Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis
Uncontrolled drinking is a problem. One of the non-drug methods is the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis. But how effective and safe is this method, where can I take the course and can it be done at home

Hypnosis as a remedy for alcoholism appeared about the same moment when people started drinking it. Many drink alcohol, it is everywhere. Most people have no problem setting clear limits on how much they consume and how often they do so. However, for some, alcohol is a drug that causes huge problems in their personal and professional lives. Can this problem be solved with hypnotherapy? Let’s find out!

Scientists and clinicians have spent considerable time studying alcoholism and its consequences. What causes its development, and, in particular, methods of treating the disease and ways to eliminate addiction. Reliable methods of treatment include detoxification, withdrawal from binge drinking, and this is an important process of cleansing the physical body from the poisons received from drinking. Outpatient therapy or group counseling, therapy as part of an inpatient rehabilitation program for alcohol addicts also helps.

Other methods may include several types of talking therapy and behavior modification or prescription medications. One of the popular methods of dealing with alcoholic beverages, which are gaining recognition and a second life in our time, is hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

What is alcoholism

Alcohol has been used for recreational purposes for centuries. Many people drink alcohol and have no problem setting limits on how much and how often they drink. However, for some, alcohol can be detrimental to their health and life, and they are mentally and physically dependent on the substance. As the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (USA) explains, throughout history we have struggled to understand and manage the power of alcohol.

Methods of treating alcoholism with hypnosis

Hypnosis works for the treatment of drug abuse and alcohol addiction because it helps people open and activate the strongest part of their mind to new, positive, alcohol-free images.

Hypnosis is a form of alternative treatment. For example, he uses hypnotic suggestions to unconsciously change our emotions, perceptions of life and habits. In essence, this type of treatment helps in several important ways: it relaxes and corrects, programs the mind, while at the same time allowing the more powerful unconscious mind to become more focused on the tasks of life.

How hypnosis works

Hypnotherapy uses a set of relaxation strategies. This allows the individual to achieve a calmer, more focused state of unconsciousness, hyper-relaxation, and hyper-consciousness. Once a person enters this state of relaxation, a hypnotherapist can help form subconscious commands. With these powerful commands in the unconscious, real therapy begins. A person can be gently persuaded to refrain from drinking alcohol, using all the possibilities of the brain in a state of hypnosis.

For example, the counselor may present a mental image to the person that may be related to alcoholism (such as alcoholic beverages). The therapist can then suggest an event if the person drinks again. For example, he will experience an adverse reaction such as nausea and vomiting with diarrhea. This is how the human psyche works! It is possible that a person who is under the complete control of hypnosis will experience a feeling of nausea every time they drink alcohol. It helps as part of a rehabilitation program. Hypnosis alone is not always enough.

Where is the treatment of alcoholism hypnosis

Many hypnotherapists accept in public or private clinics, rehab centers, or private practices. They start with a free or paid screening to discuss the client’s drinking problem. It is necessary for treatment, obtaining results and achieving goals. Most likely, they will talk about how hypnosis helps to cope with cravings, the cost of the session and the timing of therapy. After that, you can start treatment. The speed of therapy is individual for each person, but often it is based on a specific algorithm:

  • First meeting and discussion. It is needed to evoke comfort and peace of mind of the patient, to win him over.
  • Initiation. Throughout the session, the hypnotherapist helps the person enter a state of deep relaxation.
  • Deepening. The hypnotherapist, having established contact with the client, is already proceeding with a deeper access to the subconscious.
  • Sleep. The person is in a state of sleep. The hypnotherapist has the ability to initiate a “transformation” during which the previously decided strategies and techniques are already used for therapy. Immediately after the completion of this phase, the hypnotherapist begins to gradually return the person to a fully awakened state. As it may seem, hypnosis has nothing to do with sleep. Usually a person comes out of the doctor with a completely intact memory of what happened.

Medical institutions

Hypnosis sessions are held in private and public drug treatment clinics; it is also possible for psychotherapists and hypnologists to practice privately in separate rooms if they have a license for this type of activity.

Home visits

It is possible for a specialist to go home for sessions, but this is more expensive than usual and requires certain conditions (at least a separate room where the doctor and patient can safely retire).


The cost of services can vary greatly in the capital and other cities. In addition, additional treatment, rehabilitation, drugs and duration of the course depend on the total price of treatment. But on average, the cost of this service is about 15 rubles.

Reviews of doctors about the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis

For people who worry about their drinking, hypnosis can be a valuable tool. In addition, it may encourage them to stop drinking alcohol and integrate better, form healthier habits.

For some people, the use of hypnosis for the treatment of alcoholism is contrary to their religious values. In this case, you can skip this section of the course. Hypnotherapy is not a cure, it’s just a complementary therapy that helps speed up the process.

Popular questions and answers

Answered typical questions about the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis neurologist of the highest category Evgeny Mosin.

Can a person start drinking again after treatment?

Yes it is possible. While there are limited studies of hypnosis in narcology, it is impossible to talk about 100% effectiveness.

Is hypnosis treatment for alcoholism dangerous?

Hypnosis is safe, but often underestimated for its ability to influence people’s health and lives. With the help of hypnosis, many people have regained control over their alcohol consumption.

In recent decades, researchers and medical professionals have spent a lot of time studying alcohol dependence, its consequences, the development of pathology, treatment and prevention. Effective treatments include alcohol detox, outpatient counseling, group therapy, or treatment in an inpatient addiction rehab program. These programs usually involve the use of evidence-based methods such as behavioral therapy or medication.

While the research behind this technique is lacking, one of the newer alternative therapies gaining popularity is hypnotherapy.

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