Treatment for snoring with massage or folk remedies? Video

Treatment for snoring with massage or folk remedies? Video

Snoring causes smiles in the household and a headache for the wife of a snoring husband. And some see snoring as a sign of a real man. Be that as it may, snoring is a serious medical condition that must be treated.

Snoring treatment: video recommendations

Snoring, or, medically, ronchopathy, occurs when air, when inhaled, vibrates the soft tissues of the palate and pharynx. This vibration is present to one degree or another in almost everyone, even girls and young children. However, real snoring, which interferes with the restful sleep of pets, occurs with concomitant disorders of the nasopharynx. Doctors identify 4 main causes of snoring: enlarged tonsils, lengthening of the uvula, growth of adenoids and curvature of the nasal septum. These causes can be congenital and acquired. Obesity, alcohol abuse and smoking are also very contributing to snoring.

Snoring is a frequent companion of apnea, short-term breath holding. Apnea often occurs during sleep and can lead to the most dire consequences. Therefore, snoring must be treated in time.

Getting rid of snoring with massage

To get rid of the annoying habit, use a special massage. But not simple, but finger. The technique is as follows: open your mouth, put your index finger behind the uvula and massage the soft palate for a couple of minutes. Repeat the movement slightly in front of the uvula, here you can increase the pressure. Massage for two weeks will strengthen the soft palate and muscles of the uvula. Finger massage is best done in the morning on an empty stomach.

Remember to wash your hands thoroughly and cut your nails before the procedure. It is easier to massage in front of a mirror or ask someone at home

Treatment with traditional medicine

Traditional medicine offers many simple and cheap ways to stop snoring. You can chop a couple of cabbage leaves and mix with a spoonful of honey. Take at bedtime for a month. Also drink at least 2 liters of distilled water a day. After a couple of months, the snoring will go away. This collection also helps: a tablespoon of elderberry, a teaspoon of cinquefoil root and horsetail, 2 tablespoons of burdock. Grind everything into powder and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink a spoonful 5 times a day. A popular remedy is sea buckthorn oil. Bury it in your nose 4 hours before bedtime. A kind of exercise for the larynx has also proven itself well. Repeat the sound “and” 2–3 times a day 20 times, straining your tongue and pulling it to your throat. Pronounce the sound long enough and long enough.

If you do not really trust folk remedies, see your doctor. Snoring can be treated in a variety of ways, including surgery. Specialized lung ventilation, electronic devices based on radio waves and intraoral devices that are worn while sleeping are also used.

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