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We have tried to collect the main misconceptions and biases regarding colds.
How to treat it
Various polls show that most Russians still believe that colds are treated with antibiotics. This is a misconception because antibiotics do not work against viruses. When a doctor prescribes an antibiotic for a cold, he means treating a complication that has developed with the addition of a bacterial infection.
Colds are treated with antiviral drugs, for example, Anaferon. This drug has a complex effect: on the one hand, it activates the body’s natural defenses, and on the other, it blocks the multiplication of viruses in epithelial cells. This approach helps the body to quickly cope with the infection.
Addiction does not develop at the same time:
Figuratively, this process can be imagined as if you saw the danger and notified the security service about it before the employees themselves notice it.
A cold can be left untreated – it will go away by itself
Indeed, colds used to run easier, and one could get off with a five-day runny nose and slight indisposition. In recent years, colds have been more difficult, almost immediately causing bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis.
Therefore, at the first symptoms of an incipient disease, it makes sense to take drugs that activate the immune defense. Vitamins C, D and the mineral zinc also improve the functioning of the immune system, therefore they can be recommended for colds. Vitamin C can be taken in a loading dose – up to 2 g per day.
It is dangerous to ventilate the room
Many people sincerely believe that it is dangerous to ventilate the room – it can cause a cold. Colds are caused by viruses that increase in concentration in a closed room. Airing helps to get rid of “extra” viruses and get a portion of fresh air.
The air conditioner will not cope with this task: it cools the air stagnant in the room. And if you sit under the currents of cold air blowing from the air conditioner, you can easily catch a cold.
Therefore, try to regularly ventilate the room, but dress warmly and make sure that the cold air does not blow on you.
Heat – good for treating colds
There is part of the truth in this statement: warmth is really good, but only dry (warm woolen clothes). Taking hot baths during a cold is not recommended – you can worsen the condition or even earn a complication from a cold.
The drug has contraindications, before use, you must read the instructions or consult a doctor.