Treatment of persecution and paranoia: we are being followed
Persecution mania is the most common form of paranoia. People suffering from it are sure that someone is watching them, moreover, that they are constantly in serious danger. When the disease goes into a neglected form, a person becomes dangerous both for himself and for others, therefore, the sooner treatment begins, the better.
Treatment of persecution mania and paranoia
The problem of treatment of persecution mania
It is not difficult to check for persecution mania. With this disease, a person first feels that the reality around him is changing, everything becomes ominous. He feels that very soon there will be a turning point when everything will change for the worse. At the same time, there is a feeling of predetermination, an understanding that danger cannot be avoided. Later, when the disease progresses, the person “guesses” exactly who wants to harm him, how, what exactly will happen, and even where and when the misfortune will happen.
At first, symptoms of the disease can appear spontaneously, that is, most of the time a person seems to be quite healthy. It is necessary to start treatment already at this stage.
Unfortunately, simple conversations for persecution mania are not enough, so this option will be completely ineffective. Moreover, a person may think that he is being convinced that there is no danger, so that then suddenly attack and rob or kill, even if we are talking about a close relative or friend. To speed up the treatment of mania, you need to try to eliminate what is causing or aggravating the symptoms. Sometimes it is a mental illness, but often it is alcohol or even drugs.
Professional treatment for stalking mania
Unfortunately, getting rid of paranoia without the help of a psychotherapist is almost impossible. At the same time, the specialist will not have long conversations with the patient, because the best treatment for persecution mania is medication. At an early stage, it is enough to drink pills, and then undergo rehabilitation procedures; in extreme cases, hospitalization is necessary for constant monitoring of treatment.
Convincing a paranoid to go to a therapist is not an easy task. Remember that with such an illness, a person is sure that he is absolutely healthy. The best option is to first talk to the doctor personally, describe the situation and find out how to proceed
Another effective treatment for persecution mania is family therapy. Close relatives of the patient take part in it. At the same time, the psychotherapist also prescribes special medications that must be used regularly. It is important not to stop treatment, even if at first glance the problem seems to be resolved, as paranoia may return.
Please note that if the doctor realizes that the patient is a danger to himself or others, it may be about compulsory treatment in a psychiatric clinic.
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