Treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies

The text is presented for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor. Recommended reading: “Why not self-medicate?”. The treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies is the therapy of the disease with natural compounds, the recipes of which have been created over the years. Therapy with antibiotics is very difficult for the human body to tolerate, so it is important in chronic pyelonephritis to constantly support the body with the help of nature’s recipes in order to prevent complications and relapses of the disease.

Acute pyelonephritis occurs due to the penetration of pathogens into the kidneys through the bloodstream (descending path of disease development) or due to complications of cystitis or urethritis (ascending path). Such a disease, as well as an exacerbation of its chronic form, usually begins with dysuria, temperature fluctuations, and pain in the lumbar region. Also, pyelonephritis can be a consequence of urolithiasis due to a violation of the outflow of urine from the body. In all of the above cases, it is impossible to treat pyelonephritis with folk remedies, since most traditional medicine recipes have a diuretic effect.

Only after curing the cause of the disease, you can start maintenance therapy with folk remedies. It is strongly not recommended to treat urolithiasis and glomerulonephritis without medical intervention.

In the latent form of chronic pyelonephritis, patients are advised to constantly adhere to a certain diet, follow the established drinking regime and consume medicinal herbs and decoctions that have diuretic properties.

This regime should be observed constantly, without exacerbation of pyelonephritis.

Herbal preparations

Folk remedies for the treatment of pyelonephritis involve the use of a large number of various herbs in their formulations. Among the most popular herbs used in this case, experts distinguish St. All medicinal herbal preparations for pyelonephritis have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, help to avoid stagnation of urine and the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

As a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, traditional medicine recommends the use of oat grass. A decoction of it must be drunk twice a day for 1 cup, the duration of the therapeutic course should be 2-3 weeks. The combination of decoction of oats and therapeutic baths greatly speeds up the healing process. For the same purpose, it is good to use a decoction of bearberry, which, in addition to diuretic and anti-inflammatory, also has an antiseptic effect. These recipes should be used with caution during pregnancy and in childhood, since the tannins contained in these herbs can have an effect on the appearance of the tone of internal organs.

Perfectly manifests itself as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent parsley root. To prepare a decoction, take a couple of dense roots, finely chop them, and pour 0,5 liters of water and 0,5 liters of milk. The mixture is boiled and cooled. For effective therapy, it is recommended to take half a glass of decoction three times a day for a month, then take a monthly break and drink the decoction again for another 1 month.

With the development of puffiness and low pressure against the background of pyelonephritis, after consulting a doctor, you can use a decoction of corn stigmas, 1 teaspoon of which is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and then infused for about half an hour. The broth is filtered and taken 2 tablespoons every 3 hours until a stable remission of these symptoms occurs.

With manifestations of cystitis and blood impurities in the urine with pyelonephritis, it is recommended to take a tincture of yarrow herb with astringent, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. To do this, 2 teaspoons of yarrow are steamed with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour, after which they are filtered. This volume is recommended to be consumed during the day, divided into several doses.

Cornflower tincture is also excellent as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant for pyelonephritis. To do this, a tablespoon of flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted in heat, and then filtered. Reception three times a day for 20 minutes before eating a quarter cup of this tincture has a bactericidal and diuretic effect.

Berries for pyelonephritis

Decoctions for pyelonephritis are useful to do not only on the basis of herbs. Many berries are no less useful for the kidneys. The inflammatory process is perfectly eliminated by cranberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, blueberries, strawberries, blueberries and others. Many of these berries prevent the reproduction of pathogens in the human body, their attachment to the kidney tissue, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the general condition and restoration of renal function.

Many berries are useful in their raw form, however, due to the fact that with pyelonephritis you need to drink a lot, it is better to cook all kinds of jelly, compotes based on berries, and make juice from them. In the presence of allergic reactions to many garden berries, such as strawberries, experts recommend using hypoallergenic blueberries.

Cranberries and juices, fruit drinks and jelly prepared on its basis have an antiseptic effect on the urinary tract and kidneys. Compote, cooked from sea buckthorn and viburnum, or their use with honey, will have an anti-inflammatory effect. Mountain ash has an excellent healing effect on the functioning of the kidneys. To enhance the anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, it is recommended to mix rowan and potato juice in equal proportions, defend this mixture and take half a glass twice a day on an empty stomach.

Rowan juice with pyelonephritis can also be mixed with a natural anti-inflammatory agent – honey. The juice squeezed from rowan berries is poured into a glass, a tablespoon of honey is added to it, and they are drunk in small sips of 50 ml three times a day. After taking the rowan-honey mixture, you should immediately drink a glass of boiled water. Water will allow the diuretic function to work better, and concentrated rowan juice, drunk in its pure form, will have a disinfectant effect.

Sokolenie helps to remove toxins from the body, has a disinfecting effect on the kidneys, and helps to increase the excreted fluid. Many berries and fruits (such as watermelon, apples, melons, and grapes) help flush the kidneys, improve the digestive processes in the body, and increase metabolism.

Millet with pyelonephritis

Among the well-known folk methods of treating kidneys, the treatment of this organ with the help of millet has long been known. Even specialists of official medicine confirm the effectiveness of millet therapy for patients with severe signs of pyelonephritis.

There are practically no contraindications to millet treatment.

Millet helps to improve kidney function, promotes the removal of stones in urolithiasis from the ureters and bladder, eliminates sand, salt deposits. It is only important to get a preliminary medical consultation and you can start an affordable and effective treatment of pyelonephritis right at home.

In traditional medicine recipes, there are many examples for the treatment of kidney diseases with millet. Many of these techniques are universal and suitable for the treatment and prevention of any pathologies in the kidneys. On the eve of how to prepare a medicine from cereals, millet should be calcined over high heat. It is also often recommended to germinate millet seeds, and only then cook porridge or first courses from it. At the same time, it is good when, in addition to millet itself, millet flour is also added to such food.

Directly with pyelonephritis, decoctions and millet dishes such as:

  1. Porridge, for the preparation of which millet seeds are poured into a glass container, poured with a layer of water and covered with gauze on top. After a couple of days, millet sprouts, it, along with sprouts, needs to be dried and cooked as porridge. It is necessary to eat such porridge without salt, oil and sugar. Apply porridge 2 times a day for a month.
  2. Tincture, which can be prepared from 200 grams of millet, which is poured into a three-liter jar. Next, boiled water is poured into the jar, covered with a lid and wrapped in a blanket. Millet is infused throughout the day. After that, the contents of the jar need to be shaken, strained and used 1 glass 3 times a day for a week. Often, experts in traditional medicine recommend combining such a tincture with diuretic infusions from lingonberries or bearberries for a more pronounced therapeutic effect.
  3. A decoction of millet to restore the normal outflow of urine. To prepare it, 2 tablespoons of millet must be steamed with two glasses of boiling water, bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and drain the water into a separate container. This water should be drunk according to a certain scheme. On the first day of treatment, you should drink it every hour, 1 tablespoon, on the second day, use 3 tablespoons every hour, and then take a decoction before meals in a volume of 0,5 cups. The duration of treatment is determined individually, but it should not be shorter than 2 weeks. If at the same time you use decoctions of diuretic herbal preparations in parallel, you can forget about pyelonephritis forever.

There are also express methods for treating pyelonephritis with millet. They are based on the simple and quick preparation of medicinal products from this cereal, which, in terms of their effect, are in no way inferior to pharmacological preparations or folk remedies, which must be prepared for quite a long time. For example, such remedies include a recipe in which half a three-liter jar of millet is poured to the top with boiled water, left for a day, and then the resulting infused water is taken at any convenient time several times a day. The second express method of millet therapy is a recipe in which one tablespoon of millet is boiled with a glass of water under the lid for 5 minutes. Then the broth is cooled and insisted for 2 hours. The liquid is drained and drunk a third of a glass each time half an hour before meals.

Using a heating pad for pyelonephritis

Despite the popular belief that the kidneys need to be kept warm and that heat can alleviate symptoms in various pathological processes, the use of a heating pad for pyelonephritis is not at all so simple. The cause of pyelonephritis of the kidneys can be hypothermia of this organ or penetration into the kidneys of various pathogens in various ways. Heat is one of the main conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms. Even in the case of moderate inflammation, the use of a heating pad for pyelonephritis can enhance the growth of microorganisms, and in severe cases, it can also redistribute the infection from the pyelocaliceal zone to the renal parenchyma zone. Such processes lead to complication of therapy and most often translate acute pyelonephritis into a lifelong chronic form.

Also, warming up the kidneys with pyelonephritis can lead to such consequences as swelling of the organ due to an increase in its size, urinary retention in the urethra, an increase in pain in the kidneys, the onset of fever, and an increase in intoxication processes. That is why it is strictly forbidden to use a bath, a heating pad and other sources of heat in the acute form of pyelonephritis, and at the stage of remission in the chronic form, such treatment must be strictly coordinated with the attending physician.

The use of alternative methods of treatment for pyelonephritis helps to quickly get rid of not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the disease. The main rule in this case is not to neglect medications, use folk recipes only as additional or prophylactic agents, and be sure to consult a doctor before starting treatment on your own.

Sources of
  1. Clinic Expert in Irkutsk. – Pyelonephritis: why does it occur and how to treat it?
  2. ME “40th city polyclinic”. – We treat the kidneys with herbs. Phytotherapy for kidney diseases. (Part 1).
  3. State institution “Institute of Nephrology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”. – Pyelonephritis. Treatment of acute or exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis.

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