Treatments with the use of botox. What, for whom, when to perform? Botox effects

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Once associated mainly negatively, today it is a must-have item on the list of cosmetic treatments for many women. It is thanks to him that the face looks several years younger and the skin is radiant. However, botox is used not for bulking, but to reduce the activity of the facial muscles. It turns out that it can be used to treat hyperhidrosis and even teeth grinding.

What is botox?

Botox is also known as botulinum toxin, botulinum toxin, botulinum toxin or botulinum toxin – a substance that has been used in aesthetic medicine and dermatology for many years. Interestingly, if it got into our digestive system, it would cause serious poisoning. However, when injected subcutaneously, it is completely safe for our health. Botulinum is actually a purified protein that is obtained from anaerobic bacteria Clostriduim botulinum. Although it can be multiplied in the natural environment, for medical purposes it is produced in laboratory conditions.

It is also worth mentioning that there are several types of botulinum toxin, marked with letters from A to H. In aesthetic medicine, type A is most often used, and type B in the treatment of ailments, e.g. during the treatment of cervical vertebrae.

Botox – how does it work on the skin?

Botox works by combining with the neuromuscular plate, which leads to a non-permanent paralysis of muscle spasm. The transmission of nerve impulses becomes impossible, which occurs approximately five days after the procedure. As a result, the muscles are relaxed and wrinkles are smoothed. Eventually, new nerve endings are formed, so the “freeze” effect is not permanent, usually lasting from three to six months, up to a year.

  1. Polish women obsessively improve their beauty. Much more often than women in wealthier countries

Botox – medical indications for surgery

Treatments with the use of botulinum toxin are recommended primarily to patients who, due to various diseases, have abnormal facial tension. For this reason, botulinum injections are recommended for patients with bruxism and migraine. It can also be used to treat hyperhidrosis.

Due to the paralyzing effect of the muscles, botox works to minimize wrinkles related to the work of facial muscles. It reduces the signs of skin aging, contributing to the visual rejuvenation of the face by reducing visibility:

  1. lion’s wrinkles (wrinkles between the eyebrows), 
  2. crow’s feet (radial wrinkles around the eyes), 
  3. horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, 
  4. wrinkles around the mouth, 
  5. furrows located on the bridge of the nose, the so-called rabbit wrinkles. 

Initially, botulism injections were used to reduce muscle tone in stroke patients and in children with cerebral palsy. When they started to use them in the treatment of strabismus, doctors noticed that botulinum toxin has an effect on minimizing wrinkles. In the United States, treatments using Botox in aesthetic medicine have been popular since the 80s. In Poland, they began to be used in 1996.

Botox for wrinkles

The most popular botox treatment is injecting it into the mimic muscles. This applies to both mimic wrinkles, crow’s feet, and the so-called smoker wrinkles above the upper lip. The procedure itself is short – it takes 15 to 30 minutes. However, the first effects will be visible only after 2-3 days, and the proper effect after about 2 weeks. Botox injection consists in injecting the appropriate amount of the preparation into the areas of the face that are to be corrected.

Wrinkles arise when the muscles in specific parts of the face are very active. By injecting botulinum toxin in these places, the nerve responsible for contracting the muscle will stop sending it a signal to be active. The muscle stops contracting and the wrinkles disappear. This effect lasts up to 6 months. The price of one treatment starts from PLN 400.

Botox for the treatment of bruxism

Botox can be used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. This is the case with tooth grinding, known as bruxism. It’s involuntary uncontrolled friction of the teeth of the mandible against the teeth of the maxilla, leading to grinding of the teeth and consequent grinding of teeth, gum disease, facial asymmetry and degeneration of the jaws.

Untreated bruxism can also result in recurrent migraines, hearing problems, and balance disorders. Botox in the treatment of bruxism works similarly to the reduction of wrinkles. The injections are given into the masseter muscle, which reduces its tension and loses volume. As a result, the involuntary tooth grinding disappears after 7 days after the procedure. The price starts from PLN 800 and the effect lasts up to 6 months.

Botox for the treatment of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a shameful ailment that hampers everyday functioning, but also professional and social contacts. It can affect not only the armpits, but also hands, feet or face. It intensifies in states of stress and anxiety. It is estimated that 1% struggle with excessive sweating. population.

Treatment of excessive sweating with botox consists in making 10-15 botox injections at intervals of approx. 1,5 cm. In this way, the botulinum toxin reaches the sweat glands, inhibiting the secretion of sweat. The patient feels the first effects after a few days after the treatment, and the effect itself lasts for several months. As it significantly improves the quality of life, it is often repeated by patients. Its cost starts from PLN 1000.

Botox – other indications for surgery

In addition to filling wrinkles, treating bruxism or excessive sweating, there are also other indications for the treatment, which include:

  1. gummy smile – botulinum injections are used in the circular muscle located near the upper lip to weaken its muscles, 
  2. scars – they become shallower by relaxing muscles and adhesions, 
  3. anal fissure – the procedure is performed by a proctologist. Its main purpose is to increase blood flow through the fissure, 
  4. urinary incontinence – also in this case, you may need a botulinum injection to prevent excessive bladder contractions. 

Botox – preparation for the procedure

There are no detailed preparations for the treatment with botulinum toxin. Before conducting it, however, the doctor should meet with the patient to conduct a detailed interview. There are contraindications to the procedure. The doctor will also check the skin. If changes indicating inflammation are noticed, the procedure will be postponed.

Botox – what does the procedure look like?

Botox treatment is relatively short. It takes a maximum of 10-20 minutes. At the beginning, the doctor marks the places on the patient’s face, into which he then injects small doses of botulin with a very thin needle. The procedure is painless and the puncture resembles a mosquito bite. However, there are cases where anesthetic cream is applied to the patient before starting the procedure.

Contraindications to the use of botox

Botox treatments are effective, give almost immediate results, and in many cases significantly increase the quality of life. This is why more and more people are choosing it. However, it should be remembered that there are a number of contraindications that prevent the use of botulinum toxin treatments. Belong to them:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding,  
  2. blood clotting disorders,  
  3. use of antibiotics,  
  4. flu, colds, body weakness,  
  5. heart failure  
  6. kidney failure  
  7. condition after myocardial infarction,  
  8. skin diseases above the site where the botulinum toxin is to be applied, 
  9. diseases of the neuromuscular junction, 
  10. skin damage. 

Side effects of botox use

The effects of botox injection are not immediately apparent. The full effect may not be visible until 14 days after the procedure. The most common side effects after a Botox injection include:

  1. zasinienia,  
  2. headaches, 
  3. drooling 
  4. crooked smile, 
  5. pain at the injection site 
  6. numbness of the face 
  7. watery or dry eyes. 

Botox – the price for the procedure

The price of the botox treatment will be influenced not only by the place where the patient has decided to undergo the procedure, but also by the type of the procedure itself. We can pay from 700 to 2000 zlotys for filling the lips, from 400 to 700 zlotys for filling small wrinkles, and from 500 to 1500 zlotys for the correction of strabismus.

Is botox safe?

Botox treatments can be performed by a dermatologist, an aesthetic medicine doctor or a plastic surgeon. They are safe for health and the effects are reversible, so the procedure should not be feared. However, one should remember about the existing contraindications to its implementation.

Botox and pregnancy – can the procedure be performed?

Botox treatment is not recommended during and during breastfeeding due to the increased predisposition to bruising. The same aspect applies to women who are having their periods. It should be remembered that there are no contraindications for pregnancy planning after the procedure.

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