Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

Local treatment of balanoposthitis in men

Local procedures in the treatment of balanoposthitis have an auxiliary effect. In complex therapy, they are of no small importance, as they allow you to get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

Therapeutic baths with antiseptic solutions are the most common procedure that doctors recommend to all their patients with balanoposthitis. For baths, you can use the following antiseptics:

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

To prepare the bath, you need to dilute a small amount of potassium permanganate in water. This tool acts as a powerful antiseptic, which is pathogenic for most bacteria. You can buy potassium permanganate at any pharmacy. It is released in powder form.

The solution should be slightly pink in color. If a small child suffers from balanoposthitis, then you just need to bathe him in this solution, opening the head of the penis during the procedure. And for the treatment of older children and adult men, you need to dilute the powder in a glass of water and lower the penis there, also first opening its head. The exposure time of the penis in a solution of potassium permanganate is no more than 10 minutes. The procedure can be carried out up to 3 times a day.


Furacilin has a pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic effect. The drug can be purchased as a ready-made solution or in the form of tablets.

If it has the form of a solution, then it can simply be poured into a glass and used for its intended purpose. The tablets should first be crushed to a powdery state, and then dissolved in boiled water (250 tablets should be taken per 2 ml of water).

At the penis, the head is exposed and lowered into the prepared solution. The procedure takes about 10 minutes. You can repeat it up to 3 times a day.


Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

This drug contains chloramphenicol and methyluracil in its composition. The first substance is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against a large list of pathogenic microorganisms. The second substance produces a regenerating and restorative effect. Levomekol is a drug that can be used to treat various types of balanoposthitis.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: fungal infection of the skin, psoriasis, eczema and hypersensitivity to its components.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated, but such adverse reactions as itching, burning, skin rashes, dermatitis, urticaria and tissue swelling are not excluded. If after applying the ointment such symptoms occur, then you should stop using it and consult a doctor for advice. The drug is not used to treat children under 3 years of age.

Before applying the ointment, the external genitalia should be washed and dried, the skin should be clean. A bandage with ointment is applied to the penis and left overnight. The course of treatment can last about 5 days.

Xeroform ointment

This drug has a pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and drying effect.

As a rule, the ointment does not give side effects. However, allergic reactions at the site of its application cannot be ruled out. They occur in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Therefore, if there is a burning sensation or itching, then the ointment should be washed off with water and consult a specialist.

Before applying the ointment, the genitals should be thoroughly washed and only then applied to the affected area with a bandage with the drug. Leave it on overnight for healing. The course of treatment lasts up to 5 days.

Lorinden, Lokacorten, Lokasalen

All these drugs have one main active ingredient – flumethasone pivalate.

An ointment with such a component helps to eliminate inflammation, removes allergic manifestations. This is a hormonal drug that is effective for the treatment of balanoposthitis, provoked by autoimmune reactions of the body. It helps to cope with itching, severe pain and inflammation.

From Lorin

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

Lorinden ointment, in addition to flumethasone, contains salicylic acid. It is not used to treat fungal skin infections, viral and bacterial balanoposthitis. Contraindications are also the presence of weeping ulcers and children’s age.

The ointment is applied to the genitals with a thin layer no more than 3 times a day. When the inflammatory process begins to subside, the number of applications should be reduced to 1-2 times. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks. It is also allowed to apply the ointment in the form of a bandage and leave it for a day.

Possible side effects: burning, itching, dry skin. If the drug is used for too long, then reactions characteristic of glucocorticoid hormones develop: atrophy of the skin, purpura, dermatitis, steroid acne, etc.


This ointment is similar to Lorinden in its composition and effects. It also contains flumethasone and salicylic acid, i.e. a glucocorticosteroid and a keratolytic agent.

It is applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin with a thin layer 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

To avoid a recurrence of the disease, the ointment should be applied for 1 week 1 time per day. Side effects are similar to those that occur when using Lorinden ointment.

Antibacterial ointments

There are many ointments containing an antibiotic in their composition. A doctor should recommend a specific drug. The choice depends on which bacteria provoked the development of balanoposthitis, as well as on the sensitivity of microorganisms to a particular type of antibiotics. In order to determine this issue, it is necessary to conduct an antibiogram.

Hormonal ointments

Prednisolone ointment

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

The ointment has the main active ingredient – prednisolone. This is a hormonal drug that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. The application of the ointment helps to quickly eliminate swelling, itching and pain. The drug is prescribed for balanoposthitis, which is autoimmune in nature. The remedy quickly eliminates all negative manifestations of the disease, however, it is forbidden to use the ointment for more than 7 days in a row.

Before applying, thoroughly wash and dry the genitals. The drug is applied in a thin layer and left overnight. In severe cases of the disease and severe symptoms, it is possible to use the drug 2-3 times.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: viral, bacterial or fungal infection, skin tuberculosis, syphilis, tumor diseases, the presence of ulcers and wounds on the surface of the penis. Ointment is not used to treat children under the age of 2 years. Other prohibitions to its use are the presence of acne, rosacea.

The drug is capable of producing multiple side effects, especially when it is applied excessively or used for too long. First of all, this applies to the directly processed surface. Perhaps reddening of the skin, the appearance of itching, burning, swelling, acne.


Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

This is a hormonal ointment for external use. It contains an active substance called hydrocortisone-17-butyrate. The use of the ointment helps to relieve inflammation, eliminate itching, and reduce tissue swelling. The drug is practically not absorbed into the blood when applied topically and accumulates only in the granular layer of the epidermis.

Lokoid is not prescribed for the treatment of viral, bacterial and fungal balanoposthitis. Ointment is recommended to be used to get rid of inflammation caused by autoimmune processes.

The drug is applied to a clean genital 1 to 3 times a day. Do not use more than 30-60 g of the drug per week.

As for side effects, Lokoid rarely causes them, the main one is considered to be skin itching. The ointment can be used to treat children over the age of 6 months.


Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

This ointment contains such an active ingredient as methylprednisolone. It is used to eliminate severe inflammation, itching and allergic manifestations of balanoposthitis. The application of the ointment helps to reduce swelling, irritation and pain. The drug is not used to treat viral, tuberculous and syphilitic skin lesions.

The drug is applied to the washed and dried penis 1 time per day. The course of treatment should not exceed 12 weeks.

Most often, the ointment is well tolerated by patients. It is extremely rare for skin reactions such as itching, burning, erythema, blistering rashes to occur.


Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

The drug contains an active ingredient called pimecrolimus. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug is not used to treat viral, fungal or bacterial balanoposthitis in the acute stage.

The cream is applied to the genitals with a thin layer, then gently rubbed until completely absorbed. Multiplicity of application – 2 times a day.

The most common side effects from the use of the drug are burning sensation, itching and redness of the skin in the area of ​​application.

Antifungal ointments

Antifungal ointments are used to treat mycotic balanoposthitis. They are prescribed in the case when the fungal nature of the disease is clarified. The drug is selected depending on which yeast-like microorganism provoked the development of inflammation.


Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

Cream for external use with the active ingredient of the same name. It has a wide antifungal spectrum of action. The drug is effective against yeast-like and mold fungi. In addition, it is detrimental to staphylococci, streptococci, trichomonas and some gram-negative bacteria.

The drug has no contraindications for application. They lubricate the previously washed and dried genitals 2-3 times a day. The course has an individual duration.

Possible side effects: burning and itching in the area of ​​application of the drug. Allergic reactions, skin peeling, erythema, irritation and swelling are possible.

If recovery does not occur after 4 weeks of regular use of the cream, then the diagnosis should be reconsidered.


Candide cream is an analogue of Clotrimazole cream and contains exactly the same active ingredient. Therefore, all recommendations for the use of the drug are similar to the drug described above.

Omoconazole, Mycogal and Miconazole

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

These creams have a similar composition and contain an active ingredient called miconazole. The drug effectively fights yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, dermatophytes and other mycotic microorganisms. In addition, the cream helps to destroy streptococci and staphylococci, which very often provoke complications of fungal balanoposthitis.

Local application of the drug eliminates itching, reduces swelling, promotes the speedy healing of wounds.

The cream is applied to the affected area of ​​the penis 2 times a day. Beforehand, the member must be washed with clean water and soap and blotted with paper or a towel.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated, but in some cases it can provoke the development of allergic reactions, including itching, rash, redness and dryness of the skin.

The cream is not used for herpetic fever, against the background of renal or hepatic insufficiency, as well as for individual intolerance to imidazole derivatives.


This is a cream with the main active ingredient called terbinafine hydrochloride. It has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity, effective against moulds, dimorphs, yeasts and dermatophytes. The drug can be used to treat balanoposthitis in adults and children over 3 years of age.

The cream is applied to a clean penis, from which all moisture must be removed. If the effect of treatment is absent for 3 weeks, then the therapeutic regimen should be reviewed.

The cream is not used to treat men with chronic renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Antibiotics for the treatment of balanoposthitis

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

Balanoposthitis requires the appointment of systemic antibacterial agents only when the disease is of an infectious nature, or is accompanied by the occurrence of gangrene, the appearance of ulcers and other severe complications.

Rules for taking antibiotics for balanoposthitis:

  • The drug should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the analysis carried out to determine the type of bacteria and their sensitivity to a particular drug.

  • Self-administration of antibiotics for balanoposthitis is unacceptable.

  • Mild forms of the disease do not require antibiotic therapy.

  • You need to take the drugs strictly following the instructions of the doctor.

  • Antibiotics should always be taken at the same time every day. Otherwise, there is a risk that they will not have the desired effect.

Treatment of nonspecific bacterial balanoposthitis

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

Antibacterial drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of balanoposthitis:

  1. Cefazolin. The drug has two forms of release: in tablets and in powder, which is used to prepare a solution with its subsequent intramuscular injection. Doctors recommend using intramuscular injections for bacterial balanoposthitis, since the effect of such treatment is much higher than that of oral medication.


    • Adults 0,5-1,0 g intramuscularly. For dilution, physiological saline is used. Enter 6-8 times a day.

    • Children 20-50 mg/kg. The received dose should be divided into 3 or 4 doses per day.

    The drug has contraindications for use, including an allergic reaction to the components that make up its composition.

  2. Ceftriaxone. This drug belongs to the group of cephalosporins. It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity and is quite effective in the treatment of balanoposthitis, even if other antibiotics did not achieve the desired result.

    The drug has two forms of release: in tablets and in powder, which is used for the preparation of injections. Doctors recommend using the injection of the drug, which can increase its effectiveness.


    • Children under 12: 20-100 mg/kg.

    • Children over 12 years old and adults: 1-2 g 1 time per day. To prepare a solution for injection, use saline.

    The drug is not prescribed to people prone to bleeding, patients with enterocolitis. A history of allergic reaction to cephalosporins is a direct contraindication to the administration of this drug.

  3. Azithromycin (trade names of drugs: Sumamed, Zimaks, Azinox, Sumazid, Zitrolid). This drug belongs to the pharmaceutical group of macrolides. It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity. With balanoposthitis, the tablet form of the drug is most often prescribed.

    Take 2-4 tablets 1 time per day, before meals.

    Contraindications: violations in the work of the kidneys, liver and heart.

Treatment of gonorrheal balanoposthitis

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

So that the patient can get rid of balanoposthitis caused by gonococci, the doctor may prescribe one of the following antibacterial drugs:

  1. Cefixime. This drug belongs to the group of beta-lactam antibiotics. It exhibits high activity against microorganisms that cause gonorrhea. Release form of the medicinal product: tablets of 200 or 400 mg.

    Dosage for different age groups:

    • Children under 12: 4-8 mg/kg every 12 hours.

    • Children over 12 years of age and adults: 1 tablet of 400 mg or 2 tablets of 200 mg per day.

    The duration of the course should be determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition.

    The drug is not prescribed for individual intolerance to beta-lactam antibiotics.

  2. Ciprofloxacin. This drug belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. It is active against most bacteria that cause the development of genitourinary infections, including against gonococci. The drug is produced in tablet form and in the form of a powder for injection.

    Ciprofloxacin is prescribed for the treatment of adult patients at a dose of 500 mg. 100 mg of the drug is administered intravenously. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

    Contraindications: age under 15 years.

  3. Ofloxacin. This drug also belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones and is the drug of choice in the treatment of gonococcal balanoposthitis.

    Dosage: 400 mg once. The course of treatment is determined by the attending doctor.

    Contraindications: epilepsy, age under 15 years.

Treatment of trichomonas balanoposthitis

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

For the treatment of balanoposthitis provoked by Trichomonas, the drug Metronidazole is prescribed. Its trade names are Trichopolum and Metrogil.

Mode of application:

  • 250 mg – for children 1-5 years old.

  • 375 g – for children 6-10 years old.

  • 500 mg – adolescents 11-15 years old.

  • 0,5 g 2 times a day – adults. A single dose of the drug is possible at a dosage of 2 g.

Contraindications: diseases of the hematopoietic and nervous system.

Treatment of candidal balanoposthitis

For the treatment of candidal balanoposthitis, Fluconazole is used (analogues: Flucostat, Diflucan).

This drug has activity against yeast-like microorganisms of the genus Candida. It is available in the form of capsules for oral administration.

To get rid of the disease, a single dose of the drug is required at a dosage of 0,2-0,4 g per day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor and depends on the severity of the inflammation.

Contraindications: age under one year.

Treatment of herpetic balanoposthitis

For the treatment of herpetic infection, Acyclovir is used (trade names: Acivir, Acyclovir-Akri, Acyclovir BMS, Gerperax, Cyclovax, Acyclovir Virolex, Lizavir, Herpesin, Lovir, Zovirax, Supraviran, Acyclovir Geksal, Medovir, Cevirin).

Acyclovir has a high activity against herpes viruses. For adult patients, it is prescribed at a dosage of 0,2 g, 5 times a day. Before a night’s rest, you need to take a break.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, age up to 3 years (for the tablet form of the drug).

Operative intervention

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

With balanoposthitis, an operation is prescribed in the case when the disease has a severe course:

  • If the inflammation cannot be stopped by taking medications, which leads to chronicity of the disease. Before sending the patient for surgery, it is necessary to wait for the moment when the acute process subsides.

  • If cicatricial phimosis develops. This complication is a consequence of frequent relapses of the disease and is characterized by the appearance of scars in the area of ​​the foreskin. As a result, it greatly narrows, which prevents the normal exposure of the head of the male genital organ.

The operation for balanoposthitis is called “circumcision” (circumcision).

Preventive measures to prevent balanoposthitis

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

To prevent the development of the disease, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Adhere to the rules of intimate hygiene.

  • Change your underwear regularly.

  • Avoid promiscuity.

  • A woman should observe intimate hygiene no less carefully so as not to provoke the development of balanoposthitis in her sexual partner. Regular check-ups with a gynecologist are also important.

  • Younger boys should be bathed in water with a little potassium permanganate added.

  • If the child does not open the head of the penis, then you should hold it for several minutes in warm water. After that, the foreskin will move away more easily, and hygiene can be performed better.

  • A male child should be regularly examined by a pediatric surgeon (according to the planned plan).

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