Treatment of chronic prostatitis

Well, we finally got to the very goal. Now it remains only to deal with the prostate gland itself and give it its former tone. If there are no infections and bacteria in it, then it is not difficult.

Treatment of chronic forms of diseases of the reproductive system in men is to stir up and crush stagnant processes in the gland and adjacent organs (seminal vesicles, seminal tubercle). Massage of the prostate gland through the anus has always been very successfully used for this. Don’t be afraid. You won’t have to do this. We will go the other way… ©

Separately, we note – treatment is being carried out alone, at home!!! You don’t need to go to the doctors.

So, the treatment plan:

1. You need to buy (at the pharmacy):

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2. You will need to accept (and apply) this all like this:

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The result after such treatment is guaranteed.

During treatment, carefully take care of the heat in your pants. Wear a long coat in winter and autumn. Do not climb into a cold river or sea in summer.

Indeed, prostatitis is not very difficult to treat if its pathogens are eliminated before treatment, as was written in previous chapters. Many doctors often combine the treatment of infections and the treatment of prostatitis. However, the treatment of acute prostatitis should never be carried out in conjunction with the treatment of infections. When you have an inflamed prostate, how can you massage it or do physiotherapy? In addition, if you are treating infections by taking a bunch of antibiotics, treating prostatitis as well will be too much of a burden on the body. Still, it is better to separate these two processes.

Read more >> Prevention of prostatitis – what to do and what not to do so that prostatitis does not reappear.

Also in trial version:

  • Why are they NOT treated in clinics?
  • How to get proper treatment from a doctor
  • Treatment of venereal infections
  • Treatment of bacteria
  • Prevention of prostatitis
  • Conclusion – How to cure

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