Of course, it was previously known that stress can negatively affect the state of the female body, but it is in combination with diets and excessive physical exertion that it can cause irreparable damage to the body.
According to University of Atlanta researcher Sarah Berga, stressed women release increased levels of a substance called cortisol, which blocks the brain’s signals to ovulate. In severe cases, this can lead to amenorrhea, a disease in which the body does not ovulate at all. By the way, amenorrhea can appear not only from stress, but, for example, from excessive physical exertion and diets.
Specialists from the University of Science in Israel have developed a new method of helping women. For ten months, ninety-three women aged between twenty-five and forty years old with reproductive problems were subjected to “humotherapy” – every day for ten to fifteen minutes they were laughed at, and almost all patients recovered. Many other specialists from other countries have also decided to use this technique for the treatment of infertility.
It was developed on the basis of the result of a study in which two hundred women took part (average age – thirty-four years). They were divided into two equal groups. Immediately after the procedure for replanting a fertilized egg, hospital clowns were brought to women from the first hundred, who entertained and made them laugh. The second group dispensed with clowns. As a result, thirty-eight women successfully became pregnant in the first, and only twenty in the second.
BioEd Online.