Treatment of varicose veins. Video
Varicose veins are a fairly common ailment. It affects up to 80% of women and 30% of men. At the initial stage of varicose veins, about half of the sick do not realize that this is not just a cosmetic defect, but a dangerous disease. In its neglected form, it can significantly worsen the quality of life, lead to a number of complications and even disability. Varicose veins must be treated as early as possible.
Treatment of varicose veins: video
Varicose veins are overstretched, irregularly shaped blood vessels that have lost their elasticity. They are increased in width and length and look like winding thick blue bundles visible under the skin. Veins become such in cases where the intravenous valves, for some reason, are not able to perform their functions.
Most often, with varicose veins, the superficial veins of the foot, thigh, lower leg are deformed
If the valves do not work properly, blood flows through the vessels in the opposite direction, that is, down. It accumulates in the lower parts of the veins, and also expands their walls. Because of this, the veins lose their natural shape and various complications begin to appear.
Reasons for the development of varicose veins
Varicose veins occur due to impaired blood circulation. The causes and predisposing factors for the onset of this disease can be:
- genetics (heredity)
- chronic cough
- constipation
- lack of exercise
- heavy physical activity, especially in a static position
- sedentary or standing work
- long-term wearing of tight shoes
- frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes
- the habit of sitting cross-legged
- smoking
- changes in hormonal levels (taking hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy)
- obesity
- improper nutrition
Symptoms of varicose veins
With varicose veins, patients complain of pain when walking in the veins or in the entire limb. The thickened veins of purple or dark blue color appear through the skin in the form of knots or twisting cords. During the development of the disease, brown or dark brown spots form on the skin in these places.
The disease is usually accompanied by edema of the lower extremities, which appears towards the end of the day. In addition, cramps may periodically occur in the lower limbs.
Complications of varicose veins
Varicose veins can lead to a number of complications. With chronic venous insufficiency, edema is fixed in the legs, which does not go away after rest. In addition, pain and heaviness in the legs increases and lymphatic insufficiency appears.
Over time, the compensatory capabilities of the body are depleted, and trophic tissue disorders develop on the lower leg. Also, pigment spots appear on the limbs, tropho-necrotic skin ulcers appear. In such cases, the treatment of varicose veins is significantly complicated and is often carried out in several stages. Because of this, the recovery period after surgery increases.
Another complication of varicose veins is varicothrombophlebitis, in which the lumen of the varicose veins is filled with thrombotic masses. In this case, a painful induration occurs, as well as redness of the skin in the area of uXNUMXb uXNUMXbthe location of the varicose veins. If thrombophlebitis spreads into the saphenous large veins of the lower extremities, there is a risk of pulmonary embolism. It is to prevent the development of these complications that it is important to start the treatment of varicose veins in a timely manner.
Treatment of Varicose Veins
Your doctor may prescribe medications for you to tone your veins and ease the condition. However, with severe varicose veins, sclerotherapy, laser treatment, or even surgery is required.
The most common treatment for varicose veins is sclerotherapy. Drugs are injected through tiny needles into the problem vein, which causes the dilated veins to collapse and clog up, preventing the backflow of blood. This procedure is performed without local anesthesia with minimal short-term discomfort. After its completion, a compression stocking is put on the lower limb, which should not be removed within 24 hours. As a result of sclerotherapy, the varicose vein should disappear within 3–6 weeks.
Laser therapy is a more expensive solution and is most suitable for the smallest vessels. Due to the action of short flashes of bright light directed at the vessel, its fading occurs. This treatment is slightly more painful, but avoids the use of injection needles. A good cosmetic result usually requires 2–5 treatment sessions. Large vessels can be removed with a surgical operation called phlebectomy.
There are also unconventional treatments for varicose veins, such as hirudotherapy. The secret of hirudin, which is secreted by leeches when bitten by a secret, has a beneficial effect on the elasticity and tone of blood vessels, while the blood is thinned, capillary circulation is improved, inflammation of the vascular wall is relieved, damaged tissues are restored, blood clots are resolved. Leeches allow you to normalize the pressure in the vessels, restore the inner surface of the capillaries and veins.
In the treatment of varicose veins, bee stings are also used in alternative medicine. However, the method of bee therapy – bee sting – is not suitable for everyone. One of the contraindications to this type of treatment is bee venom intolerance.
If you have to sit for a long time, periodically unbend and bend your ankles to maintain blood flow. In addition, when standing or sitting for a long time, you need to do warm-up exercises every 45-60 minutes or just move around.
With varicose veins, you should not abuse a long stay in a hot bath, in a bath, in the sun
To increase the tone of blood vessels, a contrast shower is useful, as well as compression hosiery – medical elastic knee-highs or tights that prevent fluid retention in soft tissues. However, it is advisable to wear them not constantly, but during standing work, loads, long hikes, during pregnancy.
Raise your legs as soon as possible to relieve pressure. Sitting in front of the TV or reading, use an armchair or ottoman for this. When lying in bed, place a pillow under your feet.
Also interesting to read: cream for stretch marks.