Treatment of alopecia with drugs

Treatment of alopecia with drugs

Alopecia is a diagnosis that every third woman may face. To properly organize the treatment of baldness, you will need to contact a narrow specialist in hair diseases – a trichologist.

Before a specific tactic is chosen, the doctor will perform a comprehensive hair diagnosis. For this, an ultraviolet or infrared lamp can be used. If additional health problems are detected, it will be necessary to involve doctors of other specialties in the treatment process – a general practitioner, gynecologist, endocrinologist, hematologist.

In order for the therapy to give the expected effect, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations regarding lifestyle and hair care:

  • Do not allow exposure to cold on the scalp;

  • Bad habits should be excluded, in particular, smoking;

  • Night sleep should be full, for which you should regularly ventilate the room. During the day, you must definitely walk in the fresh air;

  • Any cosmetics containing chemical components should be used as little as possible;

  • The less traumatic impact on the scalp (for example, tightening the tails, the use of coarse combs), the more effective the treatment will be;

  • Help improve blood circulation scalp massage;

  • Any psychological overstrain leads to stress, it is harmful to the body.

The drug for the treatment of alopecia in women and men

Minoxidil-based products can get rid of baldness. This drug is able to restore hair growth, but often after its withdrawal, their re-fall occurs. In addition, its use should be taken very seriously. It is prohibited for use in children under 18 years of age and can cause a number of side effects.

You can meet Minoxidil as a therapeutic component in Generolon, Cosilon and Alerana sprays, as well as in anti-alopecia products such as Revasil, Alopexy and Rogaine. There is evidence of the effectiveness of the use of the drug in 30% of people suffering from alopecia, in particular from the androgenetic form of alopecia.

The result can be assessed already 4 months after the start of the use of Minoxidil. But it is possible that after the withdrawal of the remedy, the hair may fall out again.

Alopecia is an absolute indication to start using Minoxidil. But you should not use it if there are age restrictions (18 years), if the scalp is injured or there are dermatological diseases. In addition, the period of childbearing and breastfeeding are two more contraindications to the use of products with Minoxidil.

As side effects noted: otitis externa, redness and peeling of the skin, itching and dry skin, allergies (swelling of the front of the head, runny nose, rashes). Less common are vision problems, migraines, taste distortion, neuritis, body and facial hair growth.

An overdose can be judged by a drop in blood pressure, tachycardia and edema.

Recommendations for use:

  • Hair must be dried before application;

  • Dosing of the agent occurs with the help of a pipette (at one time – 1 ml) or by pressing the bottle (7 times);

  • Minoxidil is used in the morning and evening hours;

  • Start applying the product should be from the center of the alopecia zone;

  • Hands then need to be washed so that there are no traces of the spray left on them, the product is not washed off the hair;

  • The calculation of the daily dose does not increase, even if the affected area is extensive.

The best shampoo for hair restoration and growth

Treatment of alopecia with drugs

Shampoo-balm Zoo VIP sold at veterinary points of sale is a tool that helps hair shafts in the healing process. It contains tar and propolis, which accelerate hair growth, restore damaged hair, and help heal wounds.

During use, you can feel an unpleasant smell, but it quickly disappears. Shampoo is not used undiluted. It is diluted with regular shampoo in a ratio of 1 to 10. In order not to injure the hair during combing, it is necessary to use a conditioner after the Zoo shampoo is washed off. The exposure time of the product is up to 7 minutes. If there is a strong thinning of the scalp, then practicing the use of shampoo is on an ongoing basis.

Medical treatment of alopecia

The choice of a specific drug will depend on what caused the hair loss.



Anemia (deficiency of vitamin B 12 and iron)

  • Ferrous iron preparations (Ferrofolgamma, Prolongatum, Sorbifer Durules, Ferrogradum, Hemofer, Tardiferon, Ferroplex). In combination with manganese and copper, Totem’s iron preparation is used, with folic acid – Fenyuls and Gino-tardiferon. In addition, Hematogen well saturates the body with ferrous sulfate and albumin.

  • Ferlatum, Maltofer, Biofer and Fenyuls are prescribed from ferric iron preparations. Parenteral forms include Kosmofer, Likferr, Maltofer, Venofer and Ferrum-lek.

  • Vitamin supplements that improve iron absorption are ascorbic acid, vitamins B2 and B6, alpha-tocopherol, cyanocobalamin, folic acid.

It is better to choose one-component vitamins or those complexes where there are few components. Absorption worsens when taking drugs containing more than 3 vitamins and minerals. In addition, the risk of allergic reactions increases.

Fungal infection of the hair and scalp (erythrasma, candidiasis, trichophytosis, microsporia)

For treatment, it is necessary to destroy the structure of fungi and eliminate their functionality:

  • Fluconazole;

  • terbinafine,

  • Ketoconazole;

  • Econazole;

  • Tioconazole;

  • Sertaconazole;

  • Chloronitrophenol;

  • Naftifin.

Low estrogen levels in the blood, as an endocrine pathology (often occurs with ovarian cysts and menopause).

Estrogen substitutes:

  • Prohynova;

  • Estradiol valerate;

  • Divigel;

  • Menorest;

  • Klimara;

  • Oatmeal;

  • estrogel;

  • Premarin.

Progestagen substitutes:

  • Norcolut;

  • Duphaston;

  • Utrozhestan.

Combined funds:

  • Femoston;

  • Kliogest;

  • Climonorm;

  • Premella;

  • Wonder;

  • Cicloprogine;

  • Trisequence.

Estrogens and androgens are contained in Ginodian-Depot.

Taking hormonal drugs can become a provocateur of breast cancer. Therefore, patients with low body weight may be advised to gain weight, since it is adipose tissue that contributes to the production of estrogens.

Hypothyroidism, as an endocrine pathology (not only hair falls out, but also eyebrows from the outer edge).

Analogues of levothyroxine sodium and T4 hormone: L-thyroxine, Euthyrox. T3 hormone substitutes – Liothyronine, Triiodothyronine. The combination of hormones: Thyreocomb, Yodocomb, Yodtiroks, Thyreotom.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

  • Short-acting insulins – Novorapid, Humodar and Actrapid;

  • Long-acting insulins – Humulin, Protafan, Lantus;

  • Combination drugs.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

  • Metformin – biguanide;

  • Gliclazide, Glibenclamide, Glimepiride – sulfonylurea preparations;

  • Carbol, Acarbose – inhibitors of glycosidase;

  • Rosiglitazone is a thiazolidinedione.

Skin pathologies (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis).

  • Antihistamines for pregnant women – Loratadine, Fexofenadine, for nursing – Clemastin, Pheniramine;

  • Universal antihistamines – Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Soventol, Benadryl, Fenistil, Omeril, Diprazine, Suprastin, Phencarol, Ketotifen, Zaditen, Astemizole, Gistalong, Astelong, Akrivastine, Semprex, Loratadin, Allergodil, Clarisens, Cetirizine, Teridine, Terfenadin, Telfast, Histimet ;

  • Glucocorticoids with fluoro: Esperson (dexamethasone), Beloderm (betamethasone), Lorinden (flumethasone), Cutivet (fluticasone), Clobetasol, Triacort, Fluorocort (triamcinolone);

  • Glucocorticoids without fluorine: Advantan – methylprednisolone aceponate, Elcom – mometasone furoate, Locoid and Laticort – hydrocortisone butyrate.

Correction of the immune sphere (without consulting a doctor, the use of drugs is prohibited, except for adaptogens – Eleutherococcus, Dibazol, Echinacea, Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Lemongrass)

  • To activate humoral immunity – Vigam, Endobulin, Hepatect, Immunoglobulins Intraglobin, Chigain, Cytotect, Myelopid, Derinat, Likopid, Sodium Nucleinate, Polyoxidonium;

  • To stimulate the work of the thymus gland – Inosine, Levamisole, Diucifon;

  • As substitutes for thymus hormones – Timalin, Taktivin, Timogen, Thematic, Bestim, Vilozen, Timomodulin;

  • To activate cellular immunity – Imudon, Diucifon, Ribomunil, Granocyte, Methyluracil, Levamisole, Prodigiosan, Pentoxyl, Pyrogenal, Biotorin;

  • Ribomunil, Bronchomunal Broncho-vaxom – as vaccines against respiratory diseases;

  • From interferons: human leukocyte interferon, cycloferon, Intron, Ergoferon, Betaferon, Viferon, Gamma-feron.

Problems of a neurological nature (depression, neurosis, psychosis).

  • Antidepressants of plant origin – Novopassit, Gelarium Hypericum, Lerivon;

  • Tranquilizers – Atarax, Grandaxin;

  • Soothing plant origin – tinctures of motherwort and peony, Persen, Valerian.

Seeing a doctor is the only right decision for alopecia. Self-treatment can not only be harmful to health, but also dangerous by the development of more serious pathologies.

Author of the article: Herman Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, specially for the site

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