Treatment of varicose veins – the latest anti-varicose technologies

Although varicose veins are a disease that particularly affects during the summer, now is the best time to take medical action to eliminate them or reduce the visibility of spider veins. What are the causes of varicose veins and what treatments are the most effective? Are the preventive measures really effective? Find out today!

Varicose veins, or chronic venous insufficiency, is unfortunately not an individual, sporadic problem. As many as 46% of Poles complain of this ailment! In this case, therefore, we can talk about the social dimension of the disease. And that’s how you should look at varicose veins. They are not “only” unsightly spider veins on the legs. If left untreated, they can contribute to the development of severe skin damage on the legs and non-healing venous ulcers.

Where do varicose veins come from?

The answer to this question is not clear. Most, i.e. about 70% of cases are hereditary, so people with varicose veins in their immediate family (parents, grandparents) should take special care of cardiovascular issues. Varicose veins are also an acquired disease, and their formation is influenced by an inappropriate lifestyle. An old Chinese proverb says, “Regardless of who the father of the disease was, a bad diet was definitely the mother of it.” It is no different in the case of varicose veins! Overweight and obesity as well as a diet low in nutrients and vitamins (especially vitamins C and B12) have a very negative effect on the condition of our veins. Similarly, lack of exercise, hard physical work, but also sedentary work, slowing down blood circulation in the body or even long-term sitting in the “foot to foot” position – these factors largely determine whether the problem of varicose veins also affects us. On the development of varicose disease hormonal contraceptives and other hormone-based medications, such as those taken during the menopause, may also be affected. There are many causes of varicose veins, but there is just as much he can do to treat and counteract them.

Prophylaxis, or start acting today!

We should never treat preventive actions as a “melody of the future”. I will start exercising next month, start eating better after my birthday, go to my post-vacation check-up… postponing what is good for us – no sense. And prevention really has a huge impact on our health! A diet based on fresh vegetables and fruits, valuable fats, complex carbohydrates or the so-called superfoods will provide us with the necessary vitamins and nutrients to strengthen the veins, and also help maintain a healthy body weight. Regular physical activity will help you stay fit and maintain proper blood flow in your veins. Prophylactic measures also include wearing tights, knee-length socks and compression stockings, which are used both during convalescence after treatments, and preventively, in order to maintain proper circulation of the veins.

If varicose veins are our problem …

– In a situation where we take preventive measures, and varicose veins are hereditary and still affect us, you should direct your steps to a doctor’s office. Today, there are many methods available to effectively deal with varicose veins. – says Dr. Adam Gumkowski from AGklinik. They include both surgical and less invasive methods, but extremely innovative and effective treatments, such as foaming veins, i.e. sclerotherapy, laser varicose veins removal, compression therapy or pharmacotherapy. Remember that the choice of the treatment path is an individual matter, so the most important thing is the first step and a visit to a doctor in order to assess the health situation and start appropriate actions.

The latest technologies in anti-varicose therapies

The development of medicine provides us with more and more new methods of fighting varicose veins. One of the newest and at the same time extremely effective and minimally invasive methods of treatment is the so-called sclerotherapy, that is, foaming the veins. It is a procedure involving the removal of dilated blood vessels on the legs using a special foam injection method (the so-called sclerosing agent), which causes the veins to grow together and disappear immediately. It is a procedure that does not require anesthesia, because special, thin insulin needles are used to perform it – therefore it is almost painless! Sclerotherapy lasts less than half an hour, and after it is performed, patients can return to normal functioning. Immediately after the treatment, it is recommended to walk for an hour or two, and to put on special compression tights, supporting the positive post-treatment effect.

Laser varicose veins removal is also very popular in the treatment of varicose veins. This procedure is almost painless, takes a short time and allows you to quickly return to your daily activities. It consists in irradiating veins with a laser beam, which closes the vein, bringing the patient the desired effect in the form of eliminating unwanted spider veins.

– Depending on the severity of the venous disease, sometimes the only form effective treatment of varicose veins There are surgical procedures consisting in cutting the opening of the saphenous vein, removing varicose veins and cutting or ligating ineffective piercing veins. It is worth noting, however, that medicine, along with technological advances, also aims to reduce the invasiveness of surgical procedures. – emphasizes Dr. Adam Gumkowski. Today, a visit to the hospital to remove “local” varicose veins lasts only a few hours, and the most invasive – surgical measures are used in the case of very extensive varicose veins and severe insufficiency states.

Or maybe drugs?

Pharmacological actions are an important element both in the prevention and support of the treatment of inflammation and swelling of the veins and in the postoperative recovery period. The use of flavonoids has a positive effect on microcirculation and reduces ailments related to varicose disease, such as muscle pain and cramps and the accompanying feeling of heaviness in the legs. However, it should be remembered that flavonoids or vitamins support the prevention and treatment, but will not eliminate varicose veins.

In order to effectively fight unwanted spider veins, it is necessary to visit a doctor’s office and undergo treatment. The most important thing is that today, thanks to modern treatments and forms of therapy, the fight against varicose veins is possible and brings wonderful results, expected by patients.

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