Treating acne on the face with hormonal contraceptives

As shown by studies conducted under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with the support of the Dutch pharmaceutical company NV Organon, complete elimination of acne is observed in 98% of women using contraceptives containing a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone – desogestrel.

In order to achieve the effect, you need to take these drugs for at least 5-6 months (however, usually contraceptives are used for a much longer period).

According to domestic and Dutch experts, modern hormonal contraceptives should be included in the arsenal of not only gynecologists, but also dermatologists. “With the help of these drugs, you can, in fact, kill two birds with one stone – get a good contraceptive effect and help the girl get rid of unpleasant acne on the face, – the researchers commented on the results. “Both, of course, will be useful to a lot of people.”

Recall that we recently wrote about the discovery of British scientists, according to which contraceptives can prevent a woman from choosing an ideal partner. Women find “their” man by smell, and hormonal contraceptives drown out the wonderful female scent of the ideal man. The consequences of this can be very different. For example, a girl will meet a man with very similar genes. The chances of getting pregnant from it will be extremely low. And even if everything works out, the baby will be born frail and sick.

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