Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

A cyst is a benign neoplasm, which is a cavity with liquid or semi-liquid physiological contents (lymph, secretion, blood, pus). The cyst membrane is thin, translucent, often covered with a network of blood vessels, lined from the inside with an epithelium capable of producing fluid (due to which the cyst increases in size), as well as releasing biologically active substances into the blood (for example, the hormone progesterone, as is the case with a yellow cyst). bodies). The capsule, that is, the body of the cyst, can be located either inside the organ or on the surface, and then it can have both a flat base and a leg.

Cysts form in almost all organs and tissues of the human body, from the skin and gums to the intestines, kidneys and brain. The dimensions of these cavities can vary from a few millimeters to several tens of centimeters in diameter – science knows cases of huge, neglected cysts that compress internal organs and threaten life. However, usually the cyst is small, and does not give itself away, but you need to understand that in any case it needs timely diagnosis and treatment.

Cysts are dangerous for three reasons:

  • They almost never decrease and do not disappear on their own (with the exception of female functional cysts), but only increase and begin to interfere with the work of internal organs;

  • An increase in the cyst, as well as its location on the stalk, threatens to rupture and outpouring of the contents, or torsion of the stalk and necrosis of the cyst body, which in both cases is fraught with blood poisoning and death;

  • Some types of cysts are capable of degenerating into malignant tumors.

Most often, a cyst is diagnosed by chance, during an ultrasound scan or a routine examination by a doctor. If the formation is tiny and does not threaten anything, specialists usually take a wait-and-see attitude and monitor the behavior of the cyst: is it increasing in size? Depending on the origin and location of the cyst, medication may be prescribed. If the cyst is of a dangerous type, is growing rapidly, or is already a threat to health at the time of diagnosis, it is removed surgically. Conservative treatment of cysts, including folk methods, is relevant only in the case of a small neoplasm of a functional nature in the female genital organs.

An ovarian cyst can be asymptomatic, or it can cause intermenstrual bleeding, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, discomfort during and after sexual intercourse, chronic miscarriage, or even complete infertility. One of the main risk factors for the formation of ovarian cysts, in addition to hormones, bad habits, abortions, miscarriages and untreated infections, is heredity. If your closest female relatives had such an ailment, it is likely that it threatens you too.

If you have been diagnosed with a cyst, do not despair – in most cases, the neoplasm can be removed laparoscopically without bloodshed, or even complete resorption can be achieved with the help of hormonal and drug therapy. But if the cyst occurs again and again, and hormones give more side effects than positive results, it is worth considering alternative methods. With the knowledge and consent of the attending physician, it is possible to successfully treat cysts at home using folk recipes and proven remedies for years. You will learn about the most effective methods of non-surgical treatment of cysts from our article.

Dandelion root is a proven and effective remedy for cysts

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

Dandelion officinalis (Taraxacum officinale) is the most commonly used species of dandelion in medicine. Leaves, tops, milky juice and roots of the plant have healing properties. For the future, they are harvested in early spring or late autumn, and in summer they can be treated with fresh raw materials. Dandelion helps to cope with so many ailments, thanks to its unique chemical composition.

Dandelion contains:

  • In milky juice – taraxacin, taraxacerin, flavoxanthin, rubber, choline, saponins, resins, amino acids, vitamins C, A, B2, E and PP, minerals calcium, manganese, iron and phosphorus;

  • In the roots – taraxol, taraxasterol, taraxerol, pseudotaraxasterol, b-amirin, b-sitosterol, stigmasterol, inulin, glycerides of linoleic, palmitic, lemon balm, oleic and cerotinic acids, rubber, amino acids, mucus and resins;

  • In leaves and flowers — taraxanthin, arnidiol, faradiol, flavoxanthin, lutein, triterpene alcohols.

Dandelion has the following types of therapeutic effects on the human body:

  • Antipyretic;

  • Laxative;

  • Choleretic;

  • Spasmolytic;

  • sedative;

  • Lactogonal;

  • Tonic;

  • Anthelmintic;

  • Antiviral;

  • Fungicidal;

  • Hypoglycemic;

  • Cleansing;

  • Antitumor.

The high effectiveness of infusion and decoction of dandelion root in the treatment of cysts is due to two reasons: firstly, the drug helps to gradually reduce the amount of fluid inside the cyst, and secondly, it prevents the formation of new cysts in the future.

It is easy to prepare such a medicine at home, write down the recipe:

  • Recipe for water infusion of dandelion root. Grind dried or fresh (cleanly washed) dandelion root with a coffee grinder. Pour 1 teaspoon of the powder with a glass of boiling water, cover with a saucer and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain through sterile cheesecloth and take 1/3 cup 2 times a day, one hour before breakfast and 2 hours after dinner. It is necessary to be treated for 5 days before each menstruation.

  • The recipe for a decoction in a water bath. Grind 2 dandelion roots with a knife, pour half a liter of water and simmer in a water bath for 3 hours. Strain the finished broth, cool, pour into a glass jar with a screw cap and hide in the refrigerator. Take 3 tablespoons 3 times a day one hour before meals for 5 days before each period.

Boron uterus, red brush and winter love are the best herbs for treating cysts

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

In the first-aid kit of every woman who has problems with the health of the genital area, there should be three healing herbs: boron uterus, winter-loving and red brush. These unique plants have been helping women around the world for many centuries in the treatment of cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, miscarriage, breast tumors and severe menopause. These three herbs contain biologically active substances that work better together than alone, which is why the most effective treatment for cysts at home is the three-step regimen, which you can read about below.

The composition of the upland uterus (ortilia lopsided):

  • Arbutin breaks down in the body into glucose and hydroquinone. Powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent;

  • Coumarins – reduce blood clotting;

  • Phytoestrogens – normalize the female hormonal background;

  • Saponins – dilute physiological fluids;

  • Flavonoids – fight free radicals and prevent cancer;

  • Vitamin C, trace elements copper, zinc, manganese and titanium, as well as tannins – enhance the anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antitumor effect.

The composition of the red brush:

  • Salidroside is a unique glycoside that normalizes the work of the human endocrine glands (thyroid, prostate, adrenal cortex, ovaries);

  • Organic acids, sterols, tannins;

  • Flavonoids, essential oils and phenols.

The composition of the winter-loving umbrella:

  • Hydroquinone chymophilin is a substance with a strong diuretic effect;

  • Arbutin;

  • Flavonoids and resins;

  • Starches, sugars and pectins;

  • Tannins;

  • Phosphoric and silicic acids.

Recipe for the treatment of cysts with infusions of three herbs

Each of the three healing decoctions is prepared in the same way: pour 1 teaspoon of chopped dried grass with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes and strain. The secret of the effectiveness of the treatment of ovarian cysts according to this technique lies in the order of admission.

You need to start immediately after menstruation:

  • 1 Week – we drink 1/3 cup of a decoction of a boron uterus 3 times a day 1 hour before meals;

  • 2 Week – we drink a decoction of the red brush according to the same schedule;

  • 3 Week – we drink winter-loving decoction according to the same schedule.

Then your period will pass, and after them the course can be repeated. To enhance the effect, add 1 ampoule of vitamin E or 1 tablespoon of honey to herbal decoctions.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with burdock juice

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

The juice of ordinary burdock, or scientifically burdock, contains a number of substances that have a therapeutic effect on the human body:

  • Phytosterin – an alkaloid that inhibits the division of cancer cells and helps to reduce benign tumors and cysts;

  • Inulin – a polysaccharide that lowers blood cholesterol levels, normalizes digestion, removes harmful substances from the intestines and serves as a natural substitute for white sugar, therefore it is often used in diabetes;

  • Bitterness, saponins, essential oils и amino acids – in the complex they contribute to good digestion, have a choleretic effect, interfere with the processes of fermentation and decay;

  • Tannins – help to heal wounds and burns;

  • Stearic and palmitic acids – improve metabolism and blood composition;

  • Minerals copper, titanium, manganese, iron, tin, zinc and boron, essential for health.

The same substances, but in different concentrations, are also found in burdock root, which makes it no less popular healing agent. However, for the treatment of cysts at home, freshly squeezed burdock leaf juice is best suited, since it contains more phytosterol, and there are more bitterness and saponins in the underground part of the plant. You can collect burdock for medicinal purposes in summer and early autumn, preferably away from roads and settlements, somewhere in a forest or in a swampy area, because burdock leaves very well absorb pollution from the surrounding air.

Recipe for treating cysts with burdock juice

Burdock juice is prepared as follows: wash the leaves cleanly, dry with a towel, tear into small pieces, grind with a meat grinder and squeeze, or pass through a juicer – it will be much more convenient to just throw away the cake. You need to store juice in a glass container in the refrigerator for no more than three days, so there is no point in preparing it for the future.

Drinking burdock juice for the treatment of cysts is recommended according to the following scheme:

  • 1 and 2 days after the end of menstruation – 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals;

  • 3 and 4 days – 3 times 1 teaspoon;

  • 5 to 1 day next menstruation – 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

At the time of menstruation, the course of treatment is interrupted. After their completion, you need to do an ultrasound to evaluate the result. If required, continue treatment for 2-3 more cycles.

ASD-2 fractions for cysts

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

More than 60 years ago, in 1947, the Russian scientist Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov developed a unique drug, known by the abbreviation ASD, which stands for “Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant.”

The drug has two fractions:

  • ASD-2 – liquid, for oral administration;

  • ASD-3 – thick, for external use.

ASD is produced from animal tissues by high-temperature sublimation, is non-toxic, has no contraindications, and at the same time demonstrates the highest efficiency in the treatment of infectious and oncological diseases.

In Soviet times, when the first laboratory tests of ASD took place, and the potential of this drug became obvious, it was included in the official pharmaceutical reference book of Moshkovsky. It is known for certain that with the help of ASD even representatives of the party leadership and their families were successfully treated for serious illnesses. The drug also passed the test of the war – during the North Korean conflict, it was included in the arsenal of field doctors. The Ministry of Health of the USSR openly recommended ASD for use by all doctors, but there was an important circumstance that hindered the popularity of ASD – the smell.

Since the drug has a very unpleasant, specific odor, many patients refused treatment, preferring other means, which became more and more with the development of medicine. But there are still devoted connoisseurs of ASD who are grateful to the drug for saving them from serious illnesses. Unpleasant smell and difficulty in application are not such a high price when it comes to curing cancer or tuberculosis.

Treatment of ASD-2 cysts with a fraction is very effective, regardless of the type and location of the neoplasm. This specific drug has helped thousands of people cope with cysts of the kidneys, intestines, ovaries, prostate gland and other organs. That is why interest in ASD still remains, but there are more questions than answers: where to get it, how to calculate the dosage, how long to continue treatment? We will try to answer all these questions.

How to take ASD-2 fractions?

Since ASD-2 is sold in glass vials with a rubber cap and an aluminum protective cap, it is easiest to calculate the dose in milliliters, because this data is indicated on the vial.

The dosage for the treatment of cysts using ASD-2 is calculated based on the age of the patient according to the following scheme:

  • 1-5 years – 0,2-0,5 ml of ASD per 5-10 ml of water;

  • 5-15 years – 0,5-0,7 ml of ASD per 10-15 ml of water;

  • 15-20 years – 0,7-1,0 ml of ASD per 15-20 ml of water;

  • 20 years and older – 2-5 ml of ASD per 40-100 ml of water.

For example, for the treatment of a cyst in a woman aged 40 years with a normal body weight, the optimal dosage would be 4 ml of ASD per 80 ml of water.

Standard reception scheme: Start treatment on Monday, and if you are a woman and treat an ovarian cyst, then from the first day after menstruation. Drink the drug for 5 days in a row, dividing the dose into 2 doses, morning and evening. Then take a break for the weekend, and repeat the five-day week 2 more times. During the next course of three five-day periods with two two-day breaks, you can already drink the medicine once a day, in the morning.

Alternative option:slide scheme, which involves taking ASD-2 1 drop three times a day on the first day, then increasing the dosage by 1 drop every day up to 40 drops, and then the same gradual decrease back to 1 drop. This treatment option is more suitable for chronic infectious diseases or oncology.

Recommendations for breeding ASD-2: In no case do not open the bottle with the drug, because it will lose its beneficial properties upon contact with air. ASD is a highly active biological substance of a volatile nature. Use a measuring syringe to dilute the medicine. Remove the aluminum circle from the lids, insert the needle into the vial, draw up the desired amount of ASD, pour into a glass, add water, stir and drink.

Tips on how to drink ASD-2: Unaccustomed to drinking medicine can be very difficult. It smells unpleasant, so much so that it is better to cook and drink it outside the house, in the air. Close your eyes, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale sharply through your mouth, drink the medicine in one gulp, and then repeat the combination of deep inhalation and exhalation 5-6 times so that nausea does not occur.

Where to buy ASD?

Currently, ASD-2 and ASD-3 preparations are not used by official medicine and are not sold in pharmacies, but their production continues for veterinary purposes. You can freely purchase ASD-2 at a pharmacy for animals.

Scientific interest in this drug has not faded, and scientists are looking for ways to make the drug more convenient to use. An example of such a solution is suppositories with ASD, which, according to manufacturers, help women’s diseases by 20% better than taking ASD-2 orally. So far, these candles can be ordered only in online pharmacies.

Chaga mushroom dissolves ovarian cysts

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

Chaga, or tinder fungus, is used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine – it is from it that the popular drug Befungin is produced, which can be found in any pharmacy. This medicine is successfully used as part of the complex therapy of tumors of various etiologies, including cystic formations in the ovaries, mammary glands and kidneys.

However, you can make a homemade remedy for chaga cysts, which will cost you free of charge, and will be much more effective, since it will have a higher concentration of nutrients.

Chaga mushroom contains the following medicinal components:

  • Inositol;

  • Pterin;

  • Terpenes and phenols;

  • organic acids and polysaccharides.

To treat a cyst at home, you will need fresh chaga mushroom, which can be found in the forest on birch trunks. This fungus owes its second name to its favorite habitat – chaga is sometimes also called “birch mushroom”.

Recipe for the treatment of ovarian cysts with chaga

Put 500-600 g of mushroom in a large enamel pot and cover with warm water for 6-8 hours so that it is properly soaked and swollen. Twist the soft mushroom with a meat grinder, pour three liters of boiled water, heat to about 50 ° C (so that it does not boil), then remove the pan from the heat, cover and leave at room temperature for 3 days. Strain the finished infusion, and dilute it with boiled water in two, pour into a three-liter glass jar and put it in the refrigerator.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with a decoction of chaga begins from the first day after menstruation. The first three days they drink half a glass of broth 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Then increase the dosage to a whole glass. You need to take a decoction for three weeks, before the start of the next menstruation. If the medicine runs out or deteriorates (it ferments, this happens if the water was not boiled), you will have to prepare more.

The same decoction is great for douching, with which you can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment of the cyst. It is also good to put sterile swabs moistened with a decoction of chaga, every other day for the whole night. During the entire treatment period, avoid hypothermia, fatty, spicy and sweet foods, do not drink too much fluid before bedtime.

Complex collection of tinctures for the treatment of ovarian cysts

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

There is a comprehensive recipe for the treatment of ovarian cysts at home with the help of several of the most effective tinctures and herbal ingredients. At first glance, it may seem complicated, but you can easily get all the ingredients, the medicine is easy to prepare, it is stored for a long time, and you immediately get a large volume that is enough for a full course of cyst treatment. This recipe is recommended by women who themselves have encountered such an ailment and successfully overcome it without hormones and operations.

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • Juice from the leaves of indoor aloe – 300 ml;

  • Liquid honey – 300 ml;

  • Viburnum juice – 200 ml;

  • Preparation Befungin – 100 ml;

  • Calendula tincture – 100 ml;

  • Plantain tincture – 100 ml;

  • Celandine tincture – 100 ml;

  • Fresh herb wormwood – 100 g;

  • Vodka – 500 ml.

If you cannot find a tincture of plantain or celandine in a pharmacy, prepare it yourself, at the rate of 10 g of dry raw materials per 100 ml of vodka, insist in a dark, dry place for 14 days, then strain. All of the above ingredients should be put in a clean three-liter jar: crushed wormwood and honey on the bottom, everything else on top, mix thoroughly, close the lid and store in a dry place for two weeks in the same way, and then strain and put the jar with the finished medicine in the refrigerator.

Take this infusion 1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day for 3-4 months with breaks for menstruation. It is recommended all this time to follow a moderate diet without fatty, spicy, smoked and sweet foods.

Green walnut tincture for cysts

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies, without surgery

You should not eat green walnuts without additional cooking – firstly, they are very viscous and bitter, and secondly, they contain too high a concentration of biologically active substances. It is in the composition of immature walnuts that the most alkaloids are found that are effective in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms: tumors, cysts, myomas, fibromas. And the phenols, terpenes, resins and saponins contained in green walnuts make it possible to use these fruits for the treatment of dysentery, parasitic infections and helminthiasis.

Organic acids and tannins, which are part of the juice of green walnuts, are useful for gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, polyposis of the stomach and intestines. In addition, green walnut tincture cleanses blood vessels, lowers blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels, and has a choleretic and diuretic effect. Therefore, it is recommended not only for the treatment of ovarian cysts, but also for type XNUMX diabetes, diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas. And you can prepare such a tincture at home – how to do it, we will now tell.

Green walnuts can be harvested from mid-May until the end of June, while they are still no more than 2,5 cm in diameter, soft to the touch and easily pierced through with a wooden toothpick. It is best to grind the harvested fruits with rubber gloves, as they contain a very persistent plant pigment that stains the skin in a dark brown color.

Recipe for alcohol tincture on green walnuts

Wash the green walnuts thoroughly with hot water and cut each fruit into 4-8 wedges. Put the pieces in a clean liter jar until it is a quarter full. Then, to the top, to the very neck, add vodka or alcohol, tightly cork with a screw cap and put it in a dark, cool place for 1 month. During this time, the tincture will darken a lot – this is normal.

Strain the finished medicine, pour it into a clean jar or bottle, and put it in the refrigerator. Take for the treatment of ovarian cysts 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals for 3-4 months with breaks for menstruation.

Recipe for a mixture of honey and green walnuts

There is another recipe that is equally suitable for both treating cysts and for general strengthening of the body, because it is based on bee honey. Mix 1 liter of liquid honey with 1 kg of crushed green walnuts. It is better to do this in 4 half-liter jars, immediately mixing nuts ground with a meat grinder into honey so that useful alkaloids do not evaporate from them when they come into contact with air.

The jars do not need to be sealed tightly, and it is not at all necessary to store them in the refrigerator, since both honey and green walnuts contain natural preservatives. Before use, such a medicine should be infused for 2-3 months – it is during this period that all the healing components of the walnut will pass into the honey syrup.

When the syrup is ready, it can either be strained and taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals, or left unstrained and consumed directly with the nut pieces. This will allow you to clean the digestive tract well from the remnants of undigested food, adhering fat and other debris. You can be treated with green walnut honey for the rest of the year, until the next season – this is an excellent tonic and tonic. While you are taking it, no cysts will simply appear in the body. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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