeds on other trees, as a result of which it destroys them. In most cases, wood pliers are used to decorate arbors and walls of buildings.

Advice! Before planting vines, it is worth considering that other plants that are nearby will die after a while.

Tree pliers round-leaved, whip-shaped, paniculate

Tree pliers in landscape design

Increasingly, wood pliers began to be used in landscape design. Creepers are a great option for decorating arbors, arches, blank walls of buildings. If you first study the photo and description of the round-leaved wood pliers, it will be clear how well they cope with the task. There are species that resemble ground cover plants, forming a kind of carpet. Climbing wood pliers are planted on the slopes of reservoirs, decorating them.

The most popular type at the moment is climbing, it is much more often used in the design of land. Even with minimal care, creepers grow quickly enough and plant trees and shrubs on buildings and supports.

Tree pliers round-leaved, whip-shaped, paniculate

Popular species

In Our Country, under natural conditions, only a few types of wood pliers can grow: red bubble, round-leaved, brush-like, climbing. These species have a large number of differences in shape, appearance, growing conditions, decorative effect. Especially popular are plants with dense foliage and unpretentious.

Attention! Round-leaved vines are able to withstand low temperature conditions, as a result of which they are used as landscaping in the subtropics.

Round pliers

In a creeper of this type, the foliage is quite dense, dense, spreading crown capable of reaching a width of up to 3 m. The tree pliers grow quickly enough, the length of the creeper can reach 12 m. The main advantage is resistance to low temperatures.

In a young plant, the trunk has a green tint, with time the color changes to dark brown. The leaves are elongated, oval, with small points at the ends. During leaf fall, the green color turns to orange.

At the age of 5 years, the flowering process begins, it lasts no more than 2 weeks. In autumn you can see small yellow fruits. To appreciate the beauty of the vines, just look at the photo of the round-leaved tree pliers.

Tree pliers round-leaved, whip-shaped, paniculate

Tree pliers round-leaved Diana

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules for planting and caring for Diana climbing wood pliers in advance. This variety is a representative of the most powerful vines. The height of an adult plant reaches 12 m. Drevogubets perfectly tolerates low temperature conditions, is unpretentious to the soil and growing conditions.

The fruits appear only on female plants, they have a yellow-red hue and adorn the plant for several months from October to December. Foliage is deep green, turning yellow in autumn. Female varieties are characterized by abundant fruiting. During growth, several supports are used at once, it is not recommended to plant next to other plants.

Tree pliers round-leaved, whip-shaped, paniculate

Round-leaved tree pliers Hercules

Hercules tree pliers can reach 10–12 m in height, forming a large number of new shoots. Annually, the growth of young shoots is about 1 m. They are quite easy to root if necessary. The fruits are decorative, reminiscent of spherical boxes of bright yellow or orange color. They can grow both on the sunny side and in partial shade. Lianas are not subject to many diseases and pests.

Tree pliers round-leaved, whip-shaped, paniculate

Whiplash tree pliers

Whip-shaped vines grow up to 12 m. A feature is the rapid process of rooting shoots. Young trunks are painted in a light green shade, a year later – red-brown, and as a result, a lignified trunk becomes dark brown.

The foliage is green, round in shape, the length varies from 8 to 10 cm, the edges are notched. Stipules resemble hooks with which the vines are attached to the walls and rise up.

Flowering begins in July and lasts only 1 week. The legs of the flowers are short, do not stand out and do not attract attention. In September, you can see small fruits of rich red color.

Attention! For full growth, the tree plier needs quality care. You can see flowers and fruits on vines only after they have reached the age of 8.

Panicled tree plier

Panicled tree pliers can grow up to 10 m in height. Annual shoots are brown with white dots on them. The branches are hollow, the core is brown. During the flowering period, yellow-green flowers appear. The fruits are small, bright orange.

Panicled wood pliers are used by the peoples of India for medical purposes, in Our Country this is not common. Indians believe that the use of this plant has a beneficial effect on the brain, it is recommended for speech disorders, memory loss.

Tree pliers round-leaved, whip-shaped, paniculate

Brush wood pliers

It is the most beautiful liana of all wood pliers. The length of the vine can reach 12 m, and the diameter of an adult plant is 6 cm. After the wood plier is 10 years old, it is additionally extended by 5 m. The trunk has a dark brown tint, and the bark resembles fish scales.

The leaves are rich bright green in color, they are slightly elongated and grow up to 14 cm in length. Since the foliage is wiry, this gives them a wrinkled appearance. By mid-September, the foliage changes color to yellow and completely falls off in October.

Flowering occurs in July, flowers grow singly or in groups. Buds are small. Fruiting begins 10 years after the appearance of the shoots. In autumn, small bright orange fruits can be seen on the vines.

Tree pliers round-leaved, whip-shaped, paniculate

Growing wood pliers round-leaved

The tree pliers can be grown anywhere: in the sun or in the shade, vines are not picky about the area. Near them should be a wall, arch, gazebo or other tree, as the plant needs support.

Despite the fact that the vines are unpretentious to the ground, you can prepare the ground in advance, which will ensure rapid development. For better survival, it is recommended to plant vines that are 2-3 years old. The depth of the planting pit is 60 cm. After planting, the soil around the wood pliers is mulched, and if necessary, fertilizers can be applied.

Important! It is forbidden to plant a plant in close proximity to fruit trees, as in the future the latter may die.

Features of caring for wood pliers in winter

The main advantage of wood pliers is drought resistance. For adult plants enough rainfall, in the summer it is necessary to water once a month. It takes about 1 liters of water per plant, young shoots should be watered more often.

In the spring, the vines are pruned: damaged and weak shoots are removed. During the growing season, you will need to thin out the crown. Adult creepers do not need to be covered for the winter. If there are frozen shoots, then they are removed.

If the age of the vines does not exceed 3 years, then they will need to be covered before being sent for the winter. The soil around the wood pliers will need to be mulched and covered with spruce branches on top. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil.

Important! When working with a wood pliers, it is worth remembering that the sap of the plant is poisonous, it is recommended to take precautions.


The tree pliers can reproduce in several ways: by seeds, vegetatively. If the vegetative method is chosen, then the vines can be propagated by layering, root cuttings, cuttings of an adult plant, root shoots.

When choosing the cutting method, you will need to take a stiff shoot and divide it into several parts, which will contain from 6 to 8 buds. If you cut the cuttings in the spring, then you need to plant them in the summer, but if they are prepared in the fall, then the process is carried out in the winter. However, it must be carried out in containers with soil. The root system appears after 1,5 months.

Propagation by cuttings is possible only in early autumn. An adult vine will need to dig out part of the root system and divide it into pieces 10 cm long. After that, the cuttings are placed in a container with sand and left in a cool place until planting – until spring.

Advice! If you plan to propagate the wood pliers with seeds, then the seed is recommended to be moved immediately to open ground.

Tree pliers round-leaved, whip-shaped, paniculate

Diseases and pests

The main advantage of the wood pliers is that the vines at any stage of development are not subject to diseases, pests do not appear on them. This will save you additional costs.

How to get rid of woodworm

If the wood pliers are tired and there is a need to get rid of it, then you need to initially cut the vines, remove them from the supports and dig out the root system. It should be understood that it can go deep into the ground and it will be quite difficult to dig it out. In this case, you can use chemicals that burn out the roots completely. You can find such drugs in specialized stores.

Wood pliers reviews

Natalia Ivanova, 54 years old, Moscow
I have a small corner in my country house where we like to gather with the whole family. Everything seems to be fine, but the soul requires beauty. I thought for a long time in order to plant this, I was already going to plant grapes, but a neighbor advised a wood pliers. She immediately warned that if there are other trees nearby, they will die. I had nothing to be afraid of, since there is nothing on the site except greenhouses. She took care of the vines, although they said that this was not necessary. The plants grew very quickly, wrapped around all the supports, it looks great.
Nikolay Litvinov, 34 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Recently, my wood pliers turned 10 years old, I can’t get enough of it, I really like it. I braided with vines the supports of the gazebo, the fences at the balcony. Most of all, I like the way the creepers creep along the lattice and wrap around it. In autumn, the area is filled with bright colors from the foliage. Unfortunately, the fruits have not yet been seen, but I do not lose hope, maybe the time has not come yet.


The photo and description of the wood pliers show how beautiful the vines are. Increasingly, they are used in landscape design in the design of land. It is worth knowing that the juice of plants is poisonous, you must follow the precautionary rules. The main thing is not to plant plants near other trees, as they may die.

Lianas – girlish grapes and round-leaved wood pliers.

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