Treating colds in children

We had children to make them happy. Theirs and, of course, themselves. Educational toys, early development groups, beautiful ergonomic clothes, sports, drawing, music, foreign languages, theaters, exhibitions, travel – this is just a small part of the list … A wonderful plan, and it seems that nothing will stop our kids from making them truly happy childhood. Moreover, we modern parents do not want to make senseless sacrifices. We are going to raise happy children and grow ourselves at the same time: intellectually, spiritually, we have also planned career growth!

Children’s colds interfere with our plans. They disrupt performances and birthdays for us. Because of them, we skip classes in English, dancing, modeling, aikido and further down the list with depressing regularity. A long and carefully planned trip turns out to be spoiled by a sudden acute respiratory infection – and this is still lucky that it did not break off, it was not canceled!

We will keep silent about the career. A mom who regularly hangs out on sick leave to care for a child has little to shine. Business trips, conferences, ambitious projects, refresher courses? Alas, all this is not for you, but for your colleagues, who have not yet been burdened with offspring.

Dads certainly have more chances for development. But even the fathers of the family are undermined by children’s colds: coughs, sleepless nights, the general gloomy atmosphere at home, where children often get sick.

Insidious colds manage to overtake our children even in summer! What can we say about autumn and winter … No, we did not agree that way. After all, we have done everything possible to give birth to children healthy. We buy and prepare healthy food for them. We accustom them to sports and physical education. We – not all, but some – are trying to temper them. We buy them vitamin complexes. And at the same time they do not get out of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and flu …

This is because prevention of colds is not on our list of good things to do. Children are not immune to viral diseases by themselves. It is formed under the influence of past diseases. Or as a result of prophylaxis, which can be compared with the training combat training of our body to the attacks of the enemy – viruses. But don’t be scared. Preventive measures will not take much of your time.

So, prevention with the help of the drug Anaferon children is a four-week course, one tablet a day. Every day, the drug will help the child’s body produce small amounts of protective proteins. For a child, prevention is one tablet for resorption, a neutral taste, and for his body – an effective training of immunity. Ridiculously easy and simple. So why haven’t we used this method before?

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