Transsexualism is a concept that evokes a lot of emotions and extreme opinions. Confused with transvestism, ridiculed and misunderstood, it affects many people around the world. While crossdressing is about conforming to the opposite sex through dress and characterization in order to achieve emotional or sexual satisfaction without the desire to permanently change gender, transsexualism is a disorder of gender identification with psychological gender.
Transsexualism – Definition
A transsexual person he feels like a man in a woman’s body, or a woman in a man’s body, and from a young age he may display behaviors, choices and the manner of dress culturally attributed to the opposite sex. Puberty is associated with an eruption of hormones, the emergence of sexual characteristics, and a misunderstanding of the family and peers. Often transsexual people they are the subject of jokes, they can attempt suicide, or mutilate themselves. They suffer mentally when they try to forcibly adjust to the norms of behavior expected from them due to their biological sex.
Transsexualism it is not sexual deviation or a disease. In many countries, however, it is classified as a mental disorder. It is not known medical reason for the occurrence of transsexualism, probably the discrepancy in sexual and psychological characteristics occurs in utero and is congenital, but not hereditary. Themselves transsexual people they feel healthy, and just born in the wrong body. Attempts treatment of transsexualism are pointless – gender identity disorder is irreversible and permanent.
Transsexualism – hormone therapy
Sex reassignment process can be started after reaching the age of majority. A series of actions necessary for biological sex changes It begins with thorough examinations, including psychological ones, aimed at excluding hormonal and health disorders. Then it starts hormone therapy consisting in taking hormones of the opposite sex in order to develop the characteristics corresponding to it. AT transsexuality M / F – biologically a man, mentally a woman – under the influence of hormones, breasts enlarge, the silhouette takes on a feminine shape, the voice changes. In a transsexual F / M – biologically a woman, mentally a man – it consists in taking male hormones and developing male sexual characteristics thanks to them – the development of the figure, voice changes, the appearance of facial hair and hair on the body. The degree of advancement of changes is determined individually and the effects hormone therapy may bring about different results depending on the degree of therapy chosen – sometimes several approaches to successive combinations of hormonal drugs may be necessary. After a few months hormone therapy steps can be taken to obtain new documents and to have sex reassignment operations. Changing the sex is associated with the need to change the administrative data – to change the record sex, a court hearing is necessary, at which the incorrect assignment of a given person’s sex is confirmed. After changing the data and sex of the record, it is possible operational sex reassignment.
Transsexualism – sex reassignment surgery
Sex reassignment surgery it is related to the education through surgical intervention of the genital organs appropriate to the gender with which the transsexual person identifies. Sex reassignment surgery is a very costly and invasive procedure. The cost of sex reassignment surgery it is about 50 thousand zlotys. The procedure is not reimbursed by the state. Due to the cost and possible complications, many transsexuals never choose to undergo surgical gender reassignment, despite undertaking hormone therapy, sex reassignment and administrative data. This procedure is a bit easier in Thailand – local clinics specialize in this type of procedure, which means that many transsexual people decide to give up in Thailand. operative sex reassignment.
Surgical gender reassignment from male to female it consists in surgical removal of the testicles and vas deferens and shaping the labia and clitoris from part of the tissues of the penis and scrotum. Performing the procedure enables sexual satisfaction to be achieved through clitoral orgasm, thanks to the creation of the clitoris from the head of the penis and the preservation of the nerve leading to the glans. Female gender correction on male it is more complicated. A mastectomy is performed, i.e. the removal of the breast, as well as the removal of the fallopian tubes, uterus and finally the formation of the penis from the tissues of the labia and clitoris. The artificially created penis is filled with a silicone prosthesis.
Sex reassignment surgery allows transsexuals to identify their body with their psychological gender and start a whole new life in their dream body.
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