Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed in older people. This disease has a devastating effect on the brain of patients, they lose contact with loved ones on an emotional level, there is a loss of the ability to perceive criticism and the destruction of the human personality. Also, coordination of movements is disturbed, chaotic trembling of the upper limbs begins (the formation of an “Alzheimer’s hand” occurs). Over time, handwriting changes dramatically, memory loss occurs (patients begin to be afraid of theft and hide money and other valuables in places that are quickly forgotten, after which they accuse household members of stealing). Often there are manifestations of aggression (patients, for the purpose of self-defense, begin to carry potentially dangerous objects with them), suicide attempts (against the background of obsessions, patients may repeatedly try to commit suicide).

To prevent the transition of Alzheimer’s disease to an acute stage, it is necessary to diagnose this disease in a timely manner, and then carry out complex therapy. Doctors often confuse Alzheimer’s disease with other pathologies that have similar symptoms, for example, with the consequences of stroke or with dyscirculatory encephalopathy. That is why the diagnosis of AD should be carried out by highly qualified specialists in the field of psychiatry, neurology and clinical psychology.

During a comprehensive examination of a patient, a clinical psychologist pays great attention to his cognitive functions:

  • Gnosis (responsible for a person’s ability to respond to information coming from different receptors, recognize it and recreate integral images);

  • Memory (helps people not only capture information from the outside, but also store and reproduce it for a long time);

  • Intellect (a person analyzes any incoming information, builds logical chains, solves various problems, and, if necessary, abstracts from the outside world);

  • Speeches (responsible for the ability to explain one’s thoughts and take part in a dialogue with other people);

  • To practice (people not only acquire various motor skills, but also keep them in memory for the rest of their lives);

  • Attention (a person’s psychological activity is maintained at the proper level).

With the development of Alzheimer’s disease, all of the above functions are violated in patients, so it is very important for doctors to diagnose this disease in a timely manner and apply the most effective method of treatment.

Specialists often prescribe therapy to such patients, the purpose of which is to stop the disease and reduce the severity of the accompanying symptoms. Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative pathology of the brain, in which the following side effects are observed: glomeruli (neurofibrillary) are formed, plaques (amyloid) appear, and clinical manifestations of dementia (progressive) are observed.

Medical treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

During the treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, specialists often prescribe special medications that can greatly facilitate synoptic transmission.

Alzheimer’s disease is treated:

  • Donzepil (daily dosage should not exceed 10 mg, very often it has a positive effect in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, both vascular and mixed forms);

  • Reminil (Galantamine hydrobromide), is prescribed for the first 4 weeks twice a day, 4 mg, after which the dosage is increased to 8 mg (significantly increases concentration);

  • Excelon (rivastigmine), it is necessary to take this drug for the first 4 weeks twice a day, 1,5 mg, after which the dose should be increased to 3 mg;

  • Neuromidin (ipidaktrin), is prescribed for life twice a day, 10-40 mg of the drug (the dosage is set individually for each patient);

  • Memantine (Noodgeron), etc.

The drug Memantine is often prescribed for epilepsy, as it significantly reduces the negative effects of glutamate and promotes the survival of acetylcholinergic neurons.

This drug is initially prescribed 1 time per day for 5 mg, after which the dosage may increase to 20 mg per day (in two divided doses). The use of Memantine has a positive effect on all symptoms of dementia (psychotic, cognitive, behavioral functional disorders), contributing to their active regression.


Treatment of Alzheimers disease

In the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, specialists often resort to herbal medicine, the effect of which is noticeable at the pre-dementia stage. Patients are prescribed phytopreparations, which contain a special component – ginkgo biloba leaves. This tree was given this name by a famous doctor from Holland, who at the end of the 17th century moved to permanent residence in Japan.

Ginkgo means “silver fruit” in Japanese. Since this tree bears fruits that have a silvery tint, it has received the appropriate name. Ginkgo biloba is distinguished from other plants by resistance to any negative impact, which is why it was able, unlike other Japanese green spaces, to survive during the accident that occurred at the Fukushima-1 Nuclear Power Plant.

To date, the medical industry is actively using drugs that contain components of the ginkgo biloba tree: chopped leaves, chopped bark, etc. Studies conducted by scientists from around the world have shown that a full therapeutic effect on the human body can only be achieved by taking a standardized extract of this plant. The extract obtained by processing the leaves of ginkgo biloba is contained in Memoplant. This drug has the following pharmacological properties: memory improvement, increased concentration, inhibition of platelet aggregation, stimulation of peripheral and cerebral circulation, reduction of age-related neurotransmitter deficiency, etc.

In Russian pharmacies, Memoplant is sold in the following dosages (content of ginkgo biloba extract): 40 mg, 80 mg, 120 mg. The specialist individually for each patient selects the daily dose of the drug, which is taken as a course (duration does not exceed 3 months).

Drug-free methods

During the neuropsychological rehabilitation of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, specialists can use any modern methods:

  • Mnemonic techniques (help patients develop memory, as a result of which they improve memorization);

  • mediating methods;

  • information recording system, etc.

Any of the techniques involved will be able to benefit the patient when used at the stage of mild dementia. The same effect can be obtained when carrying out rehabilitation using these methods at the time the patients are in the stage of moderate cognitive impairment.

This category of patients should conduct special trainings that can regulate their cognitive functions. Thanks to such training, patients will be able to learn not only to inhibit their spontaneously inadequate reactions, but also to switch their attention from one goal to another more quickly. People with Alzheimer’s disease after such trainings gain the ability to plan their actions, both for the near future and for the distant future. They are capable of solving various mathematical problems and serious financial problems.

During rehabilitation activities, specialists seek by any means to reduce the burden that during this period is on the weakened memory of patients. For them, special programs are being developed, through which patients begin to understand how to break the most difficult task into several simpler stages. Patients begin to use verbal regulation more actively in all their actions.

The main tasks of neuropsychological rehabilitation measures include:

  • Development of defective functions;

  • The ability to analyze the existing defect in the patient;

  • The ability to reduce the impact of the disease on the life of the patient.

Rehabilitation of patients with Alzheimer’s disease is carried out either in the form of individual sessions or in organized groups, where all participants provide emotional support to each other.

Homeopathic treatment

If necessary, patients with Alzheimer’s disease are prescribed homeopathic treatment. The course of therapy should be selected only by a homeopathic doctor who has the appropriate qualifications in this field of medicine. However, one should not seriously rely on homeopathy – it is resorted to in case of ineffectiveness of other methods and simply in order to try all possible options.

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