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Today, this disease is opposed by advanced medical technologies that will help you forget about leg problems once and for all.
Varicose veins are a fairly common pathology today, in which the superficial veins expand and the insufficiency of the venous valve apparatus appears, leading to impaired blood circulation. If you do not consult a doctor in time and start treatment, the consequences can be very serious. Modern diagnostics and treatment of varicose veins – the topic of conversation with the candidate of medical sciences, surgeon
– I would divide them into two categories – those that depend on us and those that do not depend on us. Independent is, of course, a hereditary predisposition. Now a lot of attention is paid to such a moment as a violation of the structure of connective tissue, or dysplasia. People with varicose veins lack a gene responsible for the production of an enzyme that is involved in collagen synthesis. That is, if there is varicose veins, then there is a problem with the connective tissue. This is also the answer to the question why varicose veins are not treated conservatively. A hernia, for example, is also a manifestation of systemic connective tissue dysplasia. Therefore, it is removed, not treated. Risk factors for varicose veins that depend on us: excess weight, due to which the load increases. Roughly speaking, being overweight is more difficult to “drag” blood through the veins. A sedentary lifestyle or excessive physical activity, “standing” work, pregnancy and childbirth. By the way, while waiting for a baby, women are advised to wear compression underwear and tights.
– One of the very first signs is edema. It is, in principle, a sign of a vascular problem. We sat down – the legs are swollen, there is a mark from the sock or from the shoes – this is already a reason to come to the doctor. If there is pain in the legs after the usual exertion or just discomfort. There is a feeling of numbness in the legs, aches, twisting, swelling of the veins. When you notice all this in yourself, you need to go not to the pharmacy, but to the doctor.
Swelling of the legs, discomfort, aches, twisting, swelling of the veins – this is a reason to go to a vascular surgeon, and not to a pharmacy!
– I really do not like advertising of ointments. Although by themselves they are not dangerous. But their insidiousness is that you postpone the visit to the doctor, self-medicate, and this can have sad consequences. After all, varicose veins are dangerous by the formation of blood clots in the veins. It is painful and uncomfortable – time. A blood clot can come off – that’s two. And this is already life-threatening. The liquid part of the blood is aggressive. When it gets into the tissues, sooner or later trophic ulcers form. It is useless to treat them with ointments and herbs.
– This is an external examination, a conversation with a doctor, and then an ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities is performed. This is the gold standard of diagnostics, but ultrasound itself is unusual, not every functional diagnostics doctor does it. It is very meticulous and takes from 30 minutes to an hour. The specialist examines the entire vein, all the valves with the sensors. This has a fundamental question for treatment.
When using a radial light guide, energy is dissipated in the form of a ring around the entire circumference of the vein. This is exactly the advantage that allows you to make the processing of the vein accurate and uniform.
– We use all modern known methods of treatment, but we prefer endovenous laser coagulation; its effectiveness is comparable to that of surgical treatment.
The operation using a modern laser takes only 20 minutes under local anesthesia. Sedation is always used to relieve anxiety in the patient. Under the control of an ultrasound machine, we do a vein puncture – from the outside it looks like an intravenous injection, then a catheter is inserted, an optical fiber is passed through it, and local anesthesia is performed along the vein. It is also needed to compress the vein around the fiber. The fiber optic connects to the surgical laser. And also under the control of ultrasound we accompany the fiber. We press the laser button and remove this fiber. In parallel, the inner lining of this vessel is burned out. Then we put on elastic underwear for the patient, he gets up and goes home. If necessary, we give sick leave.
Operations using a laser allow you to get an excellent result with minimal pain and provide a quick recovery of the patient in the shortest possible time.
If you have been diagnosed with varicose veins, you need to be operated on. It’s not scary. It’s fast, good, safe and high tech.
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Monday-Friday: 8:00 am – 20:00 pm,
Saturday – Sunday: 9:00 am – 14:00 pm.
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Phone (8442) 266-266.