Travisto – indications, action, dosage. Travisto for digestive problems

Travisto is a product that supports the proper functioning of the digestive system. It contains herbal extracts that facilitate digestion and prevent unpleasant ailments after eating food. The preparation is available in the form of an over-the-counter medicine, a supplement in tablets and a herbal tea as a food.

What is Travisto?

Travisto is an over-the-counter preparation that supports digestion and relieves symptoms related to the digestive system, e.g. by eliminating gas. The action of the preparation is based on herbal ingredients such as peppermint and fennel. Individual digestive agents from the Travisto line may differ in terms of their composition and contraindications to use. We have the following products to choose from:

  1. tabletki Travisto – herbal dietary supplement;
  2. tabletki Travisto activ – an OTC drug traditionally used for digestive problems;
  3. Travisto fix tea – herbal tea with mint, chamomile and fennel.

Travisto – indications for use

Travisto is a product whose effect on the digestive system is aimed at people who want to:

  1. improve the function of the liver and biliary tract;
  2. support the secretion of digestive juices;
  3. improve the work of the stomach and intestines;
  4. avoid excess gases.

The herbal preparations of Travisto support digestion in the case of long-term use. Taking Travisto tablets or tea is recommended in case of belching, gas, feeling of fullness or heaviness in the stomach.

Find out more: Human digestive system

Travisto – tablets

Travisto tablets are a dietary supplement supporting digestionwhich is intended for adults. The recommended dosage is to take one tablet twice a day – before or after meals. The composition of the preparation includes:

  1. peppermint extract (100 mg in 2 tablets) – has a positive effect on the stomach, supports digestion and the functioning of the digestive tract;
  2. fennel fruit extract (40 mg in 2 tablets) – promotes the elimination of excess gases and the digestion of fats;
  3. artichoke leaf extract (240 mg in 2 tablets) – stimulates bile secretion and has hepatoprotective properties;
  4. an extract from turmeric (200 mg in 2 tablets) – supports the proper functioning of the liver.

In cases of hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation, its use is a contraindication. Warnings for taking Travisto:

  1. do not exceed recommended doses;
  2. consult your doctor before using it during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  3. the supplement should not be a substitute for a healthy and properly balanced diet.

Travisto activ – tabletki

Travisto active to an over-the-counter drug for traditional use to regulate bowel movements, in gastrointestinal complaints, as well as in problems with bile secretion (e.g. after cholecystectomy), which cause flatulence, belching or a feeling of fullness. The tablets are only suitable for adults aged 18 years and over. The composition of Travisto activ includes:

  1. aloe extract (Aloe ferox Miller);
  2. smoke extract herb (Fumariae officinalis L. Herbae);
  3. boldyna;
  4. Purified Water;
  5. sucrose;
  6. and also: talc, potato starch, magnesium stearate.

Unlike the Travisto dietary supplement in the case of the drug Travisto activ there are more contraindications to use. These include allergy to any component of the drug, as well as gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, liver failure, jaundice, biliary obstruction, acute inflammation of the intestines, bile ducts or kidneys, abdominal pain of unknown origin, menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, dehydration electrolyte deficiencies. Travisto activ should not be given to children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Recommended dosage of Travisto activ:

  1. digestive disorders – from 1 to 2 tablets up to four times a day before meals; the maximum daily dose is 8 tablets;
  2. occasional constipation – take 3 to 5 tablets of the preparation at bedtime; in this scheme, use two or three times a week.

Travisto activ should not be used for more than 7-10 days or exceed the recommended doses.

Caution should be exercised when using Travisto activ in parallel with other drugs. Do not use the product with warfarin, licorice root, diuretics and adrenocorticosteroids, as well as other agents causing hypokalemia. If in doubt, consult a physician. In case of adverse reactions (e.g. allergic reaction, haematuria, proteinuria, gastrointestinal pain, colon melanosis, electrolyte disturbances), consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Travisto fix – herbal tea

Travisto fix herbal tea is a food containing mint herb, fennel fruit and a chamomile basket. Regular consumption of tea has a positive effect on fat metabolism, the stomach and the removal of excess gases. It is recommended that drinking Travisto fix four times a day – one serving is 1 bag of the product, which should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, and then set aside for 5 minutes to infuse.

You should not reach for Travisto fix tea if you are allergic to any of the ingredients of the product. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before using the product.

Read also:

  1. What to do when the intestines are sick? Find out where digestive problems are coming from
  2. Digestive enzymes of the digestive system – what is their role?
  3. Laxatives – to take or not?

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.

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