Mycosis can appear for various reasons, although it most often affects men and people who sweat quite intensively. It mainly affects people with diabetes and overweight, because the cause of its formation are fungi belonging to the genus of dermatophytes that like the conditions prevailing in warm and moist places on the skin. That is why they so often develop in skin folds, and as we know – people with more fat will have more of these folds. Mycosis appears primarily in the groin, buttocks and inner thighs.
When a fungus attacks, you need to start treatment as soon as possible. However, before we reach for the preparations available in the pharmacy on prescription, you can try home methods of fighting the disease. In some people, they will be quite enough to completely cure the ringworm.
The fight against fungus. Check out the kitchen
It can soothe the fungus baking powder. The soda present in its composition will help. The powder should be mixed with a small amount of water, massage the resulting mush into the feet and rinse after some time. After drying your feet with a towel, it is worth applying an antifungal lotion to your feet. By athlete’s footuse may help vinegar solution: dilute vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio, and then soak your feet in it at least three times a day. Soaking should last about 30 minutes, and after the procedure you need to dry your feet quickly. Vinegar will restore the proper reaction of the skin.
Another method for fungus is tea tree oilwith natural anti-fungal properties. It should be applied directly to the affected areas, preferably with a cotton pad. Apply a cotton pad to the affected area and wait for it to soak in, repeating the procedure twice a day. For sensitive skin, you can dilute the oil with liquid vitamin E, vegetable or coconut oil. Another option is to mix tea tree oil with aloe vera (1/2 tbsp oil with 100ml aloe vera gel). Applying it topically should reduce itching and minimize inflammation. It’s a good idea to use tea tree oil soap as well, or add a few drops to your bath tub.
Another home method is based on the use of salt. Ordinary salt helps to inhibit the reproduction of fungi and accelerates the healing of the skin. How to use salt to cure ringworm? Just add it to your bath. This is one of the easiest and cheapest ways. All you need to do is add two glasses of table salt to a bathtub filled with lukewarm water. You should lie in such a bath for about half an hour, and the treatment should be repeated twice a day (it will bring the effect faster).