Treatment of barley in the eye. Video
A disease like barley can bring a lot of unpleasant minutes to a person. After all, firstly, it is a purulent disease, which means that it is quite painful. Secondly, a defect is located on the eye, which also noticeably spoils the appearance. Naturally, you should not let the barley run its course. Moreover, today there are a huge number of ways and means by which you can get rid of such a nuisance.
Treatment of barley in the eye
There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of barley on the eye.
Doctors even identified a whole list, which includes:
- lack of hygiene (in no case should you rub your eyes with dirty hands or use a stale handkerchief)
- metabolic disease
- avitaminosis
- colds
- general decrease in immunity
Sometimes, against the general background of a decrease in immunity, there can be a strong deterioration in well-being, up to the appearance of an increased body temperature, etc.
Do not try to guess why you got barley. It is better to try to observe all safety measures, and at the first symptoms consult a doctor
The very first symptom that indicates that you have barley hatching is a pulling pain in the eye or in the eyelid area (lower or upper – it doesn’t matter). Also, usually these unpleasant sensations are accompanied by redness at the site of the defect. And even on palpation (only very careful), you can feel a small internal nodule.
After 3-4 days, as a rule, a purulent plug appears at the top of the nodule. You should be prepared for the fact that this plug will burst and pus will begin to come out.
No matter how strong the desire to speed up the process, do not squeeze out pus in any case. After all, you run the risk of introducing an infection into the bloodstream, and this can lead to severe infectious complications such as meningitis or sepsis
There are many ways to treat barley. One of them is official – this is a visit to a doctor and the implementation of his recommendations. Usually, hydrocortisone and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in this situation. Among the most popular drugs is albucid. Antibiotics, gentamicin, tsiprolet, etc. are also prescribed. Ointments, such as tetracycline, are also often used.
However, traditional methods of treating barley are more popular. Sometimes they give quick results, get rid of the problem in almost one day. And they also contribute to the fact that there are no bruises.
Treatment of barley with folk remedies
Eye inflammation is often treated with common foods, herbs, etc. Aloe is very popular.
In order to prepare a remedy from it, you need:
- one aloe leaf (squeeze juice from it)
- 10 parts to 1 part juice of ordinary boiled water
Mix everything well and use for lotions.
Calendula is also widely used.
To prepare the infusion, take:
- 10-15 inflorescences of grass
- 200 ml boiling water
Pour boiling water over the herb, wrap it with a towel and let it brew. Then strain the infusion and use cold for lotions and compresses.
For compresses, use only cold broth (it can be slightly heated). Remember that you cannot heat the barley: it can break through, in which case the consequences can be rather sad
Ordinary garlic can also be used for treatment. Lubricate the eyelid with a wedge of peeled raw garlic. The course of treatment is 2-3 days. The barley will disappear forever.
You can get rid of barley forever using ordinary boiled potatoes. Mash one root vegetable and apply to the damaged eye as a compress.
Dill seeds are an excellent treatment for barley.
To prepare the infusion, take:
- 1 tsp dill seed
- 2 Art. water
Grind dill seeds in a mortar and cover with water, put on fire and boil. Turn off the heat and leave for 5 minutes. Then strain, cool and you can apply. Use for lotions.
Olive oil is a great product for treating barley at home
Just soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to your eye throughout the day.
Remember that the treatment of barley should not be symptomatic, but complex. Regardless of the reasons that caused this disease in you, include vitamins in your diet. Especially A, C and Group B. Also, be sure to follow your diet and change your daily routine – add more walks in the fresh air and get a good sleep.