Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies. Video
Hypertension is a popular problem. People over the age of 50 are especially susceptible to it. However, doctors say that today she is rapidly rejuvenated, and as a result, noticeable changes in the numbers on the tonometer are already noted by those who are 30 years old. The reason for this ailment is a violation of the vascular tone, as a result of which they do not cope with their work, and various malfunctions in the body begin.
Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies
Risk factors for the development of hypertension are:
- prolonged stress
- frequent psychological and emotional stress
- lack of exercise
- age-related changes in the body
- excessive passion for salt
- hereditary predisposition
- abuse of bad habits
It should be borne in mind that women are less susceptible to hypertension compared to men. Therefore, the stronger sex needs to take special care of their health in a special way.
Symptoms for which you can suspect hypertension include:
- headache
- regular pressure rises to the level of 140-190 mm Hg. Art.
- decreased visual acuity
Hypertension is considered a chronic condition. However, this does not mean at all that there is no need to treat it. On the contrary, so that the state of health is not disturbed even more, it is necessary to help the body cope with the problems of high blood pressure.
Usually, traditional medicine is used for this. All medications must be taken only as directed by a doctor. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable.
However, after consultation with a specialist and his prior consent, alternative medicine treatment can be added to the official and licensed means.
Treatment of hypertension and folk remedies
It is worth remembering that folk remedies are not a panacea. They simply help reduce the pressure a little at a certain point in time. But as a remedy, they are ineffective.
Some of the popular alternative medicines are the following. Take figs and dried apricots, 200 g of each product, add 25 pcs. walnuts. Chop everything together with a knife and mix. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. The course of admission is 1 month for 1 tbsp. l. once a day with a glass of kefir. You need to take this medicine at night.
Another good recipe is based on rose hips.
To prepare it, take:
- 1 tsp rosehip syrup
- 2 tbsp. l. kefir
- 1/2 h l.meda
- banana
Whisk the banana in a blender, add a little cinnamon powder. Mix everything with the rest of the ingredients.
You can take such a remedy at any time.
Garlic can also help reduce blood pressure.
To prepare the tincture you will need:
- 100 ml of rubbing alcohol
- 40 g garlic cloves, peeled
Insist the garlic in alcohol for a week, then drain the alcohol. And add mint infusion to it to taste. Take before meals 10-30 drops for 2-3 tbsp. l. water.
Apple cider vinegar can help reduce blood pressure. Simply put a cloth soaked in vinegar on your heels for 10 minutes.
Also interesting to read: the benefits of hawthorn.