Treatment in a sanatorium. Treatments that can be used

Many treatments helpful in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, such as cryotherapy and massages, can be performed in rehabilitation rooms and spa centers, but only a stay in a sanatorium gives the possibility of comprehensive treatment.

In spa treatment, not only the procedures performed are extremely important, but also the local climate, nature, and the presence of natural healing water springs. During a several-week stay in a sanatorium, the patient undergoes many treatments, and additionally receives medical, dietary and rehabilitation advice. This type of comprehensive rehabilitation is called balneotherapy.

Sanatoriums offer a long list of treatments that help in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. Some of the most popular are:

Mud treatments

It is pelting the body or sick places with mud. This procedure is a Polish specialty. Peat is a type of peat and its ingredients can be absorbed through the skin. The treatment consists in applying ground peloid mixed with water at a temperature of 40-45oC for a cleansed body. Sometimes peloid is applied only to the hands and feet, these are the so-called peloid fashions. They contribute to the relaxation of joint and muscle tension and, as a result, reduce pain, increase muscle flexibility and increase joint mobility.


This method uses the healing properties of low temperatures. There are local cryotherapy (also known as cryodestruction) and general cryotherapy. Local cryotherapy involves applying a very low temperature with a special applicator, which is delivered to the affected area. The freezing and thawing procedure is repeated several times in one cycle. During the general cryotherapy procedure, the patient stays for about three minutes in the chamber with a temperature of -180oC. Treatments are performed daily for approximately three weeks. They reduce pain, inhibit inflammatory processes and contribute to muscle relaxation.

Brine bath

Chloride-sodium waters, in addition to chlorine and sodium, also contain compounds of sulfur, magnesium, calcium, bromine, potassium, as well as hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. They are used, among others in degenerative disease and other chronic rheumatic diseases. They reduce the excitability of the sensory nerves, increase the blood supply to the skin, and improve blood circulation.

Physical therapy

It is the influence of the form of energy on the human body: mechanical, electrical, light. In the treatment of rheumatic diseases, Sollux lamps are often used for irradiation with infrared and visible rays. The energy absorbed by the tissues produces a thermal effect.


It is a therapy that uses electricity that is harmless to the patient. Thanks to it, the discomfort is reduced and the blood supply to the tissues is improved. One of the types of electrotherapy is iontophoresis. by introducing an analgesic or anti-inflammatory agent into the affected areas through the skin.

Laser therapy

In the treatment of rheumatic diseases, biostimulation lasers, i.e. low-energy lasers, are used. They work by causing the vibrations of atoms in the irradiated tissues and cells. The beam of such a laser has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It also stimulates the body to fight the disease.

Classic massage and relaxing massage

They can be classified as treatment adjunctive therapy. It consists in kneading, rubbing and patting the body only with your hands. Massages improve the efficiency of the whole body, and also have a calming, analgesic and sleep-inducing effect.

Water massage

It gives effects similar to classic massage. It consists in pouring a strong stream of water on selected areas of the body. Water has the right chemical composition and temperature.

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