Treatment of hemorrhoids – the most popular methods and prices of treatments

Everyone has hemorrhoids, or haemorrhoids. These are tangles of blood vessels located just below the mucosa of the lower rectum. Small, virtually imperceptible nodules help the sphincter muscles seal the mouth of the large intestine and control bowel movements. Sometimes, however, hemorrhoids cause problems. How to deal with them then?

How are hemorrhoids formed?

The obstructed outflow of blood from the anus causes the hemorrhoids to fill with stagnant blood, and then enlarge, bleed and hurt. Eventually they come out of the anus. Various factors can lead to this situation. Among them, it is worth mentioning, among others frequent constipation or diarrhea, long hours of sitting, multiple births, and a low-fiber diet.

The severity of hemorrhoids is determined using a four-point scale:

  1. XNUMXst degree hemorrhoids they do not fall out and are not palpable on palpation;
  2. XNUMXnd degree hemorrhoids fall out during bowel movements, but regress spontaneously;
  3. XNUMXrd degree hemorrhoids they fall out during defecation and usually require manual evacuation into the anal canal;
  4. Stage IV hemorrhoids they are always outside and cannot be led back.

It is the phase of hemorrhoids that determines the choice of treatment method.

  1. Check: What do hemorrhoids look like? Causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids – methods

Conservative treatment is usually sufficient in the first two stages of the disease. It is important to start them after consulting a doctor who will select drugs appropriate for a given case. It is also important to introduce a diet rich in fiber and limit the time spent sitting (if possible). Stage III and IV of haemorrhoidal disease requires surgical treatment. There are many methods available – some procedures require hospitalization, others are performed on an outpatient basis.

Surgical excision of hemorrhoids

Classic surgery (haemorrhoidectomy) consists in removing the hemorrhoids. Due to the fact that it is a radical method, it is highly effective, but also the highest risk of complications (such as pain, bleeding, anus stenosis, problems with defecation). The treatment is used in the most advanced stage of the disease or in situations where minimally invasive treatment has proved ineffective.

A hemorrhoidectomy is usually performed by one of two methods: Milligan-Morgan or Ferguson. The first of these techniques is excision of the nodules and leaving open woundsto prevent narrowing of the anal canal. Healing then takes from 7 to 10 days. The procedure performed by the Ferguson method looks similar, however the wounds after the removal of the nodules are sutured, thanks to which the healing time is shorter and pain – less.

As an aid in the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is worth using For hemorrhoids – a herbal mixture, the infusion of which should be drunk twice a day for half a glass.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by the Barron method

The Barron method, i.e. erasing hemorrhoids is one of the most commonly used techniques for removing hemorrhoids. It is used in stage II and III of the disease. The procedure involves putting a rubber ring on the base of the hemorrhoid. As a result, the blood supply is cut off, which causes the nodule to die, and after 3-10 days it is excreted naturally. The treatment is short and you can return to your daily activities immediately afterwards.

Removal of hemorrhoids by coagulation

Coagulation is the closing of the vessels that supply blood to the hemorrhoids. This can be done in several ways: high frequency current (RFITT), radio waves and laser. Due to the generation of high temperature, the vessels leading to the nodules close, which eventually causes them to die. The procedure takes a few minutes, and the indications for it are primarily bleeding XNUMXst degree hemorrhoids. Because it is minimally invasive methoddiscomfort after the procedure is minimal.

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Treatment of hemorrhoids using the DGHAL / DGRAR method

The DGHAL / DGRAR method is an alternative to traditional operations and is successfully used at all stages of haemorrhoids. The procedure is performed under the control of Doppler ultrasound. With the help of a probe, hemorrhoidal vessels are located and then ligated. This method is safe and the patient can return to their daily duties the next day.

Removal of hemorrhoids using the Longo method

The Longo method is used in the treatment of II and III degree hemorrhoids. It involves the simultaneous removal and stitching of a fragment of the mucosa with a special tool. During the procedure, vessels supplying blood to the hemorrhoids are removed, and the nodules themselves are returned to the right place. The hemorrhoids become fibrous after a few days – then the patient also regains full fitness.

How Much Does Hemorrhoid Removal Cost?

The price of the treatment depends largely on the method used. You have to pay an average of PLN 2850 for a classic surgery. Prices for the removal of hemorrhoids using the Barron method start from PLN 300, but it is worth remembering that the final price of the procedure depends on the number of rubber bands used. The costs associated with laser treatment of hemorrhoids amount to an average of PLN 2500. The DGHAL / DGRAR method is more expensive as it involves an expense of PLN 3500.

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