How to cure prostatitis
You are alone with the problem of treating prostatitis and restoring your male health. Your task is to cure the disease, without becoming only an object of profit for the medical industry. Read about how to properly treat prostatitis and be savvy. The methodology covers the following questions: – How to find a good doctor – How to correctly identify the causes – How to properly treat prostatitis – Prevention of prostatitis – How to prolong sexual intercourse, and many others
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Prostate Exercises
Prostatitis is often associated with a congestive process in the prostate gland. By itself, it is poorly washed by blood and, as a result, is poorly supplied with oxygen. And this already causes a deterioration in the functioning of prostate tissues. If we do not have enough oxygen, then we begin to fall asleep, and individual organs react in the same way to a lack of oxygen.
It is necessary to increase the supply of blood to the prostate gland by performing simple exercises.
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The main methods of treatment of prostatitis
Treatment of prostatitis – This is the process of eliminating an inflammatory or congestive process in the prostate. That’s what every doctor will tell you at the reception. However, one must understand that prostatitis does not appear without a reason, and for the successful treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to first eliminate the causes of its occurrence, and only then treat the prostatitis itself.
Any treatment for prostatitis should begin with a diagnosis. You must first verify its causes. First of all, it is necessary to establish whether there are infections or bacteria in the prostate. To do this, it is necessary to analyze a smear from the urethra.
If infections or bacteria are the cause of prostatitis, antibiotic treatment of these infections will be required first. Treatment can be lengthy, depending on the extent of the infection.
If the cause of prostatitis is hypothermia, antibiotic treatment will also be required, but not so serious, very trivial. But in any case, it is necessary to establish the absence of infections and bacteria (perform the necessary tests).
With stress and other causes, the situation is almost the same as with hypothermia. Only it is possible that you will need a little more treatment from a neurologist for neurosis (electrophoresis, relaxing massage and various vitamins).
After eliminating the causes that caused prostatitis, they proceed directly to the treatment of prostatitis itself, which consists in carrying out procedures. Prostate massage is often prescribed, but many doctors doubt this method. Imagine that you have a boil, and you treat it with a massage. If the doctor is a hack and has not completed the treatment for infections, he immediately began to treat prostatitis, then prostate massage will be simply dangerous!
Together with the procedures, general strengthening drugs are prescribed that resolve congestive processes in the prostate gland. In general, the prostate is rather poorly supplied with blood, so the success of treatment largely depends on the activity of the patient himself. The one who lies on the couch has less chances than the one who at least does exercises.
Only the general approach is described here. Learn more about prostatitis treatment read in the section Methods of treatment of prostatitis.
Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies
People are increasingly turning to traditional medicine, to the experience of previous generations, and this applies not only to the treatment of prostatitis, but in general it is noticeable in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Folk remedies do not have side effects, do not have a toxic effect on the body, and show their therapeutic effect much milder. This is due to the fact that folk remedies use only natural ingredients of natural origin, in contrast to synthetic drugs. These are the main advantages of traditional methods of treatment, but there are also limitations. More
Looking for a urologist? — Reviews about clinics
The urologist deals with the treatment of prostatitis. His activity is closely connected with andrology (reproductive function), often he is in one person a urologist – andrologist. Finding a good doctor is a big deal. In polyclinics of small towns, there is usually no urologist, and for private clinics this is mainly a business. Before going to a urologist, read reviews about clinics >>
If you decide to contact the clinic, you should know that not everyone works in good faith and how to recognize charlatans:
— How money is pulled in clinics — How to behave at the reception
Is it prostatitis? – Treatment of abacterial prostatitis and CPPS
Very often it turns out that no infections and bacteria are detected even with repeated tests with provoking an infection (forcing it to manifest itself), but a man suffers from obvious signs of prostatitis and at the same time the doctor is confused how to treat this patient, and then prescribes treatment regimens with a wide spectrum of action with an extensive set of antibiotics. And what is the disappointment of the patient when this treatment does not lead to the expected effect. The reason for this is that it is actually not prostatitis at all. And the treatment is quite different.
So-called abacterial prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) manifest themselves very similar symptoms. Both diseases have a very indirect relationship to prostatitis, and they need to be treated in a completely different way.
These two diseases were formulated in medicine not so long ago and, one might say, the reason was that doctors do not know how to call it correctly. The bottom line is pelvic neuralgia – this is a pinched nerve in the lower spine or general psycho-emotional congestion of a person (neurosis). The connection with prostatitis in these diseases lies in the fact that, being in close proximity to the pelvic organs, neuralgia radiates to the entire pelvic part, which is full of nerve channels and endings coming out of the spine. An analogy can be given like this – everyone knows an otolaryngologist, among the people – earthroat. Many people remember that if the throat hurts, it gives it to the ear and vice versa. The same is the case with CPPS and abacterial prostatitis.
Treatment of abacterial prostatitis and CPPS should be individualized each time. It is necessary to conduct a number of studies of the pelvic organs, MRI of the lumbosacral spine, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, consultations of a neurologist and psychiatrist and other consultations may be required.
Ultimately, the treatment of CPPS and abacterial prostatitis will consist of physiotherapy (only as prescribed by a doctor), stress relief and neuralgia, and gymnastics to stretch the spine and back muscles. However, it should be noted that to accurately establish the causes and prescribe the clearly necessary treatment is a matter of chance and luck, the doctors themselves have not figured this out yet. Take care of yourself!