Treatment of valgus deformity

Treatment of valgus deformity

Valgus deformity is a particularly serious violation of the normal arrangement of bones. It is believed that the normal position of each leg corresponds to a certain conditional line, which can be drawn directly through the first gap of the toes and the hip joint, affecting the middle of the knee. Any such deviation from such a line shall be considered a serious deformation or curvature.

This pathology is characterized by an X-shaped deformity, when the lower leg visually shifts inward, while the legs resemble the letter X. With an O-shaped violation, the entire middle part of the lower leg noticeably deviates outward.

Dangerous valgus deformity of the femoral neck is a specific change in an important neck-diaphyseal angle. Often it is expressed as an increase. In many cases, this pathology is combined with flat-valgus deformity of the feet or with deformity of the lower legs of the same type.

It is believed that such a disease is provoked by congenital pathology, which is usually caused by hip dysplasia. In some cases, it can develop with lesions of the nervous system or as a result of a certain injury. There is always a great risk that hallux valgus can lead to the development of dangerous coxarthrosis.

Valgus deformity of the legs is dangerous primarily for its consequences. It should be noted that there is a direct deviation of the axis of the legs, when the visual distance between the ankles seems to be at least 5 cm, and the knees are tightly compressed. This ailment usually manifests itself in childhood, if parents allow the baby to stand for a long time in the absence of the necessary strength in the muscles.

It is also desirable to pay attention to the existing violations when the child crawls. Insufficient strength of the ligaments and muscles, as well as increased stress on the legs often lead to developmental disorders. The main causes are knee injuries, rickets and hip dysplasia.

First of all, these changes always affect the knee joints. In this case, their significant overextension occurs, and then flat-valgus flat feet appear. As a rule, the child begins to complain of severe fatigue of the legs, often asks for hands, and with prolonged walking, intense pain in the legs is noted. There is a high risk of dangerous development of scoliosis with an asymmetrical curvature of any leg.

Valgus deformity of the ankle joint is a significant displacement of the heel outward or its collapse inward, which often leads to the development of the inevitable flat-valgus flatfoot. Such flat-valgus deformity of a particular foot, otherwise called flat feet, is considered the most common type of this pathology. It often manifests itself in childhood.

How to get rid of hallux valgus?

Modern treatment of valgus deformity of the foot is a rather laborious and lengthy process. It is characterized by the constant wearing of special orthopedic shoes with a fairly rigid back. It also shows the use of special insoles, the behavior of regular courses of the necessary massage and specific physiotherapy exercises.

Treatment of valgus deformity of the thumb often involves a certain conservative treatment. Such non-surgical techniques include the use of orthopedic arch supports, interdigital pads, and night splints. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe modern physiotherapy treatment. Intra-articular administration of hydrocortisone and diprospan can significantly reduce inflammation.

The above conservative treatment is indicated in the early stages of the development of hallux valgus. At the middle and advanced stages of the pathology, it does not lead to a quick complete recovery, but is only a necessary preoperative preparation.

There are more than 100 methods of modern surgical treatment of pathology. The main ones include exostectomy – excision of a small part of the head of an important metatarsal bone, and osteotomy – removal of a specific part of the phalanx of the finger itself.

Arthrodesis should also be mentioned – this is a state of complete immobility of the joint of the entire big toe. If necessary, the specialist will recommend the necessary restoration of the ligaments near the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, or their comparison. Other surgical methods for treating hallux valgus include resection arthroplasty, as well as the replacement of the entire affected joint with a unique modern implant.

It should be noted that all such patients in the postoperative period should significantly limit any physical activity directly on the diseased foot. As a rule, you can move your fingers after the operation on the second day. It will be possible to walk in about 10 days without stepping on the operated leg.

It will be possible to fully load the leg only after at least one month, after the surgical treatment, and only after six months, wearing high-heeled shoes and intensive sports is allowed.

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