Treatment of VVD in adults

Treatment of VVD in adults

Vegetovascular dystonia is a combination of multiple functional disorders that occur due to impaired control of vascular tone by the autonomic nervous system.

VSD is manifested by a variety of symptoms, among them:

  • Headache;

  • Apathy;

  • Nausea;

  • Malaise and weakness;

  • Increased drowsiness during the daytime;

  • Violation of concentration;

  • memory problems;

  • Changes in body temperature;

  • Instability of blood pressure.

Exacerbation of dystonia is observed in spring and autumn.

Statistics indicate that dystonia most often develops in people living in cities with a population of many thousands. Poor environmental conditions, constant stress, and increased noise levels negatively affect the state of health.

It should be understood that the symptoms that are inherent in vegetative-vascular dystonia do not always characterize this particular functional disorder. Often they can indicate other, more serious diseases.

By itself, vascular dystonia can provoke the development of various pathologies, and is often associated with the risk of stroke. Therefore, before you start using certain drugs on your own, or radically change your usual way of life, you need to carefully weigh this decision. It may be better to visit a doctor first and clarify your diagnosis. In addition, the therapy prescribed by a specialist will allow you to quickly and effectively deal with the existing problem.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia should be based on what exactly provoked the development of a functional disorder. Knowing the cause will allow you to make every effort to eliminate the problem and get rid of the pathological condition. Often VVD is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy or during puberty. In this case, only a slight correction of the diet and daily routine may be required to help the body rebuild faster.

However, VVD can be the result of much more serious causes, including nervous and physical exhaustion, serious illnesses, the presence of a chronic infection, and depression. In this case, it will not be possible to get rid of dystonia with the help of lifestyle correction. Therefore, if there is a violation of well-being and if you suspect VVD, you should contact a specialist. This disease is treated by a neurologist. After all, the main violations occur in the work of the peripheral nervous system, and failures in the functioning of other organs are only a consequence of incorrect regulation of vascular tone and transmission of a nerve impulse. Doctors such as infectious disease specialists and endocrinologists may be involved in the therapeutic process.

The most important thing in the treatment of VVD is a timely visit to the doctor, and not ignoring the symptoms of the disease. Over time, its manifestations will only intensify, and the blood circulation of organs and organ systems will worsen. It will no longer be possible to do without taking medications at an advanced stage of the disease.

Nutrition correction for VVD

Treatment of VVD in adults

Sometimes, to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is enough to correct the diet.

When making a diagnosis of VVD, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Remove canned food from the menu, refuse semi-finished products. In such products, the amount of chemical components is extremely high. This allows them to stay fresh longer, but at the same time harms the human body.

  • You should consume as little salt and caffeine as possible, otherwise the increase in blood pressure cannot be avoided. With VSD, its jumps are highly undesirable.

  • Spicy and fatty foods, as well as smoked meats, should be banned. This will unload the pancreas, liver and other digestive organs.

  • Vitamins of group B are required to be taken with VVD. It is found in sufficient quantities in vegetables, eggs, cereals, fruits, dairy products, fish and meat.

As it becomes clear, the VSD does not imply serious restrictions on the menu. Nutrition should be as balanced and complete as possible. This will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Light sports with VSD

Treatment of VVD in adults

Moderate physical activity contributes to the training of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Therefore, light sports with VVD are a prerequisite for recovery.

You should not start playing sports on your own, as incorrect exercise technique or excessive loads can be harmful. The training scheme should be selected by the doctor, taking into account all the symptoms and characteristics of the course of the disease in each case.

Proper and sufficient nutrition must be combined with training, as a lack of kilocalories will not allow the body to cope with physical activity. This, in turn, can lead to the development of another VVD crisis.

  • Swimming – this is the kind of sport that allows you to strengthen all body systems and positively affect human health. Even short-term sessions in the pool make it possible to relieve nervous tension, relieve joints, and increase muscle tone.

  • From running people with VVD are better to refuse. They are more suitable for walking. It is good to conduct training in the fresh air, and you should walk for short distances. The duration of training should increase gradually.

  • A ride on the bicycle. This type of training allows you to saturate the body with oxygen, strengthen the immune system, and stabilize blood pressure. However, too long trips on difficult routes should be avoided.

  • Every morning you need to start with a charge. It will give vivacity for the coming day, allow you to mobilize the reserves of the body, improve well-being. It’s good to be able to exercise outdoors.

  • Physiotherapy – This is a selected set of exercises, which must be compiled by a doctor. It is therapeutic gymnastics that is one of the basic methods of VVD therapy. The complex should be compiled by a specialist who has information about the state of human health.

  • Yoga. This type of exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles and at the same time acquire peace of mind. Doctors strongly recommend yoga for those patients who are prone to VVD attacks.

  • Breathing exercises. Breathing exercises can reduce the severity of negative manifestations of VVD.

In order not to harm your own health, you must definitely consult a doctor about the possibilities of practicing a particular sport.

It is also worth paying attention to the following recommendations regarding the peculiarities of training people with VVD:

  • The sports program should be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of each person;

  • Prolonged cardiological loads should not be combined with strength exercises;

  • Between approaches, you need to give the body a rest, you should refuse to perform heavy physical exertion;

  • During training, you need to monitor your breathing.

If health permits, you can play volleyball, ice skating, skiing, basketball. Under the ban are sports such as martial arts, light and weightlifting, boxing.

People with hypertensive VVD are shown breathing exercises, swimming, slow running and walking. You need to give up jumping, cardiological exercises, running with acceleration. You should constantly monitor your pulse and blood pressure. Exercises must be performed at a calm pace, standing, lying or sitting. You need to breathe through your chest, inhaling air through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. If shortness of breath joins, then it is necessary to take a break and restore breathing.

If the VSD has a hypotonic form, then you can engage in strength sports, cardio training, it is useful to do stretching, and perform exercises to develop coordination. It is good to practice at the Swedish wall, use dumbbells during training.

Be sure to train the abdominal muscles, spine, upper and lower extremities. If the neck muscles are involved in the exercises, then it is important to avoid sharp turns and bends. It is good to finish the workout with a contrast shower.

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