Planting and caring for tree-like peonies in the Moscow region do not require complex knowledge and skills; even novice gardeners can grow them. The principles of agricultural technology are based on timely weeding, loosening the soil, and fertilizing. Strict adherence to the recommendations for preparing the shrub for winter will allow it to maintain its flowering appearance for many years.

Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

With proper care, a peony bush can grow for more than 50 years in one place.

Features of growing tree peonies in the Moscow region

Tree peony is a tall dense shrub with large (up to 25 cm in diameter) double or semi-double flowers of various shades. The plant is not whimsical. It is successfully cultivated throughout Our Country.

Growing tree peonies in the Moscow region is based on simple principles:

  • quality planting material;
  • ensuring sufficient soil moisture in summer (watering during the dry summer months);
  • regular fertilization;
  • frost protection;
  • timely pruning and rejuvenation of the shrub to prevent the development of diseases and pest infestation.
Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

Shrub can be planted in partial shade

With proper care, flowering occurs 2–3 years after planting and can last up to 50–70 years.

The best varieties of tree peonies for the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, you can plant a wide variety of varieties of peonies. They take root easily, bloom profusely, tolerate winters well. Due to their unpretentiousness, frost-resistant shrubs are used in landscape design.

The following tree varieties are recognized as the best for the Moscow region:

  • «August Dessert» with pale pink terry or semi-double buds;

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  • “Vesuvius” – purple-red flowers remain open for up to 14-20 days;

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  • “Maria” – delicate terry buds with a pink core;

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  • “Hoffman” – frost-resistant variety with large double pink flowers; one of the first to dissolve;

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  • “Blue Lagoon” – tall peony with bluish-pink buds;

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  • “Spring Waltz” – early-flowering, sprawling shrub with a short flowering period (5–7 days);

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  • “Kuinji” – one of the best varieties with spreading yellow inflorescences.

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

The most unpretentious in care, cultivation and reproduction for the Moscow region are recognized frost-resistant tree-like peonies:

  • “Blue Sapphire” – grows rapidly, blooms for a long time, withstands frosts down to -40 degrees;

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  • “Scarlet Sails” – one of the first to bloom (in mid-May), produces up to 70 buds per season;

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  • “Jade Princess” – undersized sprawling shrub with lush white flowering.

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

Breeders have bred more than 200 tree-like varieties of peonies, any of which, following the recommendations, can be grown independently.

Planting and caring for a tree peony in the Moscow region

Peonies do not tolerate transplants or moving around the site, so it is important to immediately determine the location.

Recommended dates

The conditions of the Moscow region allow planting tree-like peonies in open ground both in spring and autumn. Planting dates depend on the established weather and the type of seedlings:

  • shoots with a closed root system can be rooted from May throughout the year. Such plants bloom already for 2 years;
  • it is advisable to plant young shrubs with an open root system in autumn (end of August–September). Spring planting will lead to abundant growth of green mass, slowing down the onset of flowering.
Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

Seedlings with an open root system will bloom for 3-4 years

Failure to comply with the terms of disembarkation is dangerous for a fragile shrub. In the spring, young shoots may die from recurrent frosts, they develop worse, poorly pick up buds. Plants taken out into the open ground in October do not tolerate winter well, weaken.

Important! In the Moscow region, planting a tree peony in the fall is carried out no later than the second decade of September. During this period, the seedlings have time to take root, get stronger, they are easier to adapt to the upcoming winter frosts.

Site selection and soil preparation

Tree varieties of peonies do well in dry, elevated areas with diffused light. Suitable free spaces between garden trees, the space in front of the house or fence. Such protection will also protect the plant from wind and draft.

At the same time, too close location of tall neighbors can lead to a reduction in the number of buds and the flowering period. The optimal distance is 1,5–2 m between plants.

Waterlogged soil with closely located groundwater is not desirable for the location of the shrub. It is necessary to organize good drainage or planting in a high flower bed.

The composition of the soil depends on the splendor and duration of flowering. For planting, it is desirable to choose a site with slightly acidic loamy soil. The clay substrate is diluted with ash or coarse sand. Acidity is adjusted with lime.

Landing algorithm

To plant a tree-like peony on a plot in the Moscow region, a deep hole is prepared, at least 90 cm deep. Then:

  1. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom (expanded clay, broken brick, crushed stone).

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  2. A nutrient soil mixture is prepared from humus, peat and garden soil (1: 1: 1). For friability and additional nutrition of young sprouts, bone meal, sand or ash are added.

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  3. Apply complex fertilizers, according to the recommendations on the package.

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  4. A seedling is carefully placed in the hole, the roots are straightened.

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  5. Sprinkle with soil mixture, compact. The root neck is left open to prevent rotting.

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  6. Plentifully water the shrub.

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

  7. To protect against drying out and additional insulation during autumn planting, the trunk circle is mulched.

    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

Mulch protects root space from drying out and frost.

Caring for tree peonies in the Moscow region

Peonies are one of the most unpretentious shrubs. They respond well to proper care with rapid and long flowering.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

Peonies are not demanding on the condition of the soil, they endure drought. With excessive moisture, stagnant water, prone to rot and infection with powdery mildew.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, tree-like peonies are watered abundantly in spring (starting from May) and before flowering. In the summer months, moderate irrigation once every 6–10 days is sufficient.

From August, watering is reduced, by the end of summer-beginning of autumn, it is completely stopped.

1–2 days after moistening, the soil is loosened (no deeper than 5 cm, so as not to damage the roots), if necessary, mulched with sawdust.

Top dressing of peonies planted in the Moscow region is carried out annually:

  • in the spring, after the snow melts, the first fertilizers are applied under the bushes: 2 tsp each. nitrogen and potassium;
  • the second top dressing is carried out during the budding period: 2 tsp. nitrogen, 1 tsp. potassium, 100 g of phosphorus;
  • to prepare for winter, strengthen the shoots, the plant is fertilized with a mixture of phosphorus (20 g) and potassium (15 g).
Important! An excess of nitrogen leads to the growth of green mass to the detriment of budding. For abundant flowering shrubs need phosphorus.


Tree varieties of peonies do not need formative pruning.

In the spring, before the start of intensive growth, weak, frozen shoots are removed from the shrub. The remaining branches are shortened by 10–15 cm, to a living kidney.

Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

Live buds on frozen branches may appear in the second half of May, so you should not rush to remove them

Anti-aging pruning is carried out every 7-10 years. All shoots are removed at the root, leaving 5–7 cm.

Damaged, pest-infected shoots are removed immediately throughout the year, preventing the spread of the disease to the entire shrub.

Preparing a tree peony for winter in the suburbs

Adult flowering shrubs are frost-resistant, they tolerate frosts down to -20 degrees.

Warm damp autumn or late return frosts in the spring in the Moscow region can lead to the appearance of rot, the death of young shoots, and the cessation of flowering. In addition, insufficient attention to the condition of the soil, an abundance of weeds and fallen leaves create favorable conditions for infection by pests and fungi.

In the Moscow region, the preparation of a tree peony for winter begins in August and includes the following activities:

  • reduction or complete cessation of irrigation in August (depending on weather conditions);
  • deep loosening of the soil in September with the introduction of peat or humus (1 bucket per bush);
  • pruning leaves and wilted buds, removing damaged shoots;
  • thorough cleaning of fallen leaves.

For a successful wintering of a tree-like peony in the Moscow region, young bushes are completely covered with a layer of mulch (straw, sawdust). A tripod canopy is built over adult plants, wrapped with covering material, spruce branches.

Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

As a covering material, tarpaulin, non-woven fabric, burlap are used.

Important! It is not advisable to use needles as mulch. It oxidizes the soil.

Shelter is removed after the snow begins to melt.

Pests and diseases

Tree-like peonies, with proper care, are resistant to diseases and pests. In the conditions of the Moscow region, shoots are most often affected by:

  • gray rot – occurs with high humidity and non-compliance with the irrigation schedule. Spreads on young stems, leaves, buds. Without timely treatment, it goes to the roots and the plant dies. To save the shrub, it is treated with copper sulfate (7% solution) or potassium permanganate (4 g per 10 l of water);
    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

    White fluffy plaque is the main sign of rot infection.

  • brown spot – affects the leaf plate, leads to drying of the crown, growth retardation. Affected shoots are removed and burned, the bush is treated with Bordeaux liquid;
    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

    In the Moscow region, spotting appears on leaves in the first half of June

  • mučnistaâ rosa – harmless to the peony, but spoils the appearance of the foliage; affected branches are not suitable for making a bouquet. For processing, a solution of soda ash and laundry soap is used.
    Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

    Most often, powdery mildew appears on adult plants.

Of the pests, tree peonies attack:

  • ants;
  • thrips;
  • nematodes;
  • aphid.
Tree peony: care and cultivation in the Moscow region, preparation for winter

Ants, attracted by the sweet nectar of peonies, promote the growth of aphid colonies on leaves and stems.

To combat them, a variety of fungicides and insecticides are used, weeds are removed in a timely manner, the state of the soil and the health of neighboring plants on the site are monitored.


Planting and caring for a tree peony in the Moscow region have their own characteristics, consisting in the careful selection of planting material, attention to soil composition, humidity, and responsible preparation for winter. With strict adherence to all recommendations on your site, you can grow any variety of flowering shrubs without deep knowledge in agricultural technology.

Tree peony. Growing Secrets.

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