Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Warning. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia should be done under the supervision of a doctor, as excess iron can lead to serious health problems (cardiovascular problems, liver problems, diabetes). Too much iron is deposited in the liver, heart, pancreas and other organs. Also, mild iron deficiency anemia could be a symptom of another important health problem that is important to discover.

First and foremost, it is important for a doctor to determine the exact cause of the iron loss. If there is an underlying health problem, it will be treated as a priority.

L’iron deficiency anemia, diagnosed by blood tests and evaluation of symptoms, is treated by taking iron supplements. Treatment can last for several months. Supplementation should be continued for 2 to 3 months after correction of the anemia, in order to replenish the body’s iron reserves.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia: understand everything in 2 min

Consumption of foods rich in fer is a useful adjunct to treatment. However, it is rarely sufficient to correct the problem, meet daily iron needs and rebuild reserves.

Iron supplements

The recommended daily dosage for adults who are deficient is 150 mg to 200 mg of iron per day. Either of the following forms of iron can be used.

  • Ferrous fumarate: 106 mg of iron per tablet (Euro-fer®, Palafer®, Ferrate®)
  • Ferrous sulfate: 65 mg of iron per tablet or 44 mg per teaspoon (Apo-Ferrous Sulfate®, Fer-In-Sol®, PMS-Ferrous Sulfate®, etc.)
  • Ferrous gluconate: 28 mg to 36 mg of iron per tablet (Apo-Ferrous Gluconate®, Novo-ferrogluc®)

It is not recommended to take enteric-coated tablets, that is, tablets that resist stomach acidity and dissolve in the intestine. The film that surrounds this type of tablet delays their dissolution and interferes with the absorption of iron.

How to take the supplements

  • Iron is best absorbed when the stomach is empty: one hour before a meal or two hours after. This is because certain foods can reduce the absorption of iron. This same interval should be observed for coffee and tea (especially black tea – green tea contains less tannins).
  • To maximize iron absorption, take the supplement with orange juice or a 250 mg vitamin C supplement.
  • Iron supplements interact with many drugs as well as calcium supplements. Tell your doctor what medications you are taking. It will suggest a time interval to respect to prevent the interaction.

Possible side effects. Iron supplementation can cause constipation, abdominal pain, or nausea. People who have digestive discomfort can try various solutions:

  • take the supplement with meals;
  • reduce the dose;
  • opt for ferrous sulfate in liquid form, which is generally better tolerated.

In case of constipation, eating more fiber and increasing your water intake is sometimes enough. Also, iron supplementation makes stools black.

Precaution. Keep iron supplements out of the reach of children. Every year, in Canada and the United States, children become poisoned, sometimes fatally.

If iron cannot be absorbed through the digestive tract, as is the case with some people with intestinal disease, it is injected by intravenous route. Of blood transfusions may be needed in severe anemia.


See advice in the Prevention section.

Complementary approaches

Treatment ofiron deficiency anemia requires taking iron supplements. No complementary approach is particularly indicated.

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