Transsexual. What does sex reassignment surgery look like?

The word transsexualism comes from the Latin words “transire” – “to pass” and “sexualis”, that is, “sexual”. For years, extreme emotions have been growing around him, sometimes referred to as a phenomenon, disease, disorder, or even deviation. We define it when a person feels a different gender identity, inconsistent with his morphological gender. Many causes have been searched for by examining possible genetic, hormonal, neurological or external causes. So far, however, no unequivocal answer has been given to the question of what lies at the root of this internal identity conflict. And the phenomenon of transsexualism is not so rare and it ceases to be a taboo subject. Statistically, it is more common in the genetic male sex (1 person in 30), and less often with the biological female (1 person in 100).

Transsexualism – a constant internal conflict

The constant conflict between the psychological gender that a given person feels and the gender entered in the birth certificate affects all areas of life. A transsexual person she is burdened with enormous mental discomfort, she often feels trapped in her own biological body, which prevents her from expressing herself. He tries to manifest his felt gender identity through a number of behaviors characteristic of the opposite sex, the way of dressing, grooming, spending free time. He often uses a grammatical form that is in line with his perceived gender and a changed name. He also feels sexual attraction to the opposite sex to his psychological gender – and here he also faces a number of related problems, often mistakenly considered a homosexual person. Accordingly, a number of transsexual people, having such capabilities, decides to sex reassignment surgery.

What does a sex change operation for a transsexual person look like?

The only one available treatmentbut very costly and difficult, it is sex reassignment surgery. For the first time in history, such an operation was performed in 1912 in Prague, and in Poland for the first time in 1963. Surgery is the end of a long road to sex change …

A person deciding on sex reassignment surgery has to go through the offices of a number of specialists. She is under the constant supervision of a sexologist, who in this case is the attending physician and a psychologist. He has to go through very detailed psychological tests not only to confirm the psychological one gender identity, but also to rule out a number of psychiatric disorders that may cause such a symptom, after which, after treatment, it turns out that the person no longer wants to change sex. Such a false self-image may arise in the patient, e.g. as a result of schizophrenia or as a result of brain damage. The psychologist issues certificates for the sexologist and for the court – it is also necessary to conduct the case formally.

The next step is hormone therapy. The mere intake of hormones leads to a number of physical changes in the body people transsexual, too transsexual person begins to look like her own gender. However, taking hormones can be fraught with a lot side effects. May cause depression, liver problems.

The final step is sex reassignment surgery. Male to female sex reassignment surgery is much easier – it is possible to create a vagina from male reproductive organs. With a well-performed procedure, it is not even visible that the person was originally of a different sex. In contrast, the creation of male reproductive organs is much more difficult, although various techniques are constantly evolving to improve the process. Formation of the scrotum and penis is complicated, and silicone inserts are usually inserted into the penis. For this reason, and also for financial reasons, not all of them transsexuals decide to undergo genital correction surgery.

In order to settle the issue of sex reassignment also formally, an action must be brought in court in proceedings for the determination of gender, in which the defendants are the parents transsexual person – it is a formal requirement and it does not matter whether they support their child in such a decision or not. When it is not possible to sue the parents, a guardian is appointed in their place, and if person transsexual has a spouse or children, they too must be sued. After obtaining a favorable judgment, its content is sent by the court to the Registry Office, where an annotation is added in the birth certificate. New documents are also issued and a new PESEL number is assigned. A claim can be made in court after the diagnosis has been made and hormone therapy has started.

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