Travel cheap easily and efficiently
Let us use the internet to search and compare, but we do not hesitate to resort to direct communication with the bidder to get a better economic offer.
Since the last century The Internet has taken over the world of travel and tourism, and although only 20 years have passed, the way to plan, decide and buy a tourist package has nothing to do with what our parents did to complete a vacation week.
Now it seems that if you do not travel cheap, you are not “cool” or you are not “up to date”, but really this statement is much more than fashion or trend, and internet portals such as El Viajero Fisgón prove it to us with exclusive content
Operators fill the online market with offers and customers break them down until they get what really meets their demands. We are facing the individualization of the offer, the generality is no longer attractive for the traveler.
In the following lines we will try to give some small guidelines to be an authentic explorer of the network in search of those you really want, travel and if it can be as cheap as possible.
Tips to save on tourism
There are many forums where we find real tricks to make a trip very cheap, even free.
The planning of what we want to do and the final decision that we buy as a result of all these tricks, gives us something completely different from what was initially planned, that if more economical in price, but with certain doubts of what we are going to find.
- If what we really want is travel for the right price To what we demand we must use the internet as a search and comparison tool in the purest style of the dean in the field of Trip Advisor, with the innumerable recommendations of travelers that in many cases may be of doubtful origin, but in most cases they give us a lot of light on matter.
- Beam the deletion of “cookies” in the browser a habit. This task will not only serve you to carefully refresh the offer you are pursuing, but it will also help you control what you want to get to you on the front page of the advertisers who use this tracking service.
- Choose and buy when you think it is really chosen, do not tighten the rope by delaying the decision so that you get a better offer. The art of haggling still works perfectly in the markets, but on the Internet, the algorithms are not always as we want them to be, and from a clear decline today, we cannot hope that tomorrow will be bigger, maybe it will even rise again. . Availability is a key factor, and not unlimited for portals with flight and travel deals on the internet.
- As a whole, it values the whole touristic offer, from travel, accommodation and food, giving each of these factors its true importance. When we do gastronomic tourismIn general, we provide a higher percentage of the culinary offer that is presented to us, leaving the accommodation factor in the background, without neglecting it of course, but choosing a simple, inexpensive offer without “accessories”.
In short, more than a great offer, we must manage the network with intelligence and rely on it as a technology to achieve the best that suits our demands and above all not forget common sense, nothing good can come out for free, although cheap.