Treatment of flatulence and bloating. Video
Some people are familiar with this unpleasant sensation when the stomach is literally swollen. This is due to increased gas production (flatulence) in the intestines. How can you get rid of this annoying problem?
Excess gas leads to abdominal pain, belching, and poor appetite. In addition, flatulence is often accompanied by the discharge of gases, and because of this, a person suffering from bloating experiences not only physical but also psychological discomfort, fearing to get into an awkward position.
What are the causes of increased gassing
In the process of digesting food, a large number of different gases are formed. However, if the organs of the digestive system are working normally, these gases are almost completely absorbed by the aerobic bacteria that are part of the intestinal microflora. Therefore, a person does not experience discomfort, such as bloating and other symptoms described above.
If the composition of the intestinal microflora undergoes changes, leading to a reduction in the number of aerobic bacteria, they cannot process the previous amount of the formed gas. Therefore, the so-called flatulence occurs.
These changes can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, after taking antibiotics.
For all the indisputable benefits of these drugs, they also have serious side effects, one of which is a destructive effect on the intestinal microflora.
Another common cause is a consequence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, dyskinesia). Often, bloating occurs due to physical inactivity, stress, and overeating. This way of life inevitably leads to a deterioration in intestinal motility, constipation and, as a consequence, to an increase in putrefactive processes in the lower intestine. And because of them, increased gas formation occurs.
Finally, flatulence can occur due to the inherent bad habit of some people hastily eating food, biting off large chunks and chewing poorly, and even talking while doing this. Then air inevitably enters the digestive system, which, mixing with the gases formed during incomplete digestion of poorly chewed food, causes bloating, increased gas formation.
This is the very case when it would not hurt to remember the wise sayings that say: “He who chews for a long time, he lives for a long time” and “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”
How can bloating be treated?
First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the increased gas formation. To do this, you should consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a complete examination. The doctor, if necessary, will prescribe medications that improve intestinal motility and help restore the intestinal microflora. Along with drug treatment, the patient must temporarily exclude from his diet some foods and drinks that can provoke flatulence (carbonated drinks, for example).
But what to do if a person suffering from bloating is, for some reason, unable to consult a gastroenterologist? Then he can try to get rid of this problem, strictly adhere to two principles: eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.
It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet (or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum) fresh bread, especially from wheat flour, pasta, legumes, some vegetables and fruits containing a lot of coarse fiber, easily digestible carbohydrates and starch
Such products include cabbage, radish, potatoes, sorrel, bananas, grapes. You should also not use kvass, beer, carbonated sugary drinks. All these products should be replaced in the diet with wholemeal bread, cereals (buckwheat, millet), boiled or stewed lean meat, as well as boiled or stewed fish and vegetables (carrots, beets). Fermented milk products are also very useful, as they normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
To absorb excess gases, you can use such a known and widespread means as activated carbon. It works very effectively and is absolutely harmless to the body.
In addition, activated carbon is very cheap and therefore available to any buyer.
If flatulence is accompanied by abdominal pain, do not apply a heating pad or take a hot bath! This can only aggravate the patient’s condition. To reduce pain, take 1-2 tablets of “No-shpy” or a similar drug.
Excessive excitement and stress should be avoided. It is necessary, if possible, to get rid of a sedentary lifestyle, to be in the fresh air more often, to engage in physical education, of course, wisely dosing the load.
And, of course, at the first opportunity, you still need to contact an experienced gastroenterologist! After all, increased gas production and abdominal pain are often symptoms of various diseases, and only a professional physician can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
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