No rehabilitation without a balance sheet. For your offspring, it will take the form of a dictation. After analyzing your grown-up’s copy, the speech therapist will suggest rehabilitation.
Usually once or twice a week for three months. Intensive care, the results of which will depend on the child. ” Progress is particularly linked to motivation », Specifies the speech therapist.
The content of the sessions varies of course, depending on the child and the rehabilitator.. Working on homonyms, helping them set up strategies, explaining the spelling rules to them, so many exercises that will be covered throughout the treatment.
Whatever the methods adopted, the goal is the same: to make the child master conjugation and get him to ask himself questions about the words thanks to the references given.s.
And to clearly visualize the progress, the specialist can use a notebook, as a regular work support. It will make it possible to make the link between the learning seen.
According to Christelle Achaintre, the working method is clear: “ the best aid is reading », She assures.
For Marianne, the benefits of rehabilitation are indisputable: “ I notice that my son is less reluctant to read a little book or does not stress so much for a control where he knows he will have instructions to read. He is no longer reluctant to copy too much, and he reproduces letters, syllables, sentences more and more faithfully… Which is saying a lot, given the extent of the difficulties at the start! ».
Whose fault is it ? The debate on the causes of dysorthography is far from over. The whole problem is to know, if the disorder is structural, that is to say related to the development of the brain or if it is an educational problem. In this case, it is the teaching of spelling rules at school that would be singled out. True disorder or educational problem, the mystery of dysorthography remains intact … for lack of studies |