Treacle: recipe for cooking. Video

Treacle: recipe for cooking. Video

Molasses is a sugar syrup that is widely used in the confectionery industry. In the production of gingerbread, it adds the necessary viscosity to the dough, and when baking bread, it adds flavor and special color. Buying molasses is sometimes problematic, since you can find it only in large stores or special pastry shops. It’s easier to learn how to cook it at home.

In its consistency, molasses is similar to honey, but its color will depend on what products it is prepared from. If you use the white sugar we are accustomed to, you get a light product. From brown or black sugar, which is commonly called molasses, dark molasses is formed. You can make sugar syrup from honey or fruit.

Dark and light molasses: recipes

Depending on the amount of product required at the outlet, you can calculate the required ingredients in a ratio of 7: 3. So, you will need: – 7 tbsp. l. Sahara; – 3 tbsp. l. hot water.

Stir these ingredients in a bowl until the sugar is completely dissolved. Place the syrup on the stove and boil it over low heat for 3-5 minutes. You can use the prepared molasses for its intended purpose after it has completely cooled.

Using a similar technology, you can prepare sugar syrup and using honey, you get a dark version of molasses. To do this, in addition to the main product, add brown sugar and water to the bowl. The proportion in this case will be 3: 3: 1 – three servings of honey and sugar per serving of water. Preparation is similar to the previous recipe.

Fruit syrup: national cooking characteristics

In different countries, depending on which fruit is used in the production of molasses, it is called differently. So, in Turkey, pekmez is brewed from grapes, mulberries and carob. In Crimea, grape, apricot and date molasses are called bekmez, if it turns out to be thick, and ekshi, if thinner. Of course, sugar syrup can be made from other fruits and berries, the main thing is that they must be juicy.

It should be borne in mind that fruits are boiled down 10 times: from 10 kg of grapes, 1 liter of pecmez will be obtained

For 1 glass of fruit molasses you will need: – 2 kg of fruits or berries; – 0,5 l of water.

Squeeze juice from well-washed fruits or berries. Put the rest of the pulp into a bag and press down with heavy pressure. This is done in order to squeeze out the remaining juice. Strain the fruit mixture through a sieve, pour into a saucepan and cook over low heat. Stir the juice periodically with a wooden spatula. You need to cook molasses until it darkens and becomes thick.

In addition to its use in cooking and baking, pecmez is also used in ordinary food. Treacle is added to yogurt, porridge, poured over a sandwich. In addition, black grape pecmez increases hemoglobin well. His doctors recommend giving even to eight-month-old babies.

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