Treatment of corn with herbicides

Growing corn in a small area or in a field requires some care. One of the most important rules of agricultural technology in this case is the destruction of weeds throughout the entire period of crop growth. With a large area of ​​planting, manual weeding becomes impossible, and here herbicide for corn comes to the aid of farmers.

Treatment of corn with herbicides

What are herbicides and what are they for?

Herbicides – the name of a group of chemical reagents that are used in agriculture to destroy a particular vegetation. They are usually used on large areas under crops, where it is impossible to cope with weeds manually. Treatment with special preparations allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of many types of extraneous vegetation at once.

Herbicides have a different composition and, accordingly, in terms of effectiveness and scope. Currently, about 300 types of chemicals have been developed and successfully introduced into the agricultural industry.

There is a generally accepted classification of herbicides according to their action:

  • continuous action – destroying everything that currently grows on the site, including the crops themselves. They are suitable for freeing up land for crops or destroying particularly resistant weed species. On sown lands, they are applied only after the harvest has already been harvested;
  • Selective (selective) action – posing a threat only to certain categories of plants in areas with certain crops. Their use is possible at any time.

If we talk about the processing of corn fields, then just herbicides from the second group are suitable here, which will not harm the main plants.

Important! Different varieties of corn may react differently to the same chemical. Therefore, before using a particular herbicide, you should carefully study the instructions.

Weed Features

A farmer or gardener using herbicides for corn on his plot should have a clear understanding of the types of weeds and their characteristics. This will greatly facilitate the selection of a suitable drug.

When dealing with weeds, the following characteristics should be considered:

  • not all weeds begin to develop at the same time: one part germinates in the spring, and the other appears during the summer and even at the beginning of autumn;
  • there are annual herbs, which it is enough to destroy once, and perennials, which, if not completely exterminated, can grow from year to year;
  • weeds have different types of reproduction: some – with the help of a branched root system, which is why it is almost impossible to remove them completely (loach, thistle), others – due to a large supply of seeds (colza, amaranth).

If you do not pay attention to the listed features of pest plants, you will have to resort to broad-spectrum herbicides.

Treatment of corn with herbicides

What herbicides are suitable for processing corn

Corn is one of the most common agricultural crops. It is characterized by unpretentiousness and good yields. At the same time, its crops are very susceptible to contamination by foreign harmful plants, which negatively affects the development of the culture. Therefore, there are a significant number of herbicides suitable for corn that help to cope with this problem.

Preparations used to treat corn plantings are classified as selective herbicides and are divided into 2 groups:

  • soil;
  • post-emergence.

The main active ingredient of such funds can be:

  • dimethylamine salt (suitable for application on wet soil, but on dry soil it can lead to burns of the main crop);
  • sulfonylureas (can be used at temperatures from 5 ° C, has high selectivity, is effective against most perennials);
  • acetochlor (effective mainly against annuals, has a long period of protection, acts in the upper layers of the soil);
  • clopyralid (applied at an early stage of weed development and works well during the period of active growth, ineffective against the cruciferous family).
Attention! Different herbicides have a different period of action – some begin to work immediately after application, while others will take at least a month to completely destroy pests.
Herbicide for corn against grasses and dicotyledonous weeds. #Agricultural EquipmentTV

Popular herbicides for corn

To choose the right drug for corn, you should carefully study its description and application features.


It is a drug of systemic action. The main active ingredient is a sulfonylurea derivative.

Effective against most annuals and perennials of the dicot class. Treatment of corn with herbicide is carried out in a phase of up to 5 leaves.

Available in the form of granules, which must be diluted in water for use.


Belongs to the group of post-emergence selective preparations. It has a systemic effect on all types of pest plants.

Differs in fast response and a long period of crop protection.

Produced in the form of a concentrated suspension.


It is a broad spectrum post-emergence herbicide.

It is used in the growth phase of corn from 3 to 10 leaves. A derivative of sulfonylurea (nicosulfuron), it actively penetrates into weed cells, inhibiting their division.

It is used only without additional active substances.


Refers to the type of selective soil herbicides. The main active ingredient is acetochlor.

It shows high efficiency in the fight against perennials of the dicotyledonous class and cereals. Before applying the drug, the soil must be well moistened.

Guarantees the protection of crops for up to 2 months.


Belongs to post-emergence systemic herbicides based on rimsulfuron (a sulfonylurea derivative).

It is used for spraying plants after germination. The first signs of impact are already noticeable on the 5th day after treatment.


A potent drug based on two active ingredients – florasuram and ethylhexyl ether.

It has high efficiency both in application after germination and at the stage of already developed plants. The first results are noticeable the next day after treatment.

Available as a concentrated suspension.

How to properly treat corn with herbicide

Treatment of corn with herbicides

The rules for processing corn with special preparations directly depend on the type of herbicide itself – whether the treatment is carried out before planting, after sowing, or already during the period of crop growth.

But still, a number of general recommendations for processing corn can be distinguished:

  • before applying the chemical, it is necessary to properly loosen the soil, otherwise seeds or parts of the root system of weeds may remain in the clods, which the drug will not work on, and they will sprout again;
  • before applying the herbicide, you need to moisten the soil, as the preparations can dry it out;
  • weather conditions affect the effectiveness of processing, so the application of herbicides during precipitation, with strong winds and low temperatures is undesirable;
  • when processing before the appearance of sprouts, it is necessary to ensure that the drug does not penetrate below the level of the seeds;
  • when applying after germination, it is necessary to wait for 3-5 leaves;
  • spraying on the leaves is highly effective, but only in the case of the simultaneous use of additional agents that improve the fixing of the solution on the leaves. Otherwise, most of the herbicide will not work;
  • it must be remembered that some of the components of the drug can penetrate into the corn itself, so the last treatment should be done no later than 1 month before harvesting the cobs.
Important! Each drug is accompanied by an instruction where its exact dosage is indicated. If it is not followed, then the chemical may either not work or burn the corn itself.


Herbicide for corn is an effective and reliable tool that allows you to get rid of weeds in the area. The correct choice of the drug guarantees the rapid destruction of weeds and long-term protection against their emergence.

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