Treasure of the Incas – Pau d’Arco. Get to know its properties!
Treasure of the Incas - Pau dArco. Get to know its properties!Treasure of the Incas – Pau d’Arco. Get to know its properties!

They are obtained from the bark of the Tabeusa tree, which is found only in the tropical forests of South America. It grows to a height of up to 40 meters, and its flowers, bark, sawdust and juice are used to make medicines. Scientists are still discovering new properties of this unusual preparation. Studies conducted in the USA have proven that it can even be used to treat many malignant tumors. Pau d’Arco has many advantages – it contains a lot of iron, so it has hematopoietic properties, and also cleanses the blood and organs of excess toxins.

Currently, research into the healing properties of Pau d’Arco is being conducted on a large scale in various parts of the world. However, it is known that the most important uses of this ingredient include the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Stomach ulcers,
  • Neoplasms,
  • Psoriasis and dermatitis,
  • candidiasis, candidiasis, various fungal infections,
  • Upper respiratory tract infections, colds, flu, bacterial and viral diseases,
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, i.e. syphilis, gonorrhea.

How does Pau d’Arco work?

What makes this extraordinary product? Certainly its outstanding properties, among which we can mention:

  1. anti-cancer effect,
  2. Antibacterial action – can counteract herpes, influenza, foot and mouth and polivirus viruses,
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect – it has low toxicity, which is why it is very often used in natural medicine. It improves the body’s immunity during allergies, leukemia, anemia, gastritis, fungal infections, yeast infections, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and liver, injuries and poorly healing wounds, colitis, hemorrhoids, diabetes, skin diseases, etc.

How to use?

Pau d’Arco can be used for many diseases – both externally and internally.

  • Internal use: lowering blood sugar levels, mitigating the effects of chemotherapy, strengthening the immune system, facilitating digestion, combating staphylococcus aureus bacteria, helping with gastritis, colitis, stopping yeast infections with antibiotic therapy.
  • External use: counteracting the herpes virus (because it has an antiviral effect), treatment of acne lesions, skin care (firming, moisturizing, giving a youthful appearance, making it more flexible), accelerating wound healing, alleviating infections and skin ulcers, supporting the treatment of mycosis, psoriasis and candidiasis .

This product attacks the very cause of the disease, but above all, it supports immunity, thanks to which it supports the body in fighting the disease. That is why it is characterized by high efficiency, and its application is, as you can see, very wide. Moreover, it can even be given to children as it is also completely safe. During the treatment Pau d’Arco it is worth following a proper diet, preferably vegetarian, based on products of natural origin.

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