Treatment of breast cancer without chemotherapy? New research by doctors is optimistic
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More accurate characteristics of the cancer may allow for precise selection of the treatment method and potentially avoiding chemotherapy. This is the assumption made by the scientists of the Medical University of Lodz, who have started research on breast cancer and – reports Gazeta Wyborcza.

  1. The Medical University of Lodz will conduct research on breast cancer. Their goal is to characterize the tumor better and more accurately than ever before
  2. It is to enable the precise selection of the appropriate treatment method, not necessarily chemotherapy
  3. There are also plans to conduct clinical trials involving 90 patients
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Poland. Tumors are often malignant, but early diagnosis avoids complications and metastases. So the chances of recovery are high, but there are few therapy methods and due to their side effects they can be bothersome for patients. In fact, along with surgery, it’s just drugs and chemotherapy.

The incidence of breast cancer is highest among women between the ages of 50 and 70. However, it also more and more often affects younger women, especially those who have had similar cases in the family, because breast cancer is largely genetically determined.

  1. Can Early Breast Cancer Be Cured? Explains the oncologist

Tumors and their environment

There are three groups of breast cancers and the most common group is the three-positive group. The choice of the treatment method depends, among other things, on the group to which a given case belongs. However, it is not always easy and this is what the research conducted by the Medical University is about to be about. They are to allow for a more detailed examination and determination of the tumor’s properties. But not only.

  1. Chemotherapy – what is it, what does it look like, what are its side effects?

As explained to Gazeta Wyborcza, dr hab. Hanna Romańska-Knight from the Medical University, it is not enough to characterize the tumor itself, it is necessary to refer to the environment in which it exists.

Each tumor has its own environment and the so-called stroma, i.e. what surrounds it in the body and facilitates its development (including blood vessels responsible for supplying food and oxygen to tissues). Scientists from UM will study not only this element, but also receptors responsible for the transmission of stimuli between the tumor and the stroma.

Avoid chemotherapy

Research by doctors from UM may make the list of treatment methods richer with new possibilities. It may not be necessary to use toxic chemotherapy in some cases.

– Treatment depends on what the tumor is. Due to the more precise characteristics of the tumor, we will potentially be able to modify the treatment regimens, i.e. it is better to choose them, so that the patients do not receive toxic drugs so that they can get rid of this chemotherapy – said Dr. Hanna Romańska-Knight.

  1. Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment? It is a potential “Trojan horse”

Research for almost PLN 2 million

Scientists will conduct molecular and genetic studies. They also want to use the PAM50 test, which will help assess selected tumor features. In addition to in vitro and in vivo tests (in mice), there are also plans to conduct clinical trials in which 90 patients will ultimately participate.

The Medical University of Łódź will collaborate on the project with the Medical University of Gdańsk. The research is to cost 1 million 998 thousand. PLN and will be financed by the National Science Center, in the framework of the project «Role of FGF / FGFR pathway signaling in therapy resistance in triple-positive breast cancer». The research is to take three years.

Also read:

  1. Oncology collapse. “Last year’s tumors are too big for surgery”
  2. Not only Kadcyla. Oncologist: Cancer drugs have quietly disappeared from the list
  3. Preventive mastectomy. What do you need to know about a treatment that celebrities decide?

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