Treatment of obesity with a gastric balloon – what is it? The price of the procedure

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Lack of exercise and a poor diet are the basic factors that contribute to the development of obesity. Doctors are alarming that in recent years this disease has become an increasingly common problem all over the world, both in adults, as well as in children and adolescents. It is no wonder then that bariatric procedures are gaining in popularity.

What is obesity?

Obesity is a condition in which the body accumulates too much body fat. However, the changes do not only concern the patient’s appearance – they have a negative impact on the functioning of the entire body, increasing the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension or atherosclerosis.

How to distinguish overweight from obesity?

The most common method is to use the BMI (Body Mass Index), which is calculated according to the formula: BMI = body weight (kg) / height squared (m2) [kg / m2]. And yes, being overweight is where the BMI is between 25 and 29.99. BMI in the range of 30-34,99 means obesity of the 1st degree, and in the range of 35-39,99 – obesity of the second degree. When the BMI is greater than 40, we are dealing with grade 3 obesity, i.e. morbid obesity.

  1. Learn how to classify body weight and body fat when overweight and obese

Obesity – treatment methods

The fight against obesity should take place on many levels. Changing your diet is extremely important. The patient should maintain a negative caloric balance, i.e. consume fewer calories than his daily requirement. However, it is important that the menu is varied and that the meals provide all the necessary nutrients.

  1. Obesity, diet, yo-yo effect. Gaining weight is the domain of Poles

An obese person must also introduce more physical activity into his life. At the very beginning, they can be just walks and marches (e.g. Nordic walking), with time it is worth supplementing them with training focused on fat burning, such as intervals.

If the measures taken are not effective enough or the patient is morbidly obese, then it is worth considering undergoing bariatric surgery. One of them is the so-called stomach ballooning.

Stomach balloon as a way to obesity

Gastric balloon implantation is one of the least invasive bariatric procedures. The procedure involves endoscopic insertion of a special balloon into the patient’s stomach, which is then filled with physiological saline or air. This causes a feeling of fullness, reducing the volume of meals eaten.

Interestingly, this method is used in people with all degrees of obesity – other, more invasive bariatric procedures are recommended primarily to patients who are struggling with morbid obesity.

  1. Who should opt for bariatric surgery?

However, in the qualification of a person willing to gastric ballooning, it is important to confirm the lack of effects of conservative treatment. Therefore, this method can only be used if the change of diet and possible use of pharmacological agents did not bring the expected results.

Gastric ballooning is a procedure offered by medical facilities from all over Poland.

Contraindications to gastric ballooning

Although treatment of obesity with a gastric balloon is a relatively minimally invasive procedure, there are a number of contraindications to its performance. The current large hiatal hernia and peritonitis will prevent the procedure from being performed. The list of contraindications also includes:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  2. serious liver, lung or kidney disease
  3. previous surgery of the upper gastrointestinal tract,
  4. expected lack of patient cooperation regarding the postoperative lifestyle change.

A factor that can delay gastric ballooning over time is chronic steroid therapy. The same applies to chronic constipation. After you stop taking certain medications or deal with digestive problems, your doctor may decide to implant the balloon in the patient.

The course of the procedure with the use of a gastric balloon

Gastric ballooning is performed using an endoscope similar to the one used in gastroscopy. The procedure is usually performed under short-term general intravenous anesthesia, but local anesthesia can also be used.

  1. What types of local anesthesia are there?

When it starts to work, it is introduced empty into the patient’s gastrointestinal tract stomach balloon. The operator then fills it with sterile saline (500 to 700 ml) or air (550 to 650 cm3). The next step is to detach the tube from the balloon by gently pulling it. The procedure is short and usually takes no more than half an hour. After its completion (or earlier), the patient should receive precise instructions from the doctor as to what to do next.

  1. What are eating disorders?

When the balloon is full, the stomach walls are tense, which triggers the transmission of information to the brain that inhibits the hunger center. This provides the patient with a constant feeling of fullness, making it much easier to reduce the amount of food consumed. This, of course, translates into weight loss.

Life after stomach ballooning

Due to the use of anesthetics, the patient remains under observation for several hours after the procedure. He can leave the clinic on the same day, but it is important that he does not drive alone. After stomach ballooning the body has to get used to the new situation, therefore nausea, flatulence or stomach cramps may occur in the first few days. They should disappear on their own.

During this period, the patient’s diet should be semi-fluid. You should take no more than 100 ml of the liquid at a time and 2 liters per day. Drink slowly, with intervals between sips. The approved foods are:

  1. non-acid fruit juices (e.g. apple juice),
  2. broth,
  3. weak tea and coffee (preferably decaffeinated),
  4. skim milk and yoghurt,
  5. low-calorie jellies.

In the second week, you can enter the first solid products into the menu, but at the beginning they should be grated or shredded in a blender. It is important that there is protein in your meals. After this time, the patient can start consuming solid foods. However, remember to introduce them gradually – first cooked and finally raw.

  1. What can you steam cook?

How long does gastric balloon therapy last?

The gastric balloon remains in the stomach for 6 months. During this time, the patient should take care of his lifestyle – a healthy diet consisting of 4-5 small meals, as well as physical activity. For gastric balloon therapy to be effective, the newly introduced habits must remain with the patient permanently!

If necessary, it is worth using the help of a psychologist and / or nutritionist who will provide support and motivate you to maintain a new lifestyle. If all recommendations are followed, the patient will certainly get rid of some of the extra pounds. On average it is 15 kg.

People who additionally struggle with hypertension, joint pain or type 2 diabetes can also count on improving their health. After six months, the balloon is removed in the same facility where it was introduced. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

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