Treatment of the liver with folk remedies

The liver is a human organ, the slightest violation of the functions of which threatens with a fatal outcome. First of all, this is due to its versatility. It neutralizes toxins, preserves vitamins, synthesizes hormones and enzymes, stores a reserve supply of blood, secretes bile, without which the digestion process is impossible. One of the most effective ways to prevent liver diseases is to follow a special diet, the use of products that contribute to its smooth operation.

Corn silk for the liver

The benefits of corn stigmas in diseases of the liver and gallbladder have already been clinically proven. Corn stigmas reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood, reduce the viscosity of bile, thereby contributing to its better discharge.

Corn silk have the following properties:

Treatment of the liver with folk remedies

  • Used as a choleretic and diuretic,

  • Increase the secretion of bile

  • Promote the removal of small stones from the biliary tract,

  • They are used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, as it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood,

  • Serves as a hemostatic and diuretic for nephrolithiasis and dropsy, edema of various origins.

There are 2 ways to use corn silk:

  • Recipe for decoction of corn stigmas. We put 1 teaspoon of raw materials in an enamel bowl, add 1 cup of hot water, and then keep the broth in a water bath for half an hour. After that, the broth is cooled, filtered. You need to take 1-3 tablespoons every 3-4 hours, before meals. Shake the decoction before use.

  • Recipe for infusion of corn stigmas. To prepare the infusion, 2 tablespoons of crushed corn stigmas are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes, filtered through two or three layers of gauze. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day, before meals.

Turmeric repairs damaged liver cells

Turmeric is very effective in the treatment and prevention of the liver and biliary tract. Curcumin, the substance that gives turmeric its yellow color, has numerous medicinal properties. Despite the fact that curcumin has just begun to be studied by scientists, even now it represents great promise in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Here are 2 recipes for its use:

  • Simple recipe for use: Put 0,25 teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of water, add a spoonful of honey, wait 5 minutes until everything dissolves and drink. You need to take turmeric according to this recipe 3-4 times a day.

  • Delicious Turmeric Drink: Put in a blender 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of dried cashew nuts and 1 cup of milk. Mix everything thoroughly and drink. This is the daily dosage of turmeric.

Garlic is a versatile remedy

By consuming garlic, you can increase the release of cholesterol and fatty acids through bile, i.e. enhance the secretion of the liver and prevent the formation of excess fatty tissues around it. It is important not to overdo it here, because excessive doses of garlic can lower blood pressure.

This recipe was sent to us by Vladimir, a reader of the site:

  • Two cloves of garlic should be cut into thin layers, put in a glass of water, let it brew from evening to morning. In the morning, drink water and chop the garlic cloves again, pour a glass of water and let it brew from morning to evening. We continue to do this every day for a month.

The result of such treatment should be the complete normalization of all tests.

Oats for the liver

This cereal helps to cleanse the gradually accumulating harmful substances. By filtering the blood, the liver not only removes and neutralizes substances that are unnecessary or dangerous to the body, but also saturates it with beneficial enzymes. Oatmeal is loved by many children and adults. It is definitely included in the menu for convalescents in hospitals.

Recipe: boil 1 liter of milk or water, after adding 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of salt. Add 1 cup of oatmeal to the boiling mixture, stirring constantly. Wait for it to boil again and leave to languish over low heat until the porridge thickens a little and begins to gurgle, “click”. Add 50 g of butter, then leave warm for 15 minutes. You can serve with honey, dried fruits and even jam.

Oatmeal jelly recipe: cereal grains are boiled in water, then the resulting composition is filtered and again simmered over low heat until the solution begins to thicken. As with other oat-based formulations, salt, any kind of oil or sugar can be added to the jelly. This will facilitate the reception, but somewhat reduce the therapeutic effect.

The most effective cleansing of the liver occurs when using decoctions and infusions of oats. There are a huge number of recipes for the preparation and methods of taking these healing drinks.

How to brew oats for the liver?

Treatment of the liver with folk remedies

Dishes in liquid form are absorbed faster, nutrients are more likely to penetrate into the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. In order for the cleaning process not to harm health, you need to take a medicinal decoction little by little, but for a long time. The course should last at least 2 months.

Oatmeal recipe: boil 1,5 liters of water, add 150 g of pure oats and cook on low heat for 20 minutes, remove and leave to infuse in a warm place for 3 hours, strain. The rest can also be eaten or used to prepare any dishes. The course lasts 2 weeks.

Oat infusion recipe: rinse, grind a few tablespoons of natural grains (you can use a coffee grinder or a powerful grinder), pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter, wrap and leave to infuse in a warm place for 12 hours. Take 2 cups 3 times a day before meals. The dose can be reduced, because. the taste of the infusion is not very pleasant, but then it is worth increasing the duration of the course. It all depends on the determination and endurance of a person.

Oats are a unique product. By adding it to various dishes, you can not only improve the taste of food, but also improve health and support your body. By cooking with oats, people help many internal organs, including the liver.

Attention! Check out the contraindications to the use of oats!

5 superfoods for the liver

Beets for the liver

Treatment of the liver with folk remedies

Nutritionists call beets a “vacuum cleaner”, because. its composition perfectly eliminates excess “stagnant” substances. In beetroot, you can use both leaves – tops, and roots. It contains betaine, a fat dissolver. The beneficial effect of beets on the liver is not only in getting rid of excess fat, but also in the restoration and renewal of liver cells.

Beets do not have to be cooked. Raw leaves and roots can be finely chopped or grated, mixed with your favorite dressing such as olive oil and eaten. It is useful to add beets as a side dish to heavy meat dishes. This makes it easier for the liver and intestines to process fatty foods.

Freshly squeezed carrot and beetroot juice. The use of these vegetables in the form of juice allows the beneficial components to affect the body as a whole, cleansing it of cholesterol and toxins. Such a drink improves complexion, tones, increases resistance to colds. It is advisable for men to drink it to increase potency, and for women to get rid of menstrual pain.

There should be more carrots in the drink. Approximately in a ratio of 3:10 or even 1:10. Juice is recommended to drink three times a day before meals. If desired, add sugar, honey or lemon, cucumbers or coconut oil. When squeezing juice, you can also use beet tops, because it also contains many useful substances. It is better not to drink beetroot juice immediately, you need to let it stand for at least a quarter of an hour. At this time, a chemical reaction takes place in the drink, neutralizing some substances that are difficult to digest.

Carrot renews bile, cleanses the bile ducts thanks to vitamin A. In large doses, it can overload the liver and provoke temporary “jaundice”. Strong and anti-inflammatory effect in the case when the disease could not be prevented.

Pumpkin for the liver

Treatment of the liver with folk remedies

Pumpkin restores the damaged structure of the liver and cleanses of toxins thanks to pectin. The main advantage of pumpkin is its ability to restore cell membranes of hepatocytes. Regular consumption of pumpkin helps prevent the death of these cells, which, in turn, contributes to the proper functioning of the liver and the normal functioning of the whole body.

Pumpkin with honey is an excellent remedy for cleansing, removing cholesterol, in addition, it improves metabolism, which prevents obesity. Porridge is boiled from pumpkin, baked with fruits and various desserts are made. Some people eat it raw.

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. Drinking a glass of fresh juice in the morning on an empty stomach is the same as eating 0,5 kg of pumpkin pulp. The recommended dosage is half a glass of juice per day, it is better to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, you can add sugar and lemon extract. Such juice can even be preserved for the future.

Some prefer fresh pumpkin and zucchini, pumpkin and carrots. This is a matter of taste and imagination. The juice is squeezed from the pulp of the fruit and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. The younger the product, the larger and juicier its pulp. Pumpkin cleanses the liver so carefully that preventive courses can be carried out often. She is hypoallergenic.

Pumpkin is unique in that it allows you to deliciously support the functioning of the liver at the proper level. Eating well-cooked pulp or seeds, no one will wince in disgust.

Persimmon for the liver

With winter approaching, many lovers of these giant berries are looking forward to the joy of this delicacy. The most delicious varieties of persimmons appear on the market. This fruit contains vitamin C and has a sweet but somewhat astringent taste. A slightly frostbitten persimmon is especially pleasant.

Persimmon is very beneficial for the liver, and there are two good reasons for this:

  • Persimmon is rich in coarse fibers. They do not allow 10-15% of harmful cholesterol, carcinogens and other toxic substances to be absorbed, which are destroyed just in the liver.

  • vegetable sugarswhich are also beneficial for our body.

Therefore, eat persimmon more often as soon as it appears on the shelves of sellers.

Buckwheat for the liver

Buckwheat is a food product very necessary for our liver. It contains a large complex of plant substances, mainly flavonoids – which remove fat not just from the vessels of our body, but directly from the liver cells, preventing them from being destroyed by the accumulation of this very fat.

Dereza (Goji Berries)

Goji berries, which in Russian are called “dereza” – remove excess fat from the body, and primarily from the liver. Goji berries contain such a valuable element as galactolipid. It protects liver cells from any toxic substances. In addition, galactolipid maintains normal mobility of the joints of the arms, back, knee and shoulder joints.

Attention! Galactolipid is easily destroyed at high temperature!

Other traditional medicine recipes for the liver

There are a few more recipes that help with liver diseases:

Treatment of the liver with folk remedies

  • Honey with cinnamon. You need to take honey – a half-liter jar – and add two tablespoons of ground cinnamon there, mix and use before meals or two hours after meals, two tablespoons four to five times a day. After a few days, the liver stops hurting.

  • Corn hairs. Pluck the corn and you will see hairs and fibers underneath. They should be brewed in a teapot like tea and consumed instead of tea or coffee. Make sure that the fruits are ripe, otherwise the hairs and fibers will not help you. The course of treatment lasts about six months.

  • Chaga. With hepatitis and liver failure, it is recommended to take an infusion of chaga. Infusion drink 1 cup 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. Every 10 days take a break for 5 days. Read more about the beneficial properties and methods of cooking chaga.

  • Burdock juice. Burdock juice helps with liver diseases. This juice is very useful for those who have had hepatitis. It is necessary to drink such juice in May, pick the leaves of burdock, wash them, dry them and cut off the cuttings. Pass the leaves through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through two layers of gauze. You need to take one tablespoon, just before meals, because the juice has a very bitter taste. The course of treatment is one week, then take a break for a week and drink juice again for a week. For one season it is desirable to drink a liter of juice.

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